Isodon ternifolius

Arabian Peninsula, Himalaya to S. China: Assam, Bangladesh, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO;

Common name: Three-Leaf Isodon • Bhutanese: Peng-dong-dongla • Manipuri: ꯈꯣꯢꯖꯨ Khoiju

Subshrub or robust herb. Stems 0.5-2m,obscurely angled, villous tomentose to pubescent. Leaves usually in whorls of 3 or 4, narrowly elliptic, 5.4-11 x 1.7-3.2cm, base cuneate, apex acute or shortly acuminate, margin regularly serrulate, upper surface pilose, lower surface densely white tomentose; petiole 2-6mm. Inflorescences lanate tomentose, 22-40 x 1.7cm, spike like, axillary, suberect, cymes dense. Pedicels up to 1.5mm. Calyx sub-bilabiate, campanulate, c 2mm, densely white hairy; teeth 1-1.5mm; fruiting calyx tubular, up to 5mm long, prominently ribbed. Corolla white to pale violet, c 6.5mm; tube c 2mm, gibbous; upper lip erect or recurved; lower lip straight. Stamens not exceeding lower lip, curving up at apex. Nutlets oblong ovoid, rounded trigonous, c 2mm.

Fl. September-November
In dry, open bushland, under Chir Pine or open forest
Deothang (Sassi), Punakha, Wangdi Phodrang to Tsirang, Trongsa (Tama to Birti), Mongar(Mongar to Kuru chu). 610-1370m
(Attributions- A.C.J Grierson & D.G Long. Flora of Bhutan. Published by RBGE and RGoB. 1999 as per Bhutan Biodiversity Portal)

7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (6)

This erect herb with 2-3 leaves per node and minute flowers was recorded from Gori Valley area, Uttrakhand..
Please suggest id for this..distinctive pics are lacking, making me unable to guess even genus for this, Elsholtzia/Isodon/Plectranthus
I can only repent on my poor recording, unless I can see this again..

I apologise for not giving proper subject line initially…

This should have been “For id from Gori Valley”..
Adding few more shots, for further help..
Attachments (4)

Most probably Isodon rugosus

Leaves do not suggest Isodon rugosus at least.

Isodon ternifolius (D.Don) Kudô

Thanks, Saroj ji, for this id.
Yes, I agree with you as per FOIFoC illustration & POWO

Updated on December 23, 2024

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