Indigofera trifoliata var. duthiei

Indigofera trifoliata var. duthiei (Naik) Sanjappa (syn: Indigofera duthiei Naik);
in-dee-GO-fer-uh — bearing indigo … Dave’s Botanary
try-foh-lee-AY-tuh or try-foh-lee-AT-uh — three leaves … Dave’s Botanary
DUTH-ee-eye — named for J F Duthie, English botanist and explorer … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Duthie’s three-leaf indigoHindi: जंगली मेथी jangli methiMarathi: बरबाडा barbada
India (N): Madhaya Pradesh; Maharashtra (as per ILDIS)

Indigofera glandulosa:
Indigofera glandulosa
Family : Leguminoceae
Herbs; annual 20-90 cm high. erect, much branched; branches long slender covered with hairs when young. Leaves 3-foliolate Petiole 1-1.2cm. Leaflets 0.6-2.5cm bye0.5-1cm oblanceolate,rounded or slightly retuse, apiculate green and with a few appressed hairs above, glaucous appressedly hairy and copiously nigropunctate below.
Flowers red  in short axillary sessile heads. Calyx 2-3mm hairy outside. Teeth long setaceous. Corolla 2-3 times as long as calyx.
Pods linear oblong hairy 5mm, angled, the angles slightly winged and often toothed. Seeds 1-2 spherical smooth and polished sometimes mottled. 

Fwd: [efloraofindia:84843] Indigofera glandulosa: Does not seem to match with images at Indigofera glandulosa Wendl. by… Seems to match with images of Indigofera trifoliata L. by …

I support … view on this.

I think there is a need to revisit the postings of Indigofera glandulosa, I. trita and I. trifoliata at eFI as there seem to be confusion in the identification.
In flowering stage these all may look similar although their pods are distinctive. So whenever you take pictures of Indigofera, please look for fruits as well, and as usual cover as many features as possible.
The picture of pods at this link does not look like I. glandulosa, which would have broad, fringed wings.
Here are some links to diagrams/images:
I. glandulosa Willd. Link 1; Link 2 (Figure 2 S)
I. trifoliata L. Link 1 (click ‘Full size…”)

Appears like Indigofera karuppiana Pallithanam as per A revision of trifoliolate Indigofera (Tribe Indigofereae: Fabaceae) in India – Vibha Chauhan, Arun Pandey – Phytotaxa  Vol 220, No 1 (2015)- a copy of which I have provided to you separately.
If anyone still want it I can sand it to him again.

It appears to be Indigofera trifoliata var. duthiei, if it is not densely pubescent
If densely pubescent then it could be I. karuppiana


Indigofera glandulosa var. glandulosa
Herbs 20-90 cm, erect. Trifoliate: Leaflets 0.6-2.5 x 0.5-1.0cm elliptic obovate or oblanceolate, nigropunctate beneath. Flowers red. Pods linear oblong, angled, densely hairy. Seeds brown, subreniform.

My findings apart from above:
Stem rough Green Flowers 8mm
Petiole 1.5cm; Leaflet 3cm Terminal leaflet subsessile. Pods 1.2 cm.
Please validate

Appears like Indigofera trifoliata as per A revision of trifoliolate Indigofera (Tribe Indigofereae: Fabaceae) in India – Vibha Chauhan, Arun Pandey – Phytotaxa  Vol 220, No 1 (2015)- a copy of which I have marked to you separately in Dec.’15.
If anyone still want it I can send it to him again.

It is Indigofera trifoliata var. duthiei

Indigofera trifoliata var. duthiei (Naik) Sanjappa- Kolhapur Oct,15, 2011


I. trita – at Pune on September 29, 2007


Unidentified-  along Ghodbunder Road on September 13, 2008


Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Indigofera trita :: Kolhapur / Pune / Thane :: DVOCT89 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 14 images.

Indigofera trita L.f.
at Pune on September 29, 2007
at Kolhapur on October 15, 2011
along Ghodbunder Road on September 13, 2008  

It should be Indigofera trifoliata.

Thank you very very much … for validating this ID.

You know i like this and others you have sent in. I particularly like your habit and habitat pictures. so can you tell me about the neighboring plants ? what sort of micro-ecology had this plant thriving in?

Appears like Indigofera karuppiana Pallithanam as per A revision of trifoliolate Indigofera (Tribe Indigofereae: Fabaceae) in India – Vibha Chauhan, Arun Pandey – Phytotaxa  Vol 220, No 1 (2015)- a copy of which I have provided to you separately.
If anyone still want it I can send it to him again.

1. Three different species are mixed up.
2. None of the specimen is Indigofera trita.

Pune, Sept- 29, 2007
Specimen has Pinnately foliate leaves. In the absence of Pods difficult to identify the species
Kolhapur Oct,15, 2011
Specimen has digitally trifolate leaves, Pods short, sutures winged – May be Indigofera trifolata var. duthiei
Godhbunder Road, Sept-13, 2008
Specimen has Pinnately trifoliate leaves. In the absence of Pods difficult to identify the species.

at Pune on September 29, 2007 – This specimen appears to be Indigofera species, but if glands are absent underneath the leaves, then it will be I. trita
at Kolhapur on October 15, 2011 This specimen is Indigofera trifoliata var. duthiei
along Ghodbunder Road on September 13, 2008
Because of the absence of pod and data on glands, it is difficult to identify by photograph, But it is Indigofera species

Thanks very much … for the document and for the reply from …
Many thanks to … for her thoughts.
Will soon correct my notes at flickr for Indigofera at Kolhapur on October 15, 2011.

