Distribution: Asia2, 3, 4: India(N)3, Sri Lanka(N)2, 4 ; India: Andhra Pradesh3, Karnataka3, Kerala3, Orissa3, Tamil Nadu3 (From ILDIS ) Shrub, much branched; young stems appressed-pubescent with white hairs, later glabrescent; stipules minute, setaceous; leaves sessile, digitate, subfasciculate, 1-5-foliolate; leaflets linear to obovate, often involute, about 2-3(-7) mm long, 1 mm wide or less, obtuse at the apex, cuneate at the base, glabrous above, sparsely appressed-pubescent beneath; flowers about 5-6 mm long, solitary, axillary, on pedicels about 5 mm long; bracts minute, setaceous; calyx 1-1.5 mm long with deltoid lobes, sparsely pubescent; petals reddish; fruit linear, straight, 5-15 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, sparsely pubescent, (3-)5-8-seeded. Flowering and fruiting: June-December Sandy wastelands South India and Sri Lanka (Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi Indigofera aspalathoides DC., erect bushy wild herb, from Vathalagundu area of Dindugul dt Tamilnadu, it is a siddha medicinal herb. Please id this Indigofera sp. 241109MK2 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Date: 21 Nov 2009 Place: Pasture land in Kancheepuram Dist., TN [80km south of Chennai] Kindly help to identify this shrub growing to a height of 1 metre. Could this be Indigofera aspalathoides ? Yes …, i think you are right! Characters such as solitary flowers and digitate leaves confirm your id. Called as ‘Sivanaar vaembu’ in Tamil.
References: The Plant List Ver.1.1 ILDIS GRIN Bioline International Official Site (site up-dated regularly) India Biodiversity Portal An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995- Details with keys) Encyclopaedia of World Medicinal Plants, Volume 1 By T. Pullaiah (2006- Details) |
Indigofera aspalathoides
Updated on December 24, 2024