Isodon coetsa

Isodon coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kudô, Mem. Fac. Sci. Taihoku Imp. Univ. 2: 131 1929. (Syn: Elsholtzia javanica Blume; Isodon anisochilus (C.Y.Wu) H.Hara; Isodon cavaleriei (H.Lév.) Kudô; Isodon coetsa var. cavaleriei (H.Lév.) H.W.Li; Isodon coetsoides (C.Y.Wu) H.Hara; Isodon dakglayensis (Phuong) Phoung; Isodon javanicus (Blume) H.W.Li; Isodon maddenii (Benth. ex Hook.f.) Murata; Isodon pluriflorus (C.Y.Wu & H.W.Li) H.Hara; Isodon polystachys (Y.Z.Sun ex C.H.Hu) H.Hara; Ocimum coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Spreng.; Plectranthus benthamianus Miq.; Plectranthus cavaleriei H.Lév.; Plectranthus coetsa Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don ..; Plectranthus diffusus Merr.; Plectranthus intermedius Zoll. & Moritzi; Plectranthus japonicus var. macraei (Benth.) S.R.Sriniv.; Plectranthus javanicus (Blume) Benth.; ………….; Rabdosia anisochila C.Y.Wu ……………..);
Perennial herb up to 1.5 m tall with opposite ovate or ovate-lanceolate 5-10 cm long leaves, thinner crenate to dentate, base cuneate, almost sparsely pubescent and glandular; flowers lavender-blue in cymes arranged in spreading panicles; calyx 2 mm, with subequal lobes, enlarged to 4mm and curved in fruit; corolla up to 6 mm long tube abruptly decurved, much longer than calyx, gibbous at base; stamens; nutlets ovoid.
The species is easily differentiated by its thinner leaves, subequal calyx lobes and strongly decurved corolla tube

Isodon coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kudô, Mem. Fac. Sci. Taihoku Imp. Univ. 2: 131, 1929
Syn: Plectranthus coetsa Buch.-Ham ex D. Don;
Perennial herb up to 1.5 m tall with opposite ovate or ovate-lanceolate 5-10 cm long leaves, thinner crenate to dentate, base cuneate, almost sparsely pubescent and glandular; flowers lavender-blue in cymes arranged in
spreading panicles; calyx 2 mm, with subequal lobes, enlarged to 4mm and curved in fruit; corolla up to 6 mm long tube abruptly decurved, much longer than calyx, gibbous at base; stamens; nutlets ovoid.
The species is easily differentiated by its thinner leaves, subequal calyx lobes and strongly decurved corolla tube
Photographed from Chakrata Budher caves road on September 17, 2011


Isodon coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kudô, Mem. Fac. Sci. Taihoku Imp. Univ. 2: 131, 1929
Syn: Plectranthus coetsa Buch.-Ham ex D. Don;  
Perennial herb up to 1.5 m tall with opposite ovate or ovate-lanceolate 5-10 cm long leaves, thinner crenate to dentate, base cuneate, almost sparsely pubescent and glandular; flowers lavender-blue in cymes arranged in spreading panicles; calyx 2 mm, with subequal lobes, enlarged to 4mm and curved in fruit; corolla up to 6 mm long tube abruptly decurved, much longer than calyx, gibbous at base; stamens; nutlets ovoid.
The species is easily differentiated by its thinner leaves, subequal calyx lobes and strongly decurved corolla tube
Photographed from Chakrata Budher caves road on September 17, 2011

HP, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID – Lamiaceae :: ARKDEC-17 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Requesting to please provide ID of this Lamiaceae member captured near Bhagsunag, Dharamshala, HP in October 2014.

Isodon coetsa (= Plectanthus coetsa, Plactranthus maddeniii) Lamiaceae I hope.

Plectranthus coesta. It is very tall herb.

Attached are pictures of Isodon coetsa captured at Dharamshala in October 2014.
Was posted on the forum earlier and identified.


SK178NOV05-2016:ID : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (14)
Sharing some pictures for ID shot at Hattiban, Kathmandu, Nepal on 25 October 2016 at 4800 ft.

Please see for Isodon rugosus…..!!!

What a shame ! I did check all Lamiacea except this one. Funny! Thank you or the ID …
Isodon rugosus (Wall. ex Benth.) Codd (accepted name)

Nothing to wonder or feel … it is always better to take second opinion…
I am always full of doubts….we are passing through a phase where identifications are being relooked..

Please also check I.coetsa before concluding the ID. To me it is more closer to I.coetsa.

