Incarvillea diffusa

Incarvillea diffusa Royle, Ill. bot. Himal. Mts. 2(8): t. 72, fig. 1. 1835 (Syn: (≡) Amphicome arguta Royle ex G. Don; (≡) Incarvillea arguta Royle);
Common name: Himalayan Gloxinia • Nepali: मरुवा पाती Maruwa paati 

Bignoniaceae Week: Incarvillea arguta, A Himalayan Plant from California:
Incarvillea arguta (Royle) Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 296. 1836.
Syn: Amphicome arguta Royle; Incarvillea diffusa Royle; Amphicome diffusa (Royle) Sprague
Perennial herb up to 1.5 tall; leaves alternate, pinnate; leaflets 5-11, ovate-lanceolate, up to 5 cm long, margin serrate, base unequal; flowers pale to purple-red, in racemes; calyx campanulate with subulate teeth; corolla 3.5-4 cm long, tube about 2 cm long; calyx linear, leathery15-20 cm long.
Himalayan plant, also distributed in China was photographed from University of California Botanical Garden.

Yes. i was hoping you will see it and show it here



Kalatop (Dam side) al032112: 5 correct images as above.
An almost inaccessible flower growing on high rocky places for id
Location Kalatope (Dam side), Chamba
Altitude 1200 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Season March
Height 12 inches

Looks like some species of Campsis to me.
Family: Bignoniaceae.
Pl wait for experts’ comments.

I would suggest Tecomaria capensis which comes in a range of many colours.

It doesn’t look like  Tecomaria capensis , because in Tecomaria capensis,  the stamens and style are exerted but here in the pictures they are inserted
Further, Campsis are mostly recorded as vines (please refer
I feel it is something different. 

I think … finally got it correct: Incarvillea emodi. If concluded, the thread clearly shows how experts on this group don’t get carried away and won’t stop till a correct identity is achieved.

Yes Incarvillea emodi (Royle ex Lindl.) Chatterjee of Bignoniaceae family.

I.diffusa (=Amphicome arguta) as per another thread. Thanks, …, for pointing out.


Incarvillea arguta (Royle) Royle: 13 very high res. images.

Location: Kalikot, West Nepal
Altitude: 1509 m.
Date: 16 August 2021 
Habit : Wild

Updated on December 24, 2024

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