Jasminum officinale L., Sp. Pl. 7 1753. (Syn: Jasminum affine Royle ex Lindl.; Jasminum officinale var. acutum Stokes; Jasminum officinale var. affine (Royle ex Lindl.) G.Nicholson; Jasminum officinale f. affine (Royle ex Lindl.) Rehder; Jasminum officinale var. argenteovariegatum Weston; Jasminum officinale var. aureovariegatum Weston; Jasminum officinale f. aureovariegatum (Weston) Rehder; Jasminum officinale var. aureum Bean; Jasminum officinale var. bosphoricum K.Koch; Jasminum officinale var. piliferum P.Y.Pai; Jasminum officinale var. pumilum Stokes; Jasminum officinale var. tenuifolium Stokes; Jasminum officinale var. tibeticum C.Y.Wu; Jasminum viminale Salisb. [Illegitimate]; Jasminum vulgatius Lam. [Illegitimate]);
Common name: Common Jasmine, True jasmine, Poet’s jasmine • Hindi: चमेली Chameli • Marathi: Jati-jai • Konkani: Sanjui • Sanskrit: मल्लिका Mallika
Afghanistan; Algeria; Bangladesh; China South-Central; Cuba; Dominican Republic; East Himalaya; France; Haiti; Iran; Italy; Leeward Is.; Nepal; Pakistan; Portugal; Puerto Rico; Romania; Tadzhikistan; Tibet; Transcaucasus; Turkey; Venezuelan Antilles; West Himalaya; Yugoslavia as per Catalogue of Life;
Jasminum officinale L. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7) Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur
Date: 3 July 2019
Elevation: 2657 m.
Habit : Wild
Nepali Names : लहरे चमेली Lahare Chamelee/ चिनियाँ चमेली Chiniyaa Chamelee/ लहरे जाइ Lahare Jaai
Thanks very much …, for the Nepali names of the plant.
Close-ups of leaves and stem are going to be very helpful for ID.
. Jasminum officinale from Kufri, Himachal Pradesh: 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) . Location: Salyan, West Nepal
Altitude: 1053 m.
Date: 30 August 2021
Habit : Wild Jasminum officinale L. ?? Yes, appears close to images at Jasminum officinale . Jasminum officinale L: 6 very high res. images. Location: Salyan, West Nepal
Altitude: 1053m.
Date: 30 August 2021
Habit : Wild .
Jasminum officinale L.: 2 very high res. images. Location: Dunai, Dolpa, Nepal
Altitude: 2100m.
Date:10 June 1022
Habit : Wild . References:
Jasminum officinale
Updated on December 24, 2024