Knoxia hookeri

Knoxia hookeri Lakshmin.,  Harvard Pap. Bot. 23: 333 (2018) (syn: Knoxia hookeriana (R.Bhattacharjee & Deb) Subba Rao & Kumari ; Knoxia mollis var. hookeriana (R.Bhattacharjee & Deb) V.P.Prasad & Lakshmin. ; Knoxia sumatrensis var. hookeriana R.Bhattacharjee & Deb );
Tropical Asia: Borneo, India, Jawa, Maluku, Nepal, New Guinea, Sri Lanka as per POWO;

628 ID wild plant: 12 high res. images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: Kolukkumalai Munnar Idukki Kerala INDIA
Altitude: 7200fsl
Flower date: 11OCT2024, 08.05am
Habitat: wild moisture rocky misty windy sloppy grassy alpine
Plant habit: small shrub, erect branches, hard cylindrical stem 02.5cm inches base circumference, rough brownish bark, hairy sprouts, weak spines whorlly on node, perennial
Height: 03 feet
Leaves: dicot opposite elliptic acute simple wavy hairy, size upto: 04.5×2.5cm
Flower: terminal densely umbel inflorescence, 05/04 petals, diameter:04mm, violet
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Looks like Hedyotis hirsutissima Bedd.

Thank you very much for the Genus ID, the leaves are very matching. When checking Hedyotis hirsutissima, some of my observations are lengthy nodes with spines like stipules, inflorescence is terminally, less branched, more leaves veins, not angular, but cylindrical, difference in hair pattern, difference in top of flower nodes, petals are not tomentose, more than 20 flower buds, etc.

Please check Hedyotis purpurascens Hook.f. also, but less hirsute.

Thank you very much for ID suggestion, but not fully matching especially spines on nodes.

Someone commented it as Neanotis sp.


I do not think so

It may be an undescribed one, waiting for its fruits and fully opened flowers

It is on the way to Kolukkumalai Sun rise safari, so as this much difficult to getting images of opened flowers and fruits.

Knoxia sp.

I think it appears to be close to specimens of Knoxia hookeriana in GBIF (onetwothreefour).

Yes, it is very close to Knoxia hookeriana. Thank you very much for ID my plant




Knoxia hookeri (Rubiaceae): A New Species from India, December 2018, Harvard Papers in Botany 23(2):333 (Abstract: A new species, Knoxia hookeri (Rubiaceae), is proposed here, and a discussion about the invalidity of the three previously published names is presented. A dichotomous key is provided to distinguish the two Knoxia species: K. hookeri from K. sumatrensis. The synonymy of both species is presented with comments on typification.)

Updated on March 15, 2025

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