Nanorrhinum ramosissimum (Wall.) Betsche, Courier Forschungsinst. Senckenberg 71: 132 1984. (syn: Brachycorys parviflora Schrad.; Elatinoides ramosissima (Wall.) Kuntze; Elatinoides ramosissima (Wall.) Wettst.; Kickxia adpressa D. A. Sutton; Kickxia dibolophylla Wickens; Kickxia ramosissima (Wall.) Janchen; Kickxia ramosissima Pennell; Linaria hastata Royle ex Chav. (ambiguous synonym); Linaria ramosissima Wall. (ambiguous synonym); Linaria roylei Chav.; Linaria somalensis Norman (ambiguous synonym); Nanorrhinum dibolophyllum (Wickens) Betsche);
NE. Tropical Africa to NE. Kenya, Arabian Peninsula, Iran to Myanmar as per POWO;
Pakistan (Karachi, Swat, Hazara, Pakistani Punjab, Sind, Baluchistan, Waziristan, Kurram, Khyber, Chitral), Pakistani Kashmir (Gilgit), India, Iran (E-Iran, S-Iran), Myanmar [Burma] (Mandalay, Taninthayi), Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Jammu & Kashmir (Jammu, Poonch, Kashmir), Tajikistan, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Indian Toadflax, Branched Cancerwort, Branched Fluellen • Hindi: Khunger booti • Marathi: बाणवेल Banwel
Keys in Flora of Bhutan by AJC Grierson and D G Long, Vol.2 Part 3 (2001):
1. Plant densely greyish-villous or hirsute . . .. 1. Kickxia incana (syn. of Nanorrhinum incanum (Wall.) Betsche)
+ Plant glabrous or almost so . . . .. 2 2. Calyx lobes 0.9— 1.2mm broad. irregularly lobed near base: corolla 8 10mm …. 2. K. membranacea (Bhutan as per Catalogue of Life) + Calyx lobes 0.4—0.8mm broad. entire: corolla 5—8mm . . .. 3 3. Seeds with large, blunt, whitish papillae; leaves papillose beneath …. 3. K. papillosa (Bhutan as per Catalogue of Life) + Seeds with small barbate tubercles; leaves not papillose beneath …. 4. K. ramosissima (Nanorrhinum ramosissimum (Wall.) Betsche) .
Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell (1943- Description & Keys- Kickxiaramosissima, incana & subsessilis)
Herbs 25-30 cm tall, perennial much branches from base, suberect. Leaves variable : the lower 5-7 lobed, 1.5-3.5 x 1-2 cm, triangular hastate; the upper lanceolate-sagittate, flowers yello; calyx and corolla hairy. Capsules 0.4 cm ovoid or subglobose. Seeds echinate.
Perennial prostrate herbs, slightly pubescent. Leaves variable, shallowly 3-lobed, to 2 x 1 cm, acute, upper leaves hastate, membranous; petiole 1 cm, filiform. Flowers solitary, axillary; pedicel filiform, 1.5 to 2 cm; calyx lobes 4 mm, linear, imbricate; corolla spurred at base, spur 1.5 mm, bilabiate, 7 mm long, upper 3-lobed, lower 2-lobed, yellow; stamens didynamous, included; ovary 4 mm, stigma minute, ovary globose. Capsule many seeded. Flowering and fruiting: February-April
Dry rocky areas
India, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal)
Plant for ID SMP2- 20/1/2011: – You are right .. It is Kickxia ramosissima (Wall.) Janch. – It can’t be both Scrophulariaceae and Plantaginaceae. According to APG III (2009), the most recent classification more genera (ca 90) including Kickxia are placed under Plantaginaceae and about 65 under Scrophulariaceae. . Fwd: image for identification : Attachments (2). 5 posts by 3 authors.
sending images of a plant coleected by me at nandgaon, i tried bilabiate plants from the area but could not come to any conclusion, please identify it Resemble closely to Kickxia ramosissima (Scrophulariaceae). It could be Kixia spp. scrophulariaceae week : 1 correct image.
sending some images of scrophulariaceae members. 1 image- Kickxia ramosissima.jpg
ID21022014PHK1 : Attachments (3). 5 posts by 4 authors.
