Ipomoea soluta ?

Ipomoea soluta Kerr ?;

Convolvulaceae week: RVS4: Ipomoea alba: Ipomoea alba, from Andhra Pradesh…

… odd member of morning glory – this one is night glory ! … http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ipomoea_alba

…, now I am confused! my plant looks different from the one at wikipedia. My plant had stout stems; and the leaves are also different.
So, please validate the id of my posted plant.

 The plant you have posted is definitely not Ipomoea alba and frankly I do not know offhand what it is.

I wonder if you can continue to document the development of the seedpods and photograph the seeds (?)

Thanks … Its interesting.
But I don’t think I can get to the place now. I can only check with the herbarium specimen. The plant was collected way back in 2007 and I vaguely remember its habit similar to that of Ipomoea carnea, I am not sure though. The habitat was semi-aquatic.

Thanks once again for your comments. Let us know if any name comes to your mind.

Yes it looks totally different from plant uploaded by … which is a climber, generally has prickles (see link below) and very important corolla is salver-shaped.
Can we consider Ipomoea soluta var. alba C Y Wu, which is similar to I. carnea but differs in longer sepals (13-15 mm mm as against 5-6 mm), densely pubescent on outside (against glabrous), obtuse (against rounded), leaves ovate cordate (as against ovate-oblong, 0vate-lanceolate) 

Reducing it further as it did not go to the group.

My thoughts are that Ipomoea soluta may not pan out because most of what I can fined indicates that Ipomoea soluta is a synonym of Ipomoea campanulata and I.campanulata is a synonym of Stictocardia campanulata.
I did a comparison with the sepals of Stictocardia campanulata and they do not correlate.
Here are links to 2 crops and enhancements that I did from the original photos posted above by …
base of outer tube non constricted as in Ipomoea carnea
warty sepals and stems populated by some tubecles
I look forward to someone coming forth with any additional information.

Thanks … and …, for the efforts as well as for the possible id.

An image of the Type specimen of Ipomoea soluta var. alba is available in this link: http://convolvulaceae.myspecies.info/content/ipo-soluta-alba-kun-h
Please check the image and provide your comments.

I will be very frank and that is I have much difficulty using herbarium specimens because I am wired to look for both color and fine structural details and these are either distorted or missing entirely from dried specimens, especially very old specimens…and I have seen where ‘The Experts’ have been mislead by old dried, distorted specimens…
There is just no way to know for sure what a dried plant looked like as a Living plant…someone can take all the specialized training available on how to interpret dried specimens but it is always guesswork to some degree…
I fully realize that dried specimens was all that was possible under some circumstances and these old specimens can still provide material for comparative DNA analysis , but , I think if a person wants to know what Living plants look like , then you must have either Living plants or good high resolution photos to use as a reference…hopefully holographic imaging will be available in the not too distant future…

Turning out to be an interesting post.
To me at first glance it looked like Ipomoea carnea having white flowers.
Later on learnt about the fine differences.

Yes … That is the reason I went back to Flora of China to find differences between I. carnea and I. soluta var. alba. Let us see it gets sorted out. Some references do treat I. soluta as synonym of I. campanulata, but both Flora of China and The Plant List treat I. soluta as distinct species.

…, there seems to be a white-flowered form in Ipomoea carnea. The name I. carnea f. albiflora Moldenke is now synonym to I. carnea.
My plant was somewhat close to I. carnea but it was not that close to be considered a form of I. carnea. Flowers are also much smaller than and different from the latter sp.
…, the varietal name I. soluta var. alba is not yet recognized by IPNI and The Plant List, not even under I. campanulata or Stictocardia. When there is change in genus name, will all its varieties automatically transferred to the new genus? In that case I. soluta var. alba should now be considered/called as Stictocardia tiliifolia var. alba???

Here are a couple of additional links to Ipomoea carnea white form and closeup of Ipomoea carnea sepals

Updated on December 24, 2024

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