Kalanchoe laciniata

Kalanchoe laciniata (L.) DC., Pl. Hist. Succ. t. 100 1802. (syn: Cotyledon heterophylla Roxb.; Cotyledon laciniata L.; Kalanchoe biternata Wight ex Wall.; Kalanchoe brachycalyx Engl.; Kalanchoe densiflora var. subpilosa Cuf.; Kalanchoe gloveri Cufod.; Kalanchoe gracilis Hance; Kalanchoe laciniata subsp. faustii (Font Quer) Maire; Kalanchoe lentiginosa Cufod.; Kalanchoe macrosepala Hance; Kalanchoe rohlfsii Engl.; Kalanchoe schweinfurthii Penzig; Kalanchoe takeoi Hayata; Vereia laciniata (L.) Willd.);
South Sudan, Benin, Eritrea, Chad, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, ?Rwanda, ?Burundi, E-D.R.Congo (Zaire), Congo (Brazzaville), S-Angola, E-Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Mozambique, S-India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar [Burma], Saudi Arabia (Hejaz), Yemen (N-Inner Yemen, SW-Yemen, W-Yemen), Dominican Republic (I), Venezuela (I), Colombia (c), Java (I), Vietnam (I), Phlippines (I), USA (I) (Florida (I)), Bangladesh (I) as per Catalogue of Life;



Id plz : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

I need to identify this plant.  Requested to kindly provide me correct id of this plant.
Location: Potted plant, Govt. Degree College Dharmanagar, Tripura North, India. Further requesting to upload this in the efloragroup.



Updated on December 23, 2024

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