Kaempferia elegans (Cultivated)

Kaempferia elegans (Wall.) Baker, Fl. Brit. India 6: 222 1890. (Syn: Kaempferia atrovirens N.E.Br.; Kaempferia crawfurdia Wall. ex Horan.; Kaempferia pulchra Ridl.; Monolophus elegans Wall.);
China (Sichuan) to Indo-China, Borneo: Borneo, China South-Central, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO;
Peacock Ginger, Peacock Plant, Resurrection Lily;


amit uid 1 2352011:
Sending photos of Kaemferia sp. details as in the photos. Please help in identification

This looks like Kaempferia pulchra to me. What do u say?

You are correct even I was doubtful of being it as galanga or rotundus as the nursery men told me. But the images I checked in google shows very variegated leaves this leaves me confused. And one more thing can you provide me the distribution of this species in India.

I am confused K. elegans also looks same

Pl follow this link to get more info on this sp. http://www.pacificbulbsociety.Kaempferia
The site mentions a close similarity between K. elegans and K. pulchra. Quoting them as it is “….Some taxonomists consider this species and Kaempferia pulchra to be the same but more research needs to be done regarding this. Although superficially very similar, their flowers are easily distinguishable from each other.”
However, “The Plant List” treats K. pulchra under the synonymy of K. elegans.
K. elegans has been mentioned in the list of Indian Gingers (http://

Now K. laotica also emerge as similar to both of them.

I dont think your plant is K. laotica. Pl go through the attached PDF: Notes on the genus Kaempferia L. (Zingiberaceae) in Thailand

Thanks .. all doubts clear I will go with K. elegans and really thanks for the pdf.

16082011-BS-001: Monocot Herb for ID from Arya PG College Panipat Haryana:
Pls id this small about 20 inches high monocot herb.
Shot from Arya PG College Campus Panipat.
This plant was brought from a local Nursery. Nurserymen said this was by chance came here with other plants from Dehradoon.
leaves  were simple  about 5-6 inches and flowers about 1.5 inches. Although this is also cultivated in garden as per Nurserymen. 3 pics were shot today and 3 pics 3-4 days back. Flower was solitary.

I was thinking of Kaempferia pulchra but it is synonym of K. elegans
finally K elegans

two leaves single flower from Alipore 30-05-12 SK3:
Don’t have the slightest idea even of the family.
Species : UNKNOWN
Habit & Habitat : ornamental herb, height- ground level, grows in shady place?
Date : 25-05-12, 1.12 p.m.
Place : The Agri-Hort. Soc. of India, Alipore (KOLKATA)

looks like Maranta. not sure

Very little could be found on flowers of Maranta sps. According to a ‘pdf’ file, available from – http://efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=600&taxon_id=119663, there are about 32 species in this genus. But almost all flowers picture are available for Maranta arundinacea. However, two close match –

This is Kaemapferia pulchra… a relative of ginger…
this plant grows close to ground, leaves lying almost flat on the ground, and flowers are on very short pedicle… and almost hidden… 4 petals if I remember correctly…
Maranta is the prayer plant.. flowers rarely and they are on spikes rising away from the center of the plant… very different

Thank you … for the correct ID, the images link in my last reply must have been wrongly titled. However, found some synonyms http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl/record/kew-250772 and a picture at – http://www.flowersofindia.ResurrectionLily.html.

Resurrection lily is really (at least in western Gardener’s minds) is the Lycoris squamigera and may be even other lycoris too
that’s what is stuck in my head too… not this kaempferia
look at daves garden site.. http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/517/

it is kaempferia elegans

elegans: leaf vein direction different between the two..

Pls go through the pdf it may throw some light

thanks … since you are our resident expert in aromas I take your advice seriously…
I find thai english writing a bit difficult to comprehend sometimes
I had seen and downloaded this paper before i id-ed my own plant a couple of years ago…
their pic clearly shows the longer pedicle for the flower in elegans… by the water stream… which pulchra does not have….
i’ll see if can find this same plant of surajit at the hort and take a pic of the fresh flower..in early morning.. the central cross star and very small pedicle is some of the key…
it will of course be short of a taxonomist in the filed doing the dissection.. yet

Both K. elegans and K.pulchra are synonyms – http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl/record/kew-250772 !!!

this not African Violet.

