Hymenocallis caribaea (Introduced)

Hymenocallis caribaea (L.) Herb., Appendix 44 1821. (syn: Hymenocallis amoena Herb.; Hymenocallis amoena var. princeps Herb.; Hymenocallis angusta (Ker Gawl.) Herb.; Hymenocallis caribaea f. angustifolia Voss; Hymenocallis caribaea var. cinerascens Herb.; Hymenocallis caribaea var. patens (Redouté) Herb.; Hymenocallis cinerascens M.Roem.; Hymenocallis formosa M.Roem.; Hymenocallis obtusata (Griseb.) Pulle; Hymenocallis obtusata Griseb. ex Walp.; Hymenocallis patens (Redouté) Herb.; Hymenocallis sessilis Salisb.; Hymenocallis sloanei M.Roem.; Hymenocallis speciosa var. fragrans Herb.; Nemepiodon caribeum (L.) Raf.; Pancratium amoenum Salisb.; Pancratium angustum Ker Gawl.; Pancratium caribaeum L.; Pancratium declinatum Jacq.; Pancratium excisum L.f. ex Kunth; Pancratium fragrans Willd.; Pancratium obtusatum Griseb.; Pancratium patens Redouté; Pancratium recurvum Stokes; Troxistemon fragrans Raf.);
Native to: Cuba, Jamaica, Leeward Is., Venezuelan Antilles, Windward Is.; Introduced into: Bermuda, French Guiana, Guyana, New South Wales, Sri Lanka, Suriname as per POWO;

Hymenocallis caribaea ‘Variegata’

Plant for ID: Bangalore: 6th June 2021: 3 images.

Please help ID this plant that’s growing in our apartment in Bangalore.
No flowers yet.
Leaves are thick and smooth.
Height: 1-1.5 ft

Possibly, some horticultural variant of Chlorophytum laxum.

(I am not an expert).

Possibly variegated Spider Lily Plant: Hymenocallis caribaea ‘Variegata’ ???. Need to wait till it flowers to confirm.

Plant for ID: Bangalore: 6th June 2021 : It is not yet 6th June ????

Thank you …. Looks like it is Variegated Spider lily, Hymenocallis caribaea ‘Variegata’. Leaves look similar. The other spider lily plants are flowering in abundance. If this one flowers, we could be sure. Will keep you posted.

…, it’s unlikely to be Chlorophytum laxum, since there are other Chlorophytum plants around which are all in bloom. They are also producing spiderettes. The leaves of this plant are much thicker than Chlorophytum.

Plant for ID: Bangalore: 6th June 2021 : It is not yet  6th June ????” – Sorry, my bad. What can I say? I’m a bit ahead of the times:)

Thanks to you all.

Yes, it may be as suggested by … as per Pacific Bulb Society, which says:

Hymenocallis sp. was originally on the mystery bulb page. Brad M wrote: “this variegated Hymenocallis has been grown in Australia for many years. It’s rather tropical in its growth, and stunts in cold weather. I cannot decide if it’s Lilium caribaea or Lilium littoralis. Do you know which one is more likely here?” Discussion centered around the lack of good information about the genus. One source from Australia thought it could be Lilium littoralis. Photos on the internet that may or may not be correctly identified show variegated leaves in both of those species.”

Thank you, … Would you know if it blooms regularly? The other Hymenocallis plants with green leaves are blooming vigorously. But, I am yet to see a flower in these variegated ones.

I have seen this plant flowering during May in Mysore. Last month also it flowered in my friend’s place. Hope it will flower in your place (Bangalore ?) during the next season.

I will keep you all posted in this thread, as soon as it blooms.


The plant flowered. Confirming the ID,  Hymenocallis caribaea ‘Variegata’. Thank you all for your input.



References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  IPNI  Pacific Bulb Society

Updated on December 23, 2024

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