Jasminum caudatum

Jasminum caudatum Wall. ex Lindl., Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 28: t. 26 1842. (syn: Jasminum ovatum Wall.);
Indian Subcontinent to Andaman Islands: Andaman Is., Assam, Bangladesh, East Himalaya, India, Nepal as per POWO;

Climbing shrubs; stem smooth, rounded, glabrous. Leaves opposite, trifoliolate, glabrous, subcoriaceous; rachis to 3 cm long, usually with a pulvinous base; leaflets lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, caudate to acuminate at apex, acute or obtuse or cuneate at base, entire, membranous, shining, venation more or less reticulate, distinctly nerved, primary veins 6-8 per side, shallowly impressed above, raised beneath, terminal leaflet 9-11 x 3-4.5 cm, lateral 8-10 x 2.5-3 cm. Inflorescence terminal or occasionally axillary, cymose-paniculate, to 8 cm long, 3 to many-flowered; pedicels short, to 4 mm long. Calyx tube to 3 mm long, dentate. Corolla white, tube to 2.5 cm long; lobes 5-7, oblong-linear, 1.3 x 0.5 cm, slightly obtuse at apex. Stamens 2, arising from the middle of the corolla-tube. Style included within the corolla-tube. Fruit to 16 mm long, ovoid, ripening black, often paired.

Flowering and fruiting: August-February
Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests
India, Bangaldesh and Bhutan
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi as per India Biodiversity Portal)



POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  specimens from India in GBIF (High resolution specimens) High resolution specimen  High resolution specimen 2  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  India Biodiversity Portal  IBIS Flora (FBI) Kerala plants  Plant illustrations  Bhutan Biodiversity Portal
Jasminum caudatum Wall. ex Lindl. (Oleaceae)- A New Record for Peninsular India Santhosh Kumar E.S.  Seema G Gopal & Govinda Pillai Mohandas Nair- January 2007

Updated on December 23, 2024

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