Justicia glabra


Images by N. Muthu Karthick (Indentified by P. Santhan & Gunadayalan Gnanasekaran) & Anurag N. Sharma (Inserted by J.M.Garg)




Herbs. Leaves 7-10 x 4-6.5 cm, broadly ovate, apex acute, base rounded or cuneate, upper sessile; petiole 3 cm. Panicles axillary and terminal, to 15 cm long, glandular pubescent; bracts and bracteoles 1.5 mm, linear; calyx lobes 4 mm, lanceolate, puberulus; corolla tube to 4 mm, pubescent, bilabiate, upper 5 mm, lower 8 mm, white with reddish blotches; filaments 4 mm; ovary 1.5 mm, style 6 mm, hairy. 

Flowering and fruiting: December-February 
Dry deciduous forests 
India and Tropical Africa
(From India Biodiversity Portal (Justicia glabra Koen.ex Roxb.)




Pl. fidn the attached file contain photo for id. request.
Date: 22.12.2011
Location: NBNP, Anaikatti, Coimbatore Dist.,
Habitat: Wild
Habit: Herb.

Flowers looks like that of a species of Justicia

Yes …, this is Justicia glabra.



Acanthaceae for ID :: MKOCT01 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4).

Please help me in identifying this Acantahceae herb. Could this be a species of Andrographis?
The leaves are ternate; flowers: 0.5cm across
Habitat: forest edge
Place: Coimbatore Forest Division
Date: 01 Oct 2014
Alt.: 325 M ASL

Justicia glabra K.D.Koenig ex Roxb.  

It is Justicia glabra (Acanthaceae).


Peristrophe sp. for identification MKOCT02 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5). 
Please help me to identify this Acanthaceae herb. Could this be a Peristrophe sp.?
Found commonly along wet shady riparian tract.
Height: 2-3 feet
Leaf: c.10 cm long
Place: Coimbatore Forest Division
Date: 01 Oct 2014
Alt.: 320 M ASL

It is again J. glabra. (Is it not?).
Compare your photographs with the earlier one. 

It looks like justicia glabra only.




ANOCT04/04 Justicia glabra Koenig ex Roxb. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (7)
Family: Acanthaceae
Date: 25th October 2015
Place: Savandurga, Karnataka

Habit: Tall herb
Habitat: Scrub forest




Acanthaceae for ID :: Pollachi :: MK001 OCT2016 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (10)

Please help to identify this Acanthaceae herb; found ubiquitous in a suburban area. Is this a Peristrophe sp.?
Place: Pollachi, Coimbatore Dist., TN
Date: July 30, 2016
p.s.: sorry for my confusing numbering of posts & for poor quality pics; happened inadvertently

Pl. check with images at Justicia glabra K.D.Koenig ex Roxb.

Yes, it is Justicia glabra 

Yes it is Justicia glabra having wide distribution in the Deccan region


Updated on December 23, 2024

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