Justicia diffusa var. hedyotidifolia (Nees) C.B. Clarke (syn: Justicia hedyotidifolia (Wall. ex Nees) Remadevi (ambiguous synonym); Justicia hedyotidifolia Wall. (ambiguous synonym); Rostellaria hedyotidifolia Wall. ex Nees; Rostellularia diffusa var. hedyotidifolia (Nees) C.Y.Wu (ambiguous synonym); Rostellularia diffusa var. hedyotidifolia (Nees) G.R. Kumari (ambiguous synonym); Rostellularia diffusa var. hedyotidifolia (Nees) J.L. Ellis (ambiguous synonym); Rostellularia hedyotidifolia Wall. ex Nees); . India (S-India) as per Catalogue of Life; . Submission of Justicia diffusa var. hedyotidifolia (Nees) C.B. Clarke : 1 post by 1 author. This plant is Justicia diffusa var. hedyotidifolia (Nees) C.B. Clarke, of Acanthaceae It is 30-40cm tall branched herb; stems hispidous to glabrascent; leaves opposite, orbicular to ovate; flowers white to light pink in terminal dense short spikes. As per The plant list, it is noted as unresolved name; but it this name is as per catalogue of life. photographed at Veyilingaala kona in Eastern ghats Identified with the help of Dr.P.Sunojkumar . Identification of the Justicia species requested. AL 1 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) This is Justica, Plants 30-40 cm in height, 30-40 cm spread; spikes sessile, 1.5-3 cm long dense spikes; flowers white. Calyx 5 lobed, sparsely hairy. Please help in identification of this species. Photographed in rock crevices in E.ghats. Justicia species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) It is Justicia diffusa var. hedyotidifolia (Nees) C.B. Clarke; syn. Justicia orbiculata |
Justicia diffusa var. hedyotidifolia
Updated on December 23, 2024