Hygrocybe cantharellus ?

Hygrocybe cantharellus (Fr.) Murrill, 1911 (syn: Agaricus cantharellus Schwein., 1822; Camarophyllus cantharellus (Fr.) Murrill, 1916; Craterellus cantharellus (Fr.) Sacc., 1888; Craterellus cantharellus var. cantharellus (Fr.) Fr., 1838; Hygrocybe cantharellus f. cantharellus (Fr.) Murrill, 1911; Hygrocybe cantharellus f. sphagnicola (Hongo) Hongo, 1982; Hygrocybe lepida Arnolds, 1986; Hygrophorus cantharellus Fr., 1838; Hygrophorus cantharellus f. cantharellus Fr., 1838; Hygrophorus cantharellus var. cantharellus Fr., 1838; Hygrophorus cantharellus var. flava Peck, 1890; Hygrophorus cantharellus var. flaviceps Peck, 1890; Hygrophorus cantharellus var. flavipes Peck, 1890; Hygrophorus cantharellus var. roseus Peck, 1872; Hygrophorus cantharellus f. sphagnicola Hongo, 1958; Hygrophorus turundus var. lepidus Boud., 1897; Pseudohygrocybe cantharella (Fr.) Kovalenko, 1988; Trombetta cantharella (Fr.) Kuntze, 1891) ?;        



SK1789 15 Feb 2019 – Mycophyta : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7) – around 500 kb each.

Location: Chobhar, Nepal
Date: 9 August 2018
Altitude: 1330 m.

Habit : Wild

1…, 1789 and … are Hygrocybe spp.

If you need correct identity of the species, as I said earlier, herbarium specimens along with all relevant morphological data are highly essential. 

Hygrocybe cantharellus (Schw.) Murill      

This species level diagnosis is based on what botanical scientific authority: or which expert named this mushroom? do we have  a reference or quote from that person or a paper?




SK 2137 21 August 2019 – Mycophyta : 9 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) – around 1 mb each.

Location: Sundarijal, Kathmandu
Date: 30 July  2019
Elevation: 1593 m.

Habit : Wild 

You already posted a similar plant.
Pl. check comparative images at Order Agaricales 

Hygrocybe cantharellus (Schw.) Murill   ??

Yes, appears to be Hygrocybe species as per comparative images herein.
Pl. also check with Hygrocybe rhodophylla
What are the species reported in your book ?
Can you send the names instead of an image, so that I can keep these as reference at genus page for future ?
You will need not have to send them every time again.

It is not listed in the Book !

What are the species listed? 

Attachments (1)

Listing here for future reference on genus page:
Hygrocybe cantharellus
Hygrocybe ceraceae
Hygrocybe coccinea
Hygrocybe conica
Hygrocybe conica var. pseudoconica
Hygrocybe cuspidata
Hygrocybe langei
Hygrocybe miniata
Hygrocybe nigrescens
Hygrocybe pisttacina
Hygrocybe pseudoconica
Hygrocybe strangulate



SK 2705 29 July 2020 – Mycophyta : 7 posts by 3 authors. 3 images- 5 to 7 mb each.

Location:  Pharping
Date: 28 June 2020
Elevation : 1695m.
Habitat: Wild


Hygrocybe cantharellus (Schw.) Murill   ?? 

Appears similar to images at Hygrocybe cantharellus (Fr.) Murrill ? as per comparative images at Hygrocybe

Updated on December 24, 2024

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