Indigofera glandulosa ?

Indigofera glandulosa ?;

Images by Prashant Desai, Identification by Satish Phadke (Inserted by J.M.Garg)


ID-03062012-PR-2: Plants from gujarat
Habit Herb
Family Papilionaceae
Leaflet 3
Fruit not Seen
collected from cultivated field

It is indigofera hochstetteri

Its Indigofera trifoliata L.

Indigofera trifoliata L. in Torner Cent . Pl. 229.1756. & Amoen. Acad. 4: 327. 1759; FBI 2: 96 p.p; C 1: 335 p.p; WI 5: 182f. 113; S & J; Hans & William 2: 123. Raghavan 25.
20-60 cm, perennial, suffruticose, woody, stoutherbs with white or grey-appressed hairs. Stem: much branched. Leaves : ±1.5cm long, tri-foliate compound; leaflets 0.8–2.6 x 0.5–0.9 glabrous aboveappressed-pubescent beneath, oblanceolate, emarginate, black gland dotted, basecuneate, margin entire, apex obtuse; petiole shorter than leaflets 0.6–1.2 cmlong, terminal leaflet sessile; stipules ±0.1 cm long, setaceous,linear-subulate. Inflorescence : about1 cm long, 6-10 flowered, sessile, dense racemes shorter than leaves. Flower : Pedicels 0.1–0.2 cm long. Calyx : ±0.3 cm long, hairy outside;lobes ±0.1 cm, setaceous, lanceolate, subulate. Corolla : 0.5–0.6 cm long, red or pink to flame-coloured; standard±0.45 cm oblong-obovate, pubescent. Fruits: Pods 1-1.5 x 0.2 cm long, stout or not, slightly 4-angled, deflexed, narrowlywinged on angles, 4-6 seeded, thinly pubescent not torulose. Seeds : 4-8, ±0.2 cm across, cuboid,angular, black.
FLS & FRS: Aug.-Sept.
Dis. : Gujarat; Reported from Saurashtra; at Bharuch rare among grasses.
The Indigofera hochstetteri does not show trifoliate leaves .. its have around 5 leaflets..

I think this is more likely to be a variety of Indigofera glandulosa.

Pods of the plant will assist in giving exact identity of the plant


Id-180212-PR-2: Id-180212-PR-2
Plant from North Gujarat
Family Papiolionaceae
Habit herb
near cultivated field
leaflets 3
flower pinkish in axillary raceme
plant height 30 – 50 cm
fruit not seen
i think its Indigofera sp
But not sure

Looks like Indigofera sp., may be Indigofera glandulosa

I think … got it right. It looks like Indigofera glandulosa. The hairs on the stem is not visible in the picture. Please check the plant before confirm the id.


Images by Aarti Khale (Inserted by J.M.Garg)


Request for ID : 030410-AK-1 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)

Date/Time : 6th of October, 2009/ 4.19 pm
Location Place : Nasik
Flowers Size : about 1 cm … Colour : pink
Fragrance : not fragrant …
Found growing in the wild by the roadside. Many of them all over the place

… most probably Indigofera species.

This could be Indigofera glandulosa.

i hope the plant is Indigofera colutea (Burm.f.) Merrill

Do have a look at following Information from

Indigofera glandulosa, Willd. Sji. PI. v. 3 (1800) p. 1227.
Annual, 9-20 in. high, much-branched; branches long, slender, clothed with spreading hairs when young, not at all argenteo-canescent. Leaves 3-foliolate ; petioles 3/8  to ½  in. long, slender, hairy ; stipules setaceous, minute. Leaflets 1/2-1 by ¼- 1/2 in., oblanceolate, rounded or slightly retuse, apiculate, green and with a few appressed hairs above, glaucous, appressedly hairy and copiously nigro-punctate beneath ; petiolules of the lateral leaflets 1/20 – 1/16 long, those of the terminal leaflets, longer. Flowers in short axillary sessile heads ¼ – 3/8 in. long. Calyx 1/12 – 1/10″ long, hairy outside; teeth long, setaceous. Corolla 2-3 times as long as the calyx. Pods 1/5 in. long, pubescent, angled, the angles slightly winged and often toothed. Seeds 1-2, spherical, smooth and polished, sometimes mottled. El. B. I. v. 2, p.’,94 ; Dalz. & Gribs. p. 58 ; Woodr. in Journ. Bomb. Nat. v. 11 (1897) p. 421 ; Watt, Diet. Econ. Prod. v. 4, p. 3S6.—Flowers : Aug.-Dec. Vern. Barbuda.

Which difference do you want to point out to me ? Kindly highlight so that I can differentiate from the description I have provided anf that of you. I am trying co-related the two descriptions kindly take a look.

Indigofera glandulosa

Indigofera colutea

Annual, 9-20 in. high, much-branched; branches long, slender

Erect or spreading herb, annual or short-lived perennial

clothed with spreading hairs when young, not at all argenteo-canescent

pubescent, hairs biramous and also multicellular, glandular

Leaves 3-foliolate ; petioles 3/8  to ½  in. long, slender, hairy ; stipules setaceous, minute.

Leaf imparipinnately compound, petiole c. 1.2 cm long, rachis up to 6 cm long

Leaflets 1/2-1 by ¼- 1/2 in oblanceolate, rounded or slightly retuse, apiculate, green and with a few appressed hairs above, glaucous, appressedly hairy and copiously nigro-punctate beneath ; petiolules of the lateral leaflets 1/20 – 1/16 long, those of the terminal leaflets, longer

Leaflets 7-11, c. 7-14 mm long, c. 3-4 mm broad, elliptic-oblong, obtuse, apiculate, appressly pubescent on both sides

Flowers in short axillary sessile heads ¼ – 3/8 in. long.

Inflorescence an axillary pedunculate raceme

Calyx 1/12 – 1/10″ long, hairy outside; teeth long, setaceous

Peduncle up to 7 or 12 mm long. Calyx c. 2.5 mm long, pubescent, teeth c. 1.25 mm long. Corolla pink

Corolla 2-3 times as long as the calyx.

Vexillum c. 4 0-4.5 mm long.

Pods 1/5 in. long, pubescent, angled, the angles slightly winged and often toothed. Seeds 1-2, spherical, smooth and polished, sometimes mottled

Fruit c. 1.8-2.6 cm long, pubescent, hairs appressed as well as gland-tipped

It is certainly NOT Indigofera colutea, because the description provided by … says ‘Leaves 7-11’ whereas the plant in the picture has 3-foliolate leaves. I. colutea has viscid glandular hairs all over.

If anyone access to Dr. Sanjappa’s Revision, it will be easy to identify/confirm the id. Fruits characters also essential.

I think Indigofera trifoliata

This is one of the following species:
Indigofera glandulosa Roxb. ex Willd.
Indigofera trifoliata L.
Indigofera trita L.f
Perhaps at least one or two more photos could have helped.

Thanks for the interest shown … in this very old post of mine.
I had added a couple of pictures later.
Here they are…..
I have been very busy since Sept, unable to interact on our group.
Hope to be able to find free time in a few days.


Request for ID : 030410-AK-1 :
A very old post of mine. …, you were absolutely right. Thanks a lot.
Adding more pictures. Attachments (2)


Updated on December 24, 2024

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