Ipomoea obscura

commonly known as: obscure morning glory, the lesser gloryAssamese: চাৰু লতা charu lata, তৰু লতা taru lataBengali: কুড়াকলমি kurakalamiGujarati: ગુંબડવેલ gumbadvel, વાડ કુદરડી vaad kudaradi, વજવેલ vajavelHindi: लक्ष्मणा lakshmana, पान बेल pan bel, वचगंधा vachagandhaKachchhi: છટારીવલ chatarival, ગુંમડીઆલ gummadial, ગુંમડીયાર gummadiyarKannada: ಮೂಗುತಿ ಬಳ್ಳಿ mooguthi balli, ಉರುಟೆಲೆ ಬಳ್ಳಿ urutele balli, ವಜಿಗಂಧ vajigandhaKonkani: पिलीबोंवरी pilibonvariMalayalam: ചുട്ടിതിരുതാളി chuttithiruthali, തിരുതാളി thiruthaaliMarathi: पिवळी भोंवरी pivali bhonvari, पुंगळी pungaliSanskrit: लक्ष्मणा laksmana, वचगन्धा vachagandhaTelugu: గొల్ల జిడ్డు ఆకు golla jiddu aaku, నల్ల కొక్కిత nalla kokkitaTulu: ತಿರುತಾಳಿ tirutali
Names compiled / updated at https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2023/05/ipomoea-obscura-l-ker-gawl.html
Native to: tropical East Africa, tropical Asia, south-east Asia to northern Australia and Fiji
Twining herbaceous climber with thinly angular stems, ovate to reniform leaves reaching 8 cm; flowers small barely reach 2.5 cm in length, pale yellow to white with darker centre.


Flora of Panipat District- Ipomoea obscura:
Flora of Panipat District Ipomoea obscura (correct me if i am wrong)

… commonly known as: obscure morning glory • Gujarati: ગુંબડવેલ gumbadvel • Hindi: पान बेल pan bel • Kannada: bilichita bogari, bokadi mooguthi balli • Konkani: pilibonvari • Malayalam: cherutali, tirutali • Marathi: पिवळी भोंवरी pivali bhonvari, पिवळी पुंगळी piwli pungali • Sanskrit: लक्ष्मन lakshmana, वचगंधा vachagandha • Tamil: chirudalli, kuruguttali • Telugu: golla jiddu aaku, nalla kokkita

More Pics from Panipat

efloraindia: 220911 BRS 38:
Pl. find the attached file contain photos of flower for id.
I don’t have the picture of leaf.
Date/Time-Location- June, 2011, Kodungarai River side.
Place, Altitude, GPS- Anaikatti,  (630 MSL) Coimbatore Dist.
Habitat- Wild (along the river side)
Type-Plant Habit-  Climber
Flowers Size/ Colour- White

ip-oh-MEE-uh or ip-oh-MAY-uh — worm-like; referring to coiled flower bud
ob-SKEW-ruh — dark or dusky
Dave’s Botanary
Apr 12, 2008 … at Vaghbil, Thane, Maharashtra
commonly known as: obscure morning glory • Gujarati: ગુંબડવેલ gumbadvel • Hindi: पान बेल pan bel • Kannada: bilichita bogari, bokadi mooguthi balli • Konkani: pilibonvari • Malayalam: cherutali, tirutali • Marathi: पिवळी भोंवरी pivali bhonvari, पिवळी पुंगळी piwli pungali • Sanskrit: लक्ष्मन lakshmana, वचगंधा vachagandha • Tamil: chirudalli, kuruguttali • Telugu: golla jiddu aaku, nalla kokkita
Native to: tropical East Africa, tropical Asia, south-east Asia to northern Australia and Fiji
References: Flowers of IndiaPIERCommon Indian Wild Flowers by Isaac Kehimkar • Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar
more views: Apr 12, 2008 … at Vaghbil, Thane, Maharashtra 
Apr 26, 2008 … along Ghodbunder Road, Thane, Maharashtra
Oct 14, 2007 … at Kharghar Hills, Navi Mumbai
… more views at flickr.

Another plant common in our area.


Very nice pictures of the species . Pale yellow flowers with purple centre.

Convolvulaceae Week: Ipomoea obscura from Delhi :
Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawler, Bot. Reg. 3: t. 239. 1817.

Syn: Convolvulus obscurus L.

twining herbaceous climber with thinly angular stems, ovate to reniform leaves reaching 8 cm; flowers small barely reach 2.5 cm in length, pale yellow to white with darker centre.

Commonly found in Delhi in wastelands often climbing on shrubs.

I have seen this climber flowering regularly everyday for a large duration of time last month or so.
At least few flowers every day. Now the season is about to be over. Clicked some shots today itself. Will post separately.