Thanks, … I think matches with the images under:

Seems matching with the posting of … but looks little
different in the google

Isodon coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kudô
Syn: Rabdosia coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) H.Hara
Nepali Names : मिरे Mire /  ज्वाने झार Jwaane Jhaar


Lamiaceae for ID ABAUG2016/65 : 11 posts by 4 authors. 10 images.

This tall plant of mint family is beginning to bear flowers. The leaves have a very distinct and pleasant herby smell. The stem is square, grooved and covered in white hair. I am not sure if this evidence is enough to attempt an ID but I am giving it a try. Please advise.
Above Mcleodganj, HP
16 and 25 August 2016

Looks like a species of Hyptis

please check some Elsholtzia species

I found one with a couple of flowers on 4 September and though these might help in identifying the plant. The flowers look like those of a Plectranthus species. Please advise. 2 images.

I am afraid, as in Labiatae the stamen and style character are important to confirm the genus. In these photos I am not able to see. Sorry.

I am finding it difficult to get a sharp close up of the flowers as the days have been very overcast and a constant breeze ensures movement. I tried on Sunday and I hope these are clear enough for an ID. The first photo shows a forked style and the stamens. 2 images.

From the flower character it is mostly of Plectranthus species (presently of Isodon). But not Elsholtzia as suggested by some one, I am sorry species could not be identified based on photo!

Appears close to images at Isodon coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kudô

Isodon coetsa from Sinhagad, Pune for validation: Pls validate if this is Isodon coetsa var cavalerlei (Leveille) H.W.Li. The plant is puberulus and leaves are pilose. This is a branched shrub 1-2 m tall; stem quadrangular, without any aroma. Found at 1330 m altitude, flowering in November.


Isodon coetsa (D. Don) Kudo SN 15 April 05 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Isodon coetsa (D. Don) Kudo, frequent wild under shrub with aroma from Kothagiri area of Nilgiris, Tamilnadu

its a Lamiaceae
see this FOC page for the key

18Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Lamiaceae ::Plectranthus for ID:: SMPMAY18/18 : 3 posts by 3 authors. 2 images.
Plectranthus species near Munnar
Probably Plectranthus mollis again. Pl. Validate

cant help validate but want to tell you pleactranthus has the most varied flowers


Another ID from Chamba:
Here is another one I have been trying to id… found near the fields
next to my house
Altitude 2100 mts
month – October

I think this is Plectranthus sp. Looks like Plectranthus barbatus (Family: Lamiaceae).

Plectranthus for sure not confirmed of the species

I think Isodon lophanthoides (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) H.Hara. (syn: Plectranthus gerardianus Benth)

from what I have seen as
descriptions on FOI site for
I. Lopanthoides – my specimen flowers are not white or rose but could be best described as light blue.
– lower lip is not slightly… but much longer than upper
– stamen and styles do not protrude out of the mouth.
P. barbatus – on FOI it does not mention if the flowers are purple flecked.
also I do not know the meaning of upper lip short, ‘turned back’, mine does not seem to be turned back… but then I also do not know what was meant by the term
-Also did not look to me as 3-lobed like P. barbatus
On the other hand it did resemble a bit like Isodon rugosus but than I could be well mistaken…..

Isodon rugosus is a much distinct species with densely wooly leaves and much smaller flowers, very lax inflorescence.

May be Coleus forskohli

Leaves of Coleus forskohlii I think are succulent and much different. I am uploading (without flowers) as labelled at Herbal Garden, Hamdard University, Delhi.Here are additional links

Yes I got your point

Plectranthus barbatus (syn:Coleus barbatus (Andrews) Benth.; Coleus forskohlii (Poir.) Briquet😉 as identified byas per link

Appears close to images at Isodon coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kudô


requesting id 20111211 MYS 1-3:
flowering herb, ht 1mtr was photographed in Bettadapura hill, Piriyapattana taluk, Mysore district at an altitude of around 1200mtr.
requesting for id

Possibly Plectranthus sp.

i am sure that it is member of Lamiaceae………

Absolutely …some Plectranthus species from Lamiaceae.

Appears close to images at Isodon coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kudô, but I am not sure.


Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Lamiaceae ::Plant for ID.:: SMPMAY52/52 : 5 posts by 3 authors. 3 images.
Plectranthus sp for ID

Plectranthus species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)

…, It looks morphologically like P. rugosus, but its distribution is restricted to Himalayas and adjoining area.
Whether yours is from Northern India.

Appears closer to images at Isodon coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kudô

ANMAR05/05 Please identify this herb : 10 posts by 4 authors. 2 correct images as above.

Family: Lamiaceae
Date: November 2014
Place: Mussoorie, Uttarakhand
Habit: Herb

There can be a mixing up, last two pics do not seem to belong to this..
Isodon ??rugosus ?..nothing else comes to my mind..