African violet….!!! Don’t know what is that, searched google, gives entirely different family –

These following lines copied from ‘Pacific Bulb Society’ attracts me, otherwise i don’t have slightest knowledge of flora world =
Kaempferia pulchra, which Kew says is a synonym of Kaempferia elegans is a highly variable species …….. producing flowers through the summer ….. This species prefers light-moderate shade.” – http://www.pacificbulbsociety.Kaempferia.
I noted this shade loving characteristic in my post.

How did African Violet get into this conversation…??/

I am enclosing a pic taken a few years back ….
very different plants in looks/anatomy, growing habits and lifespan.. and reproduction…
enjoy the pic…

A species of Kaemapferia of Zingiberaceae family.
I have seen this plant in XTBG in Yunnan China.

Just found out that another species of this genera is K. galanga. According to FoI the Bengali name is EKANGI. I know this ekangi, it is used to prepare some aromatic fish baits.
And this site says that K. galanga is the first representative of the Kaempferia genus – http://kaempferia.awardspace.com/index.html.


Attached are pictures of Kaempferia pulchra captured at Mumbai in March 2013.
Requested to please validate the ID.

Yes it is K. pulchra

Yes, Kaempferia elegans

Kaempferia elegans and K. pulchera I find to be two distinct species. Which one we finally take it as??

This should be Kaempferia elegans

Kaempferia elegans

It resembles Saintpaulia plants, though it is not Saintpaulia.

Affirmative, nice set of photos of Peacock ginger

Please could someone identify this plant?:
Please could someone identify this plant? It gets pretty purple flowers later. I would like to know both the botainical and the common name please? The single leaf plant on the right which has a striking pattern.

– This is Kaempferia pulchra.

– Accepted name:
Kaempferia elegans (Wall.) Baker in J.D.Hooker, Fl. Brit. India 6: 222 (1890).,
Synonym: Kaempferia pulchra Ridl., J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. 32: 107 (1899).

Plant seen inside the conservatory with purple flower.

kempheria elegans

Many thanks for the id.
Does look like Kaempferia elegans.


at Jadavpur, Kolkata- July’09?;Flower3 for ID – indiantreepix | Google Groups


Swamy/New series/ID/46 – Id requested.: 2 images.
Forwarding herewith the photographs from my archives. Photos taken a decade back in Mysore. Please identify.  Calathea species ???

Kaempferia elegans Wall. (Zingiberaceae)


kaempferia pulchra Nauni Campus, Solan-GS14012022-3: 6 high res. images.
kaempferia pulchra
photographed from Nauni Campus, Solan, 23-5-2015


Kaempferia Species for ID : Nasik : 04JUN22 : AK – 01: 2 images.
A small, potted, ornamental plant seen in Nasik last month (4.6.22).

Kaempferia laotica Gagnep.!

On searching, it seems your suggested id is correct.

Yes. I had this plant in my garden.

Kaempferia elegans as per Pacific Bulb society.


Kaempferia elegance (NSJ 01/10): 1 high res. image.
Kaempferia elegance from our garden. Whether it is wild or garden flower.

Yes. location and elevation ?

Sorry, I forgot, location Mumbai.

Yes appears close to images at Kaempferia elegans

Is this also a dormant plant during the winter like the Kaempferia galanga?


Kaempferia laotica in FOI: 1 image.
I think Thingnam ji’s images in FOI (as attached) may be of Kaempferia elegans (Wall.) Baker only as per images and details at

Pl. check and correct.

FOI link

I guess you are right

It’s Kaempferia laotica as … said.

We said Kaempferia elegans (Wall.) Baker

Thanks for the clarification.

As Kaempferia laotica is in limited cultivation, this plant is most likely to be Kaempferia elegans. Corrected now on FOI.

It is correct.


Zingiberaceae : Kaempferia spp.: 2 high res. images.
Identify the Kaempferia L. Spp.
From Andhra University Botanical Garden Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. on17/09/2024

Kaempferia elegans (Wall.) Baker





Updated on December 24, 2024

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