Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. t. 376 1839. (Syn: Elodea verticillata (L.f.) F.Muell.; Epigynanthus blumei Hassk. [Invalid]; Hydora lithuanica (Rchb.) Besser; Hydrilla angustifolia Hassk.; Hydrilla dentata Casp.; Hydrilla dentata var. pomeranica (Rchb.) Casp.; Hydrilla lithuanica (Rchb.) Dandy; Hydrilla najadifolia Zoll. & Moritzi; Hydrilla ovalifolia Rich. [Illegitimate]; Hydrilla polysperma Blatt.; Hydrilla roxburghii Steud.; Hydrilla subulata Royle; Hydrilla verticillata var. brevifolia Casp. …..; Hydrilla wightii Planch.; Hydrospondylus submersus Hassk.; Ixia aquatica Muhl. ex Spreng. [Invalid]; Serpicula verticillata L.f.; Udora lithuanica Rchb.; Udora lithuanica Andrz. ex Besser; Udora occidentalis W.D.J.Koch; Udora pomeranica Rchb.; Udora verticillata (L.f.) Spreng.; Vallisneria verticillata (L.f.) Roxb.); . Esthwaite Waterweed or Hydrilla, Florida elodea, Indian stargrass, water thyme, water weed; . Flora of Panipat District- Hydrilla verticillata – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5) Hydrilla verticillata Yes …, common plant for Physiology experiments. In our childhood days we used to keep this plant in the fish tank. Good specimen to study the hydrophytic group of plants, along with the Typha species… Hydrilla is a noxious water weed here in much of the US. I don’t know its status in India, but I suspect it could be very problematic there as well. http://www.protectyourwaters.plants_hydrilla.php Hydrilla here grows only during the months of July August and September. After this water dries up and wheat is sown so till now no great problem It is really problematic in Dal Lake of Kashmir, where the Government spends huge amounts every year for de-weeding of the lake For Id Aquatic plant- 250609Jm – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) In Lotus Pond, Hyderabad, AP on 9/5/09. It looks like the dreaded Hydrilla that chokes our lakes here. The cure is to release Tilapia into the water to eat it. It is Ceratophyllum submersium. Hydrilla Species IT is tough to identify from this photo but i think it may be species of Hydrilla from Hydrocarytaceae family I found a few links for Ceratophyllum submersum: http://commons.wikimedia.Ceratophyllum_submersum & http://www.biopix.com/Ceratophyllum%20submersum (a few pix). However, at first glance these appear to be a bit different to a layman like me (though I may be wrong). It certainly appears close to Hydrilla verticillata as per links: http://www.ncwater.org/Aquatic_Weed_Control/weeds.php & http://www.apms.org/plants/hydrilla.htm It is Hydrilla species. Ceratophyllum should have one or twice forked leaves, and much slender leaf segments . ID of the waterweed Photographed in Kanha: I photographed this In Kanha National Park Last Week. A swamp Deer is eating this waterweed in a pool. May I request for help in ID of this waterweed. http://www.flickr.com/satyendraphotography/5427150306/ – Yes it looks like Hydrilla verticillata Hydrilla verticillata from Delhi: Hydrilla verticillata (L. f.) Royle, Bot. Himal. t. 376. 1839 syn: Hydrilla ovalifolia Rich., Hydrilla polysperma Blatter, Serpicula verticillata Linn. f., Vallisneria verticillata Roxb. Profusely branched submerged freshwater herb, often with fibrous roots at some nodes; leaves oblong-linear to lanceolate, 10-40 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, green, margin serrate-dentate; flowers unisexual , pedicellate, emerging from sessile spathe; sepals 3, green, reflexed; petals linear-spathulate, equalling the sepals, white, patent or reflexed, obtuse. I have never seen this plant flowering or may be I missed it Correct Nepali Name : पानी उन्यु Paanee Unyu 25-12-2018 Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle Hydrocharitaceae Tansa WLS Confirmation will be appreciated. May be as per images at Fwd: [efloraofindia:238986] For Id VD1 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) pls identify this plant Do you have better photos ? if so, pl. post. How about Hydrilla verticillata? Image quality is not so good for ID. . References: |
Hydrilla verticillata
Updated on December 24, 2024