Trapa species ?- Karnal, Haryana



Aquatic Herb for id from Karnal:: NS June 30 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).

Enclosed are pics of a specimen on herbarium sheet, submitted by a student..
This is an aquatic herb, collected from Karnal area in Haryana, please help me to reach the id..

Is it Trapa?……only a wild guess….

Can it be something around Spinacia and Atriplex?

Yes …, my first reaction was Spinacea oleracea (the real one, not what is sold in Indian markets as spinach and Palak we use, Beta vulagaris var. bengalensis), only that leaves are thinner and more acutely lobed.

Thanks for inputs …

I still have doubts if this is one of the three inputs..Trapa, Atriplex as well as Spinacea.. the only way out is to look for live materials, which I will try to..

Certainly, Sir, this is unlikely to be Spinacia or Atriplex, at least I couldn’t find one. By “something around” I meant if it can come from amaranthaceae or chenopodiaceae. And again I couldn’t find any match.

Updated on December 24, 2024