Convolvulaceae ID :: 25-03-12 :: Hooghly (WB) SK-1:

The top left one (in the first image) is I. marginata as have been identified in one of my earlier posts. But the 2nd flower at bottom right corner?

Species : UNKNOWN

Habit & Habitat : wild creeper, roadside, leaves are smaller than Ipomoea marginata, flowers are equal sized

Date : 24/03/2012, 9.50 a.m.

Place : Gobra (Hooghly), WB

Please check for Ipomoea obscura. In I. marginata corolla is salver shaped, whereas it is funnel-shaped in I. obscura. http://www.flickr.com/photos/dinesh_valke/3035205890/

Ipomoea obscura indeed.


Plz id this wild flower: pa70 – 28dec2012:
Plz id this white wild flower with yellow bands seen in Mankhurd region. I think its Ipomoea but wud like to know the exact id.

Ipomoea obscura … family: Convolvulaceae

Seems to be Ipomoea obscura.

Ipomoea obscura….


ID Request: Ipomoea from Trivandrum: 020214: SS Feb 1 : Attachments (8). 7 posts by 5 authors.

Please identify this Ipomoea from Trivandrum city. Photographed on 18 May 2013.
Growing wild on a road side.
White flowers.

It seems to be Ipomoea obscura.

Yes, this should be Ipomoea obscura….

But the classic purple throat of I.obscura is missing here.

Or is it there deep inside. … will you recheck it as I can see some purple violet colour from outside.

…, I am sorry I hadn’t  keenly observed all aspects of the flower!
I took these pictures in May ’13 and the plant has disappeared now because of frequent weeding of the road sides!  Hopefully it will sprout again once it rains.
I too can see some purple colour deep inside in a couple of pictures.

This is Ipomoea obscura. I met this species from Trivandrum itself



Fwd: id please GM9 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1).

Probably Ipomoea obscura. But the data is insufficient.

I too think so

Yes Ipomoea obscura.


Please identify this plant details of which are as follows:
Date           : 30.08.14                                                           
Location     :Yelagiri hills
Altitude      :3000ft

Habitat        :weed in a resort
Habit           :climber

First two are of Ipomoea obscura while the third is the leaf of Sida cordata.

Need Id assistance of 2nd species of Ipomoea form JNU campus : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

I need id assistance of following 3 images belonging to 2nd taxon of Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae)—
Date of Collection: 18.04.15
Locality: JNU New campus forest, New Delhi

Ipomoea obscura



Convulvulacea Id from Bangladesh SM1005 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Ipomoea obscura ?

Ipomoea obscura


Fwd: Climber Id from BD_SM_1204 1 : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (2)

Pl check for Ipomoea obscura

Could you verify the suggested id?

SK1002 9 MAR-2018 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Location: The Great Wall, Beijing, China
Altitude: 1100 ft.
Date: 18 October 2014
Habit: Wild 
Ipomoea sp.  ???

Appears closer to Ipomoea obscura.

Inner circle of the flower is dark as in the images in web which
is not in this case. Is it correct ID ?

Pl. check Ipomoea obscura along with distribution

I guess it is matching !


Wild climber id from Bangladesh_SM_1509 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Fruiting and Picture taken : May, 2018
Habitat:  Rod side, village Thicket
Location: Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Looks like Ipomoea obscura

14082018 SD 1 : 8 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (1). Please assist with Plant ID


Ipomoea alba ??

Most probably Ipomoea obscura.

Dinesh might be on right tract. the deep inside the bottom of the tube it seems to be deep violet etc in a heart shaped leaved ipomoea but
ipomoea obscura flowers i thought are tiny, about an inch or so across. there is no scale in the picture yet in this picture if the tiny stem  is taken to be about 2 mm in diameter and enlarge the picture till you get 2mm wide stem the flower turns out to be 2.5 to 3 inches
Foi just confirmed my odd memory  flowers are an inch across in I. obscura
this an excersise in futility, because this may well be ipomoea obscura as … has suggested
this is why mom and pop snap shots like these are soo ooo unreliable for id. they are good to show  to your aunties and uncles but not for scientific enquiry. a simple small ruler can always be carried weighs less then 10 grams and is very handy and take several pictures including from the side etc  do not know where or when was this picture taken or by whom

The plant under discussion is Ipomoea obscura as suggested by … The photo quality is adequate enough to suggest the same i.e. for those who are acquainted with the plant in the field, not just in the computer screen.