I am attaching a photo of the habit shots sir. Please tell me if any one of the leaves in this could belong to the Isodon sp.

How a Lamiaceae plant with alternate leaf and cylindrical stem?

The right photo with leaves has also been attached in the subsequent replies, …

The extreme left side of the picture shows the same plant which is submitted for id…and should belong to Lamiaceae !

I am afraid, it is not of Isodon/ Plectranthus group species as I worked on that group. Sorry, this plant I am seeing first time, I am not able to inform the genus.

I think close to images at Isodon coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kudô

Image 3 and 4 does not belong to I. coetsa.

This herb is submitted for id..please help to get to id..
I had not recorded leaf pics…


Isodon coetsa ABOCT2017/10 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (12)

I had filed this last year and had difficulty identifying it till … pointed to Isodon coetsa. I photographed this plant more this year and sharing here some results under a different thread for clarity. I think the identification is correct but please advise if it is not.
Isodon coetsa
Different locations between 1800-2200m, Dharamshala, HP
16, 30 Sep and 02 Oct. 2017

SK862 16 NOV-2017:ID : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)
Location: Phedi, Nagarkot, Nepal  
Date: 12 November 2017
Altitude: 5600 ft.
Which Lamiaceae …???
It is not same as SK837 30 OCT-2017:ID, is it ?

Isodon coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kudô



SK837 30 OCT-2017:ID : 12 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)
Location:  Suryavinayak, Bhktapur, Nepal
Date: 7 October 2017
Elevation : 6000 ft.

Isodon coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kudô
Syn: Rabdosia coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) H.Hara

To me looks different from images at Isodon coetsa (both flowers & leaves).
Also does not match with any other species as per comparative images at Isodon & Plectranthus

Orthosiphon incurvus Benth.  ??
This the only recorded in Kathmandy Valley !

I did check all possible sp. but no luck !

Species (Check list of Nepal) not available in efi so far:
Rabdosia dhankutana (Murata) H.Hara is a synonym of Isodon dhankutanus Murata
Rabdosia namikawana (Murata) H.Hara is a synonym of Isodon namikawanus Murata
Rabdosia pharica (Prain) H.Hara is a synonym of Isodon pharicus (Prain) Murata
Rabdosia phulchokiensis Murata is a synonym of Isodon phulchokiensis (Murata) H.Hara
Rabdosia repens (Wall. ex Benth.) H.Hara is a synonym of Isodon repens (Wall. ex Benth.) Murata
Rabdosia scrophularioides (Wall. ex Benth.) H.Hara is a synonym of Isodon scrophularioides (Wall. ex Benth.) Murata
Rabdosia ternifolia (D.Don) H.Hara is a synonym of Isodon ternifolius (D.Don) Kudô
How did you check ?
I feel it may be one of them. Also other unidentified species may also be from these.

I did check all options and some friend say it is Isodon coesta!

It is not this species but very close to it. Any other species close to it?

Tried Orthosiphon but seems not correct. May be some Lamiaceae person can help.

It  has been verified as Isodon coesta by Dr Chunlei from China.

OK, …

Isodon coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kudô : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)- around 650 kb each.
Location: Nagarkot, Nepal  
Date: 27 October 2018
Elevation: 6000 ft.
Habit : Wild 


Isodon coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kudô : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (5)- around 950 kb each.

Location: Lankuri Bahnjyang, Kathmandu
Date: 15 September 2019
Elevation: 2116 m.
Habit : Wild 

Attachments (1)- 7 mb.

SK 2302 20 November 2019 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- 2 & 4 Mb.
Location: Matatirtha, Kathmandu
Date: 19 October  2019
Elevation: 1724  m.
Habit : Wild
Isodon sp. ??

Attachments (2)- 3 & 3 Mb.

Attachments (2)- 3 & 4 Mb.

On closely seeing all the images at Isodon coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kudô , these appear to be some variation of Isodon coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kudô only.
Isodon coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kudô : 8 very high resolution images.

Location: Kathmandu Valley
Date:  October 2020 
Elevation: 1500m.
Habitat  : Wild


Lamiaceae (Incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: For id from Chakrata- NS May 41/41 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
This image is left out alone, cannot make out which Plectranthus/ Isodon sp. this can be.. shot from Chakrata area…

Plectranthus & Isodon species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)

Maybe Isodon coetsa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kudô as per images and details herein and as per comparative images at Isodon.
Details not clear.

Thanks a lot …, this seems most likely to be Isodon coesta..!!


Updated on December 24, 2024

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