Indigofera oblongifolia

India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh ; Daman; Delhi; Diu ; Gujarat ; Haryana; Karnataka; Madhaya Pradesh ; Maharashtra; Punjab; Rajasthan; Tamil Nadu ; Uttar Pradesh ; Indonesia (N) ; Iran (N) ; Jawa (N); Pakistan (N) ; Sri Lanka (N) and other countries as per ILDIS;

Angola; Bahrain; Cameroon; Chad; Djibouti; Egypt; Ethiopia; India; Indonesia;
Iran; Jawa; Jordan; Madagascar; Mali; Mauritania; Niger; Nigeria; Oman;
Saudi Arabia; Senegal; Socotra; Somalia; South Yemen; Sri Lanka;
Sudan; Yemen
as per Catalogue of life;


Indigofera oblongifolia : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (16)

We do not have a page on this species in EFI 

Endemic in Surat and around, 

Perennial, hardy. 

Shrub? 3-4 feet, profusely branching, 
Villous, grey green 
Compound leaf, leaflets 3-6 alternate/ sub-opposite 
Recorded in Surat, Gujarat, 05 10 2019 

Thanks, …, for the wonderful presentation and a new addition to efi site at Indigofera oblongifolia Forssk.
Distribution given is India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh ; Daman; Delhi; Diu ; Gujarat ; Haryana; Karnataka; Madhaya Pradesh ; Maharashtra; Punjab; Rajasthan; Tamil Nadu ; Uttar Pradesh ; Indonesia (N) ; Iran (N) ; Jawa (N); Pakistan (N) ; Sri Lanka (N) and other countries as per ILDIS;

My pleasure sir. Learning new, revising old. Hope to be useful !!


Updated on December 24, 2024

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