Indigofera trifoliata var. duthiei (Naik) Sanjappa- Kolhapur Oct,15, 2011


I. trita – at Pune on September 29, 2007


Unidentified-  along Ghodbunder Road on September 13, 2008

Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week :: Indigofera trita in Kolhapur and Pune : 5 posts by 4 authors.

Indigofera trita L.f.
in-dee-GO-fer-uh — bearing indigo
TREE-tuh — presumably refers to three-leaved
Oct 15, 2011 … at Kolhapur, Maharashtra
commonly known as: Asian indigo, three-leaved indigo • Kannada: ಗೋರಮ್ಟಿ ನೀಲಿ goramti nili • Tamil: புனல்முருங்கை punal-murunkai • Telugu: జీడి వెంపలి jidi vempali
Native to: tropical Africa and Asia, northern Australia; widely naturalized
some views:
Oct 15, 2011 … at Kolhapur, Maharashtra 
Sep 13, 2008 … along Ghodbunder Road, Thane, Maharashtra
Sep 29, 2007 … Rajeev Gandhi Prani Sangrahalaya, Pune

embedded images attached for the benefit of those who are unable to view them among contents above.

Indigofera with trifoliolate leaves .
Until many members post these species It is very difficult  to distinguish between
I trita
I. trifoliate

Kindly refer to the monograph Indigofera of India by Dr M Sanjappa. Its really worth to distinguish the species!

Many thanks …
Attempted a search on internet for the Indigofera monograph by Dr M Sanjappa, but was not successful in getting it.
If anyone can provide it will be very useful.
…, will recheck my plants with comparing features of other 3 species and revert.
Just as Satish ji says, it will be good to have photographs of all four of these:

  1. Indigofera glandulosa Willd.
  2. Indigofera prostrata Willd.
  3. Indigofera trifoliata L.
  4. Indigofera trita L.f.

A reply from another thread:
To me, the pictures in your post here look like Indigofera trifoliata. The pods are winged and the lower-surface of the leaves should have minute reddish gland-dots.

Appears like Indigofera karuppiana Pallithanam as per A revision of trifoliolate Indigofera (Tribe Indigofereae: Fabaceae) in India – Vibha Chauhan, Arun Pandey – Phytotaxa  Vol 220, No 1 (2015)- a copy of which I have provided to you separately.
If anyone still want it I can send it to him again.

A reply from another thread from …:

at Pune on September 29, 2007 – This specimen appears to be Indigofera species, but if glands are absent underneath the leaves, then it will be I. trita
at Kolhapur on October 15, 2011 This specimen is Indigofera trifoliata var. duthiei
along Ghodbunder Road on September 13, 2008
Because of the absence of pod and data on glands, it is difficult to identify by photograph, But it is Indigofera species”

Thanks very much … for the document and for the reply from …
Many thanks to … for her thoughts.
Will soon correct my notes at flickr for Indigofera at Kolhapur on October 15, 2011.

via Species‎ > ‎I‎ >
Indigofera trifoliata var. duthiei (Naik) Sanjappa … family: Fabaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
in-dee-GO-fer-uh — bearing indigoDave’s Botanary
try-foh-lee-AY-tuh or try-foh-lee-AT-uh — three leavesDave’s Botanary
DUTH-ee-eye — named for J F Duthie, English botanist and explorerDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Duthie’s three-leaf indigoHindi: जंगली मेथी jangli methiMarathi: बरबाडा barbada
botanical names: Indigofera trifoliata var. duthiei (Naik) Sanjappa … synonyms: Indigofera duthiei Naik … The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1.
October 15, 2011 … Kolhapur

In Bengali, Indigofera trifoliata L.: লালমেথি (Lalmethi), জংলিমেথি (Jangali methi) etc.

Thank you very much … for forwarding the message.
Many thanks, …for the Bangla names of Indigofera trifoliata.
… and friends, I am not sure whether we can apply Bangla names to this specific variety whose distribution is restricted to states of Madhya Pradesh and Maharshtra.
It will be good to know whether this variety is “cultivated” in West Bengal, then of course we can include the names without hesitation.

in-dee-GO-fer-uh — bearing indigo … Dave’s Botanary
try-foh-lee-AY-tuh or try-foh-lee-AT-uh — three leaves … Dave’s Botanary
DUTH-ee-eye — named for J F Duthie, English botanist and explorer … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: Duthie’s three-leaf indigo • Hindi: जंगली मेथी jangli methi • Marathi: बरबाडा barbada

botanical namesIndigofera trifoliata var. duthiei (J.Drumm. ex Naik) Sanjappa … homotypic synonymsIndigofera duthiei J.Drumm. ex Naik … POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Duthie’s three-leaf indigo
  • name coined, for want of name; based on the variety of the species
  • John Firminger Duthie (1845–1922) was an English botanist and explorer; from 1875 to 1903, he was the Superintendent of Saharanpur Botanical Gardens … Wikipedia – The Free Encyclopedia
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
जंगली मेथी jangli methi
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
बरबाडा barbada
~~~~~ DISTRIBUTION in states of India ~~~~~
Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra; endemic.
~~~~~ x ~~~~~


Indigofera Species for ID : Nasik : 05DEC21 : AK – 02: 2 images.
Seen at the Gangapur Grasslands.
There were no flowers, only pods.

Pl. post high res. images to check the details.
Maybe Indigofera trifoliata var. duthiei (Naik) Sanjappa
Pl. check

2 high res. images.

Yes, appears close.





A revision of trifoliolate Indigofera (Tribe Indigofereae: Fabaceae) in India (Vibha Chauhan, Arun Pandey – Phytotaxa  Vol 220, No 1 (2015))

Updated on December 24, 2024

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