Kas- other details

Kas- other details;

The new (unwanted) face of Kaas – Maharashtra: Is this what we want Kas to be like! To stop the unregulated Flora tourism, are we justifying with local Fauna? Pic courtesy Jitendra Katre on Love Kaas, Conserve Kaas forum (FB group)


I would like to request all those visiting Kaas to please make a note that the visist to this place required prior registration and the same can be done on http://www.kas.ind.in/ . However the administration has put up fencing on both sides of the road preventing visitors to go inside on the platue.
On a separate note, I would like to request plant lovers to please register your observation (not only about plant biodiversity but also the general observation about their visist to Kas) on this forum.

Blog : Kaas tour : 1 post by 1 author.

Last weekend I was leading a tour to kaas for an eco-tourism agency and here is the link of that report in blog form.

Spelling of Kaas versus Kas : 2 posts by 2 authors.
I recently ran into this paper … spelling they are using is KAAS.. we had used KAS for the Kas week
What is  the norm,
what will geography deprt//  cartographers use
please help.. the ref is http://vpmthane.org/sci/FAVEO/r33.pdf

Basically a Marathi word. What can one comment on the English spelling. One may spell it either way. This was discussed earlier too. But I yes I will agree to Kaas …more stress on “K”


Updated on December 24, 2024

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