Impatiens arunensis

Impatiens arunensis Grey-Wilson, Kew Bull. 44: 65 (1989) as per efi thread;

Impatiens arunensis Grey-Wilson: 9 very high res. images.

Location: Rara, Nepal
Altitude:  2957m.
Date: 20 August 2021 
Habit : Wild 

Wow!!! Anybody validated?

1 book image

Yes, … Appears close as per book images attached by you.

POWO gives it as a syn. of Impatiens bicornuta Wall.
Pl. see Impatiens bicornuta Wall.:
How is it different?

Actually, expertshave merged arunensis and pradhanii to bicornuta, and 
discolor to kathmanduensis but our expert Mr. Gogoi has already published book
separating all these species as individual sp.. Accordingly, POWO has already 
separated discolor and kathmanduensis in their site. I hope they shall be separating 

The Postal Service Department, Govt. of Nepal recently published a postage stamp commemorating

the plant sp. Impatiens arunensis Grey-Wilson !
1 image.


Kailash-Mansarovar Yatra::Balsam Sp for ID NSJ-OCT 16/25 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Balsam Sp for ID. Located on the way to Gala from Sirkha (Uttarakhand) along Nepal border. Altitude around 8000 feet.

This is something from Impatiens bicornuta group. I. kaliensis described as deep pink or lilac flowered was reported from nowadays Uttarakhand, but without measurements it is difficult to tell.

Yes, for me !




efi thread  POWO (Impatiens bicornuta Wall.) Catalogue of Life (Impatiens bicornuta Wall.) WFO

Updated on December 23, 2024

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