ID Please Check for Kickxia ramosissima..
Nice pics..
Yes, this should beKickxia ramossisima.. nice pictures of tiny flowers.. Yes Kickxia ramossisima Nanorrhinum ramosissimum from Morni hills… : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Here am uploading some images of beautiful herb Nanorrhinum ramosissimum (indian toadflax) of Scrophulariaceae taken on September 2018…!! Prostrate herb from Dwaraka Gujarat SN31519 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Impatiens ? wild prostrate herb in the coastal sand. Flowers yellow with a spur.
Not the Impaiens sp. Kickaxia ramosiana
Correct spelling will be Kickxia ramosissima
SCROPHULARIACEAE FORTNIGHT: Kickxia ramosissima from Uttarakhand DSR_1 : 1 image. 3 posts by 3 authors.
Kickxia ramosissima (Wall..) Janch. is a small wild winter season herb growing usually in rock crevices or on old stone walls in Uttarakhand. It is still an unresolved name in The Plant List 2010.
Kickxia genus is now placed in Plantaginaceae.
Photographed in Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand.
Photo quality sincerely regretted.
Thanks … for sharing, I am missing this, seen few years back in Morni Hills, no pics available with me..
Please help to identify this plant 02 from Agra, U.P.
Date: 18 October 19
Nanorrhinum incanum (Wall.) Betsche !
why do you think it is Nanorrhinum incanum ? It looked like Scrophulariaceae and snap dragon flower. So I searched and thought it to be that one ! oh. ok I followed your thinking steps, … got it Taking it as Nanorrhinum ramosissimum(Wall.) Betsche in view of details at Are Nanorrhinum incanum & Nanorrhinum ramosissimum same or all our observation are of Nanorrhinum ramosissimum ? Malhargad near Pune, MH :: Nanorrhinum ramosissimum for validation :: ARK2020-098 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Seen this plant at Malhargad near Pune in September 2020 growing on an old wall.
Seems like Nanorrhinum ramosissimum based on eFI pics. Requested to kindly validate.
Hope you’re right … . Nanorrhinum ramosissimum from Devprayag Uttarakhand-GS240220
Nanorrhinum ramosissimum (Wall.) Betsche Syn: Kickxia ramosissima (Wall.) Janchen Photographed from Devprayag, Uttarakhand, 30-5-2013 .
SK 3597 11 August 2022: 3 very high res. images. Location: Dunai, Dolpa, Nepal
Altitude: 2200m.
Date: 17 June 1022
Habit : Wild Kickxia sp. Thank you … for the clue. It is definitely Nanorrhinum but I could not match with any sp. listed in Nepal
according to eflora Nepal : Matching elevation is only Nanorrhinum ramosissimum (Wall.) Betsche but leaf shape look different.
Yes, the leaf shape refrained me from saying anything further.. Any possibility of Nanorrhinum macilentum (Decne.) Betsche which has got NO distribution in Nepal ??
It is Nanorrhinum ramosissimum (Wall.) Betsche, as per images and details herein. Leaves are quite variable.
. References:
Catalogue of Life POWO Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell (1943- Description & Keys- Kickxia ramosissima, incana & subsessilis) The Plant List Ver. 1.1 MOBOT Annonated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal Flowers of India India Biodiversity Portal Flora of Peninsular India Flora of Madhya Pradesh: Chhatarpur and Damoh By G. P. Roy, B. K. Shukla, Bhaskar Datt (Description- Kickxia ramosissima)
Flora of Eastern Karnataka, Volume 2 By N. P. Singh (Kickxia ramosissima)
Nanorrhinum ramosissimum
Updated on December 24, 2024