Jaeschkea canaliculata (Royle ex G. Don) Knobl., Bot. Centralbl. 60: 387 1894. (syn: Ericala canaliculata Steud.; Gentiana canaliculata Royle ex G.Don; Gentiana moorcroftiana Griseb.; Jaeschkea canaliculata (Royle ex D. Don) T.N. Ho (ambiguous synonym); Jaeschkea latisepala C.B. Clarke);
SW-Tibet, W-Tibet, Jammu & Kashmir (Poonch, Kashmir), Pakistan (Hazara) as per Catalogue of Life;
, As per efi thread: It is Jaeschkea canaliculata as the calyx lobes are ovate and not lanceolate as per keys in Flora of Pakistan.
![]() ![]() ![]() Herb for ID from Kashmir-GSDEC2016/04 : 11 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3) Please help with ID, small herb clicked from Kashmir University Campus, July 11, 2013 Acanthaceae ? Nothing comes to mind. Cannot justify time attempting to name it. Hopefully someone else will immediately recognise it. I thought its a Gentianaceae may be Swertia or Gentiana. Just a bad guess. May be Jaeschkea oligosperma (https://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Narrow-Sepal%20Jaeschkea.html) Jaeschkea species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) Nothing comes to mind, as was the case when I took a quick look when posted previously.
I cannot justify spending any more time with this, especially as there were only 3, not particularly good images. There are SO MANY genera awaiting my attention.
As for the suggestion of Jaeschkea oligosperma, the images do not readily match the single photo in ‘Flowers of the Himalaya’.
Furthermore, assuming it is “growing wild” rather than being cultivated or escaped from cultivation on the Kashmir University Campus, the altitude does not tally either – neither of the two Jaeschkeas known from Kashmir have only been recorded at higher elevations. Please help with ID-GS280618 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Please help with the ID of this herb clicked from Kashmir University Botanical Garden on July 11, 2013 Thanks, …, I think it was tentatively identified earlier. But I am not sure. Pl. check. Thanks …On feedback from …, and further scrutiny I am convinced that my plant is Jaeschkea canaliculata (D.Don) Knobloch in Bot. Centralbl. 60: 387. 1894 (syn: J. latisepala Clarke). The species is distinct in broadly ovate calyx lobes and more important upper leaves below inflorescence bractiform. The flowers may be 4-5 merous (4-lobed corolla is seen in my photographs). . Identification request 543: 4 images. This has been identified earlier in our group, but unable to link it now. The last image reminds Gentianaceae. Closer to Swertia. Thanks, …, for family id. It is heartening to know that family ID was useful. Jaeschkea oligosperma It is Jaeschkea canaliculata as the calyx lobes are ovate and not lanceolate as per keys in Flora of Pakistan.
Pangi id al100111: Coming back to the Pangi flowers.. (there are still more to be id’d)
Location Pangi Valley, Himachal Probably Aconitum sp. I think this can be any member from Gentianaceae, may be Halenia. Although I don’t see the spurs.. as in Halenia sp…. but then my knowledge is very limited… What is the first pic about .I am not following In a layman’s observation… the first photo shows what was inside the pod you see in the later photos.. (the pod like thing on the top of the flower)….
I think it would be better explained by the experts.. 🙂 It is a Gentianaceae member. Appears to be Jaeschkea oligosperma as per FOI It is Jaeschkea canaliculata as the calyx lobes are ovate and not lanceolate as per keys in Flora of Pakistan.
Request for addition of Jaeschkea oligosperma in eflora of india: 2 images. It is Jaeschkea canaliculata as the calyx lobes are ovate and not lanceolate as per keys in Flora of Pakistan.
Jaeschkea oligosperma looks different as per GBIF specimens- one and two. .
Images of Jaeschkea oligosperma in FOI are of Jaeschkea canaliculata as the calyx lobes are ovate and not lanceolate as per keys in Flora of Pakistan.
Pl. correct.
You are right. Corrected now. . References: |
Jaeschkea canaliculata
Updated on December 23, 2024