at Bhadreshwar, Hooghly, West Bengal on 17/10/2007; On 7/2/09 in Hyderabad, AP; Bannarghatta Forest-04-10-09; Tala, Distt Umariya- M.P.- Nov.’09?; In Sanjeevaiah Park, Hyderabad on 1/8/09; Pune Nov 2009; at kanakeshwar, Alibag- Dec’09?; Satyamangalam scrub forest- plains- 04 Dec 2009; Navegaon National Park on 30th Dec , 2009; Panipat District- Sept’10?;

via Species‎ > ‎I‎ > Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl. … family: Convolvulaceae
Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
ip-oh-MEE-uh or ip-oh-MAY-uh — worm-like; referring to coiled flower budDave’s Botanary
ob-SKEW-ruh — dark or duskyDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: obscure morning glory, the lesser gloryBengali: কুড়াকলমি kurakalamiGujarati: ગુંબડવેલ gumbadavel, વાડ કુદરડી vaad kudaradi, વજવેલ vajavelHindi: लक्ष्मणा lakshmana, पान बेल pan bel, वचगंधा vachagandhaKachchhi: છટારીવલ chatarival, ગુંમડીઆલ gummadial, ગુંમડીયાર gummadiyarKannada: ಮೂಗುತಿ ಬಳ್ಳಿ muguthi balli, ಉರುಟೆಲೆ ಬಳ್ಳಿ urutele balli, ವಜಿಗಂಧ vajigandhaKonkani: पिलीबोंवरी pilibonvariMalayalam: തിരുതാളി thiruthaaliMarathi: पिवळी भोंवरी pivali bhonvari, पुंगळी pungaliSanskrit: लक्ष्मणा laksmana, वचगन्धा vachagandhaTelugu: గొల్ల జిడ్డు ఆకు golla jiddu aaku, నల్ల కొక్కిత nalla kokkitaTulu: ತಿರೂತಾಳಿ tirutali
botanical names: Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl. … synonyms: Convolvulus obscurus L. • Convolvulus ochraceus Lindl. • Convolvulus trichocalyx Schumach. & Thonn. • Ipomoea demissa Hallier f. • Ipomoea fragilis Choisy • Ipomoea insuavis Blume • Ipomoea kentrocarpa Hochst. ex A. Rich. … status at The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1.
April 12, 2008 … Vaghbil, Thane


Assamese: চাৰু লতা charu lata, তৰু লতা taru lata

ip-oh-MEE-a or eye-poh-MEE-a — worm-like; referring to coiled flower bud … Dave’s Botanary

ob-SKEW-ruh — dark or dusky … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: obscure morning glory, lesser glory • Assamese: চাৰু লতা charu lata, তৰু লতা taru lata • Bengali: কুড়াকলমি kurakalami • Gujarati: ગુંબડવેલ gumbadavel, વાડ કુદરડી vaad kudaradi, વજવેલ vajavel • Hindi: लक्ष्मणा lakshmana, पान बेल pan bel, वचगंधा vachagandha • Kachchhi: છટારીવલ chatarival, ગુંમડીઆલ gummadial, ગુંમડીયાર gummadiyar • Kannada: ಮೂಗುತಿ ಬಳ್ಳಿ mooguthi balli, ಉರುಟೆಲೆ ಬಳ್ಳಿ urutele balli, ವಜಿಗಂಧ vajigandha • Konkani: पिलीबोंवरी pilibonvari • Malayalam: തിരുതാളി thiruthaali • Marathi: पिवळी भोंवरी pivali bhonvari, पुंगळी pungali • Sanskrit: लक्ष्मणा laksmana, वचगन्धा vachagandha • Tamil: சிறுதாளி cirutali, குறுந்தாளி kuruntali • Telugu: గొల్ల జిడ్డు ఆకు golla jiddu aaku, నల్ల కొక్కిత nalla kokkita • Tulu: ತಿರೂತಾಳಿ tirutali

botanical namesIpomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl. … homotypic synonymsConvolvulus obscurus L. … heterotypic synonymsIpomoea fragilis Choisy • Ipomoea inconspicua Baker … and more at POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
obscure morning glory
lesser glory
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
চাৰু লতা charu lata, তৰু লতা taru lata
  • Many thanks to Brahmananda Pattiri for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
কুড়াকলমি kurakalami
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
ગુંબડવેલ gumbadavel, વાડ કુદરડી vaad kudaradi, વજવેલ vajavel
लक्ष्मणा lakshmana, पान बेल pan bel, वचगंधा vachagandha
~~~~~ KACHCHHI ~~~~~
છટારીવલ chatarival, ગુંમડીઆલ gummadial, ગુંમડીયાર gummadiyar
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಮೂಗುತಿ ಬಳ್ಳಿ mooguthi balli, ಉರುಟೆಲೆ ಬಳ್ಳಿ urutele balli, ವಜಿಗಂಧ vajigandha
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
पिलीबोंवरी pilibonvari
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
ചുട്ടിതിരുതാളി chuttithiruthali
തിരുതാളി thiruthaali
पिवळी भोंवरी pivali bhonvari
लक्ष्मणा laksmana, वचगन्धा vachagandha
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
சிறுதாளி cirutali, குறுந்தாளி kuruntali
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
గొల్ల జిడ్డు ఆకు golla jiddu aaku, నల్ల కొక్కిత nalla kokkita
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ತಿರುತಾಳಿ tirutali
~~~~~ DISTRIBUTION in states of India ~~~~~
  • Flora of Assam Vol III by U N Kanjilal, P C Kanjilal, A Das, R N De
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, *Odisha, Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal

* no given name / no name found, in the regional language(s) of the state

~~~~~ x ~~~~~


SK 2453 13 February 2020 : 10 posts by 3 authors. 6 images- 6 to 7 mb each.
Location :  Koh Chang, Thailand
Date: 09 December 2019
Elevation : MSL
Habitat : Wild

Ipomoea obscura,

Yes, to me also it looks like Ipomoea obscura..

25032020EPT62 : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2)
Presenting for ID
A creeper on roadside bush
Location : Javadhu hills, Eastern Ghats
Elevation : 3600 feet
Taken on 12.02.2020

Full image of leaves?

Ipomoea obscura, Convolvulaceae member,

Can you show the side view of the flower to see the calyx?

I am also agreed with … Here i post some close up photos of Ipomoea obscura. In this photos we can see that beautiful pale yellow flower and heart shaped leaves. In Gujarat commonly known as ગુંબડ વેલ, વાડ કુદરડી.
Location:-  Anand-Gujarat
Attachments (3)


SD041 Plant ID help : 10 posts by 4 authors. 4 images – 2 mb each.
Which Ipomoea subsp?

Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl. ???

Yes, it’s obscura,

Any side view of the flower or any habit image ?

Any side view of the flower or any habit image ?
Attachments (2)- 2 mb each

Thanks, … Yes, I agree with …, for Ipomoea obscura as per images and details herein.


Konkan, MH :: Ipomoea obscura (?) for validation :: ARK2021-020: 6 images.

Seen Ipomoea obscura in a village near coastal Devgad, MH in the last week of December 2020. This vine was intertwining with I. sagittifgolia posted earlier today.
Requested to please validate.

It’s absolutely you’re ma’am


Swamy/New series/ID/13 – ID of the Plant, Mysore : Ipomoea obscura: 4 images.
please confirm or suggest the ID for the plant photographs. Photos taken during last week (18.5.21) outside my house (wasteland) : Ipomoea obscura ?

Yes, it’s only


Ipomoea obscura from Kaikondrahalli lake, Bangalore-GS24012022-2: 4 high res. images.
Ipomoea obscura photographed from along Kaikondrahalli lake, Bangalore, 19-9-2015.


I’d of Ipomoea: 3 high res. images.
Request for I’d of Ipomoea from Bilaspur. Photographed in July, 2022.
Is it Ipomoa obscura? Need views of experts.

I hope Ipomoea obscura

Yes, maybe as per images at Ipomoea obscura
But for final confirmation calyx view is required.

Yes, it’s Ipomoea obscura


Creeper for ID: 2 images.
Seen in the wild near Jawalagiri, Tamilnadu.
I’m wondering if it is a plant called Thirutali in Malayalam, from the Ipomea family.

Can you show side view of the flower showing calyx?

I’m afraid this is the only other picture I have. Hope it helps.
1 image.

Might it be Ipomoea obscura.???
Common name….Malayalam Cherutali, Tirutali

I was hoping it was so. It is one of the ten plants considered as sacred in Kerala.

Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl. is the correct ID !


TQ-Delhi03 Unid: 5 images.
A delicate creeper with flowers about 1.5 cm, and small ovate-heat-shaped leaves, found wild in Delhi, blooming in February.
Any clues to its identity?

It is Ipomoea sp., close to I. alba..

But aren’t the flowers of Ipomoea alba much larger, 8-14 cm?

Yes, they are longer, but atleast I could relate it to anything else at the moment..

The closest I could come to is Ipomoea obscuraalthough flower size is on the smaller side.

It can be I. obscura, the crumbled petals are confusing..

Seems ipomoea species

Yes, I agree as per images at

Yes it is I. obscura.


Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Apr 12, 2008 · JUN23 DV208: 6 images.
Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl.
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Apr 12, 2008 · 11:18 AM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl
Earlier uploaded at efloraofindia


Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl. :: Shirgaon, Palghar :: Feb 26, 2023 · JUN23 DV425: 1 image.

Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl.
Shirgaon, Palghar :: Feb 26, 2023 · 11:12 AM IST :: about 14 m (46 ft) asl
Many thanks to Shiwalee Samant for validating the ID at iNaturalist


Which Ipomea?: 2 images.
Tadoba, Oct 2024

I think it is

yes to I. obscura



Updated on December 24, 2024

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