Wild flower from Kukke| IDReq 19Nov10AR01: Wild flower from Kukke| IDReq 19Nov10AR01 Kumara Parvata forest path, Kukke, Western ghats 09 Nov 2010 flower size: 1 – 2cms, plant height- 15cms approx Leaf size -1-2cms, shape-almost round, margin-entire Impatiens for ID_RKC02_060611: ID plz. Loc.: On way to Churdhar, Himachal Pradesh (ca 1500m) Date: August, 2010. Impatiens sulcata ? Plant for ID180911AMS03: found in kashmir, growing wild, Place-Ganderbal{Srinagar} J&K Altitude-1730mtrs Growing as weed Average temp-23degree its Balsamaceae member for sure …. flower with spur Calyx. Balsam from Dalhousie (28/07/2012-NSJ-02): Balsam from Dalhousie. Further details needed. ID Please Balsaminaceae species: Please identify this Balsaminaceae species. If the Leaves all opposite and petiole 2 cm long than it is Impatiens tripetala DC. and if Leaves spirally arranged than it could be Impatiens pulchra Hook.f.. Now, please check these characters and conclude. KG :: 14 August 2012 – 0003:: Request for ID from Jeypur RF, Assam: Please identify this Impatiens species Its look like some Impatiens species KG :: 18 August 2012 – 0006:: Request for ID from Jeypur RF, Assam: Please identify this Impatiens species from Jeypur RF, Assam. Growing as terrestrial or lithophyte near a water body in shady place, plants 15-30cm high, flowering- November- December. From this one picture sure identification is rather impossible. Besides, this flower looks like not fully open… Do you have side picture of flowers? And some leaves and stem? VoF Week :: DV :: 02 AUG 12 – 0853 :: Impatiens ¿ devendrae ? at Valley of Flowers: 2 AUG 12 Valley of Flowers … about 11000 – 12000 ft Habitat: sloping meadow Habit: erect herb about 70 – 80 cm high, flower about 2.5 – 3 cm long, about 1.5 – 2 cm across ? Impatiens edgeworthii Not Impatiens devendrae in which the spur is very different. Not also I. edgeworthii in which upper part of corolla is yellow and capsules somewhat erect not pendent. Not yet sure about ID VoF Week : Flower for ID – MN020912 – Impatiens sp.: Sending photo of Impatiens sp. Kindly identify Impatience: Sending the photo of Impatience balsamina growing in our balcony. Place : Dombivli, Maharashtra Time : 4.00 p.m. Date : 29.8.10 … not balsamina … could be cultivar of Impatiens pulcherrima. In Malayalam –Kashithumba excellent images….great photography Thanks … for the compliments. Yes, it is commonly called Balsam. In Marathi it is known as Therda. We use the flowers for puja. It has got nice fragrance also. Oh yes … we also use these flowers for pujas. The petals of this flower are mixed with other petals (like Marigold) and sometimes spread on the thaalis. I suppose I. balsamina – I. pulcherrima has broader leaves, at least on photo in Flowers of India webpage Impatiens sp – 4 for id from Way to Ghangriya Shot near Govindghat For ID 161012 NS1: The location details are here: Location – Uttarkashi district (Uttarakhand) Habitat – Forest – mostly Bhoj (Birch?) trees Altitude – approx 11,000ft asl I hope impatiens glandulifera I’ve never seen I. glandulifera with such markings and yellow inside of lower sepal
VoF Week: 19082012 BS 1 Impatiens sp from Valley for id: Impatiens sp from Valley for id Flowers were small pls id Any idea about the flower size (length from tip of spur to petal tip) It looks like Impatiens leggei Impatiens leggei has much bigger flowers Again, I checked all possibilities and found nothing similar. As I have only limited access to floristic literature of the region I am unable to recognize this species. With such difficult genera as Impatiens, we need help of professional botanists, working on the spot (in this case Dr. Pusalkar). We need also more complete photographic material, it means at least two photographs of flower (face and side view) plus picture of leaves. I will try to see my folder for more pics.. Impetiance for ID: Sending the photo of Impatience for identification. Place : Chirang RF, Assam (in wet streamways) Date : 30-10-2010 Perhaps it is Impatiens balfourii? I. balfourii comes from western Himalayas, leaves are different, as well as spur. Whole flower of your plant is more similar to I. psittacina, reported from Manipur (but not exactly the same). Kas week: Symbiosis: You can name it as Impatiens honeybeea 🙂 Isn’t it Impatiens glandulifera ? Impatiens glandulifera grows in Western Himalayas, whereas photo comes from Kaas plataeu. efloraofindia:”For Id 29092011MR13’’ ?Impatiens Pune: Request for validation Date/Time-Sep 2011 Location-Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Garden Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb Height/Length-about 1/2 foot Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-green Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- pink red and violet Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds-not seen This could be any of many cultivars of Impatiens walleriana Hook.f. (syn. Impatiens sultani Hook.f.) commonly known as busy lizzy, garden balsam, Japanese balsam or sultan’s balsam. Ref: Flowers of India, Wikipedia. The posted plant closely resembles Impatiens pulcherrima Dalz., endemic to Western Ghats of India. Calling … and friends to please validate. Impateins sp.: Id Please |
Impatiens species
Updated on December 24, 2024