Hosta plantaginea

Hosta plantaginea (Lam.) Asch., Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 21: 53 1863. (Syn: Funkia alba (Andrews) Sweet; Funkia cordata Siebold ex Steud.; Funkia grandiflora Siebold & Zucc.; Funkia japonica (Thunb.) Druce; Funkia japonica var. subcordata (Spreng.) Lilja; Funkia legendrei H.Lév.; Funkia subcordata Spreng.; Hemerocallis alba Andrews; Hemerocallis cordata Cav. [Illegitimate]; Hemerocallis japonica Thunb.; Hemerocallis plantaginea Lam.; Hosta japonica Tratt.; Hosta plantaginea f. aphrodite F.Maek.; Hosta plantaginea f. grandiflora (Siebold & Zucc.) Asch. & Graebn.; Hosta plantaginea var. japonica Kikuchi & F.Maek.; Hosta plantaginea f. stenantha F.Maek.; Hosta sieboldiana var. bracteata Miq.; Niobe cordifolia Salisb.; Niobe plantaginea (Lam.) Nash; Saussurea japonica (Thunb.) Kuntze; Saussurea plantaginea (Lam.) Kuntze);

by Aarti S Khale (Id by Gurcharan Singh), Alok Mahendroo (Id by Nalini & Gurcharan Singh) Gurcharan Singh & Geeta Rane (Id by Pudji Widodo) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details,
click on the links) 




Perennial herb with basal leaves ovate-cordate, up to 30 cm long, each side with 7-9 nerves, light-green slightly glossy; flowers fragrant, white, funnel-shaped, to 10 cm long, in condensed raceme, opening in the evening, flowering August-October in temperate climate.
Commonly planted in shady areas in gardens



Another garden plant from Dalhousie al210711 A very fragrant flower from a friends garden..
Location Dalhousie, HP
Altitude 2100 mts
Habit herb
Habitat Garden

Hosta sieboldiana

Hosta plantaginea?
Hosta for sure
Wait for more comments from experts

Perhaps you may be right. Perhaps these fact to help further
H. plantaginea flowers in August-October (hence known as August lily), whereas H. sieboldiana flowers in May-June
H. plantaginea is highly fragrant, whereas other species are not so
H. sieboldiana has leaves with glossy waxy coating that gives bluish tinge , not in H. plantaginea
H. plantaginea flowers open in the evening and close by the morning,
others open during the day.
Perhaps other members can give more differences.

Hosta is a popular bedding plant in thewe NE states, since it come back year after year every spring and tolerate and even thrives under heavy blanket of snow, ice and icy rain…
hundred would bloom below my balcony…  but had no smell….
so am pleasantly surprised to know of at least  one Hosta that has fragrant flowers…
will it do well in the tropical CALCUTTA ??? does any one know???/

Plenty in Kashmir

This one is flowering Now since last three weeks, and is highly fragrant.. (like Jasmine) and the buds seem to be opening fully during nights..



Garden Flower for ID : 131011 : AK-2: A garden plant taken on the 8th of Sept,11 at Pahalgam with White flowers
similar to Lily.



Hosta plantaginea from Herbal Garden, Kashmir: Hosta plantaginea (Lam.) Asch., Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 21: 53 1863.

syn: Hemerocallis plantaginea Lam.; Funkia alba (Andrews) Sweet; Funkia cordata Siebold ex Steud.
Common names: August lily; fragrant plantain lily
Perennial herb with basal leaves ovate-cordate, up to 30 cm long, each side with 7-9 nerves, light-green slightly glossy; flowers fragrant, white, funnel-shaped, to 10 cm long, in condensed raceme, opening in the evening, flowering August-October in temperate climate.
Commonly planted in shady areas in gardens. Photographed from Herbal Garden, Kashmir in August, 2011



December 2013:: NS 31:: Ornamental for id from Chakrata : Attachments (3).  3 posts by 2 authors.
This ornamental herb was shot from a Hotel premises in Chakrata… please help to conclude the id..

I hope Hosta plantaginea

Thank you very much Sir, this is quite convincing…



Fwd: for ID: Potted Plant Location: Mumbai, flowering, May 2015 GMR : 9 posts by 5 authors.

Sending few pix, of flowering potted Plant
Name of sender: …
Photo taken: 25.5.2015
Current status: as on 23/7/2015: Got Destroyed by infection, during Monsoon-July,2015
Additional info. The plant was brought from, Goa, India
Please forgive for big size foto, unable to resize, since it is taken from MB, not sure abt quality if resized. please forgive.

Is it Hosta ventricosa stearn?

I think this is Hosta plantaginea

yes hosta

With special Thanks to …, For your  quick response & … too with notifying on posting of pix.

Yes, I learnt now that it is Known as AUGUST LILYFragrant Plantain Lily, origin: China

For details. I checked  Google Search or visited: <> Or Page no. 4, 5th Row at <> <


As requested sharing the clear Pictures. sorry for the delay

Note: This is potted plant & is kept at roadside due to building under repair, so no permissions are taken to take photo. the picture is taken from Mobile. FYI plz
Attachments (3)



I’d confirmation! 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).
I’d please! My guess is Hosta sieboldiana of Liliaceae

To me it is Hosta plantaginea

efi page on Hosta plantaginea 

I think matches with images of Hosta plantaginea 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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