Ceropegia zebrina subsp. zebrina (Cultivated)

Huernia zebrina N.E.Br., Fl. Cap. (Harvey) 4(1,6): 921. 1909. (syn: Huernia blackbeardiae R.A.Dyer ex H.Jacobsen; Huernia zebrina subsp. magniflora (Phillips) L.C.Leach; Huernia zebrina var. magniflora Phill.);
South Africa (Limpopo, Mpulamanga, KwaZulu-Natal), Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, Botswana as per Catalogue of Life;

need ID for cactus please: 12 posts by 8 authors. Attachments (2)
l see attached pic. Can anyone help me identify it? I have named it ” Doughnut” cactus!

I believe this plant is Orbea verrucosa from the family Asclepiadaceae
more about the genus from the link below.

This is not a cactus but some species of Stepalia of Apocynaceae
earlier Asclepiadaceae.

Apologies for the spelling, it should be Stapelia sp..

seems to belong to the milkweed family – maybe a huernia confusa

I think this is a hoya sp. flower

The plant is Huernia zebrina N.E.Br. As stated it belongs to the family Apocynaceae (or formerly to Asclepidaceae) and therefore is not a true cactus, should be called succulent instead. It is by family related to the genus Hoya. This species grows in eastern South Africa in mostly stony areas, preferrably calcrete or hard loam.
ID from the book “Stapeliads of Southern Africa and Madagascar” vol 1 by Peter V. Bruyns. A great book if you are interested in succulent “Asclepiads”.

Huernia zebrina N.E.Br. Fl. Cap. (Harvey) 4(1,6): 921. 1909.
Image of Lectotype attached.
K. Saunders s.n., South Africa (K). Attachments (1)

Huernia zebrina

I liked the name ‘doughnut’ cactus!!! its very apt. You may like to call this as ‘doughnut’ flower instead cactus. America (where doughnut is part of the local food culture) may like to announce it as its national flower!!! http://m-in-e.tumblr.national-doughnut-da…

Thank you all for your replies….. Yes it does look so much like a doughnut!

Huernia zebrina in cultivation : 1 image.
Huernia zebrina, a succulent asclepiad in cultivation. The flower is about 5 cm.

Huernia insigniflora C.A. Maass, Möller’s Deutsche Gärtn.-Zeitung 43: 79 1928.
A succulent often sold under the name H. zebrina var. insigniflora. Succulent herb with 4-5 angled stems with tubercled angles; flowers 1 to 3, basal, about 4 cm across, flowers rotate with dark red shinning annulus and yellow corona flecked with purple.
Photographed from Plantae Paradise, Datyar village near Parwanu.

One more from Churdhar trip

Corrected now.

Thanks …, you are right.

Id of cactus Flower – ID28032020SH1 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)- around 900 kb each.
Id of this beautiful cactus flower pl.
Location – Mumbai (Home Garden)
Date – March 2020

Seems to be Stapelia

Huernia zebrina N.E.Br. ??

Google images of both Stapelia zebrina and Huernia zebrina look very similar. It’s a succulent

Thanks, … for the id.
To me also it appears to be Huernia zebrina as per images and details herein.

I could not find the name Stapelia zebrina, listed in either The Plant List or Catalogue of Life



Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  IPNI  Dave’s Garden Cactus-art 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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