Kopsia arborea Blume, Catalogus 13 1823. (Syn: Kopsia jasminiflora Pit.; Kopsia lancibracteolata Merr.; Kopsia laxinervia Merr.; Kopsia longiflora Merr.; Kopsia officinalis Tsiang & P.T.Li; Kopsia pitardii Merr.; Kopsia pruniformis Rchb.f. & Zoll. ex Bakh.f; Kopsia scortechinii King & Gamble);
China (S. Yunnan to S. Guangdong) to Malesia, N. Queensland (as per WCSP) Also Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Kerala as per BSI Flora of India checklist Kopsia arborea grows as a tree up to 14 metres (50 ft) tall, with a trunk diameter of up to 10 centimetres (4 in). The bark is grey. Its flowers feature a white corolla. Fruits are blue-black, ellipsoid or roundish, up to 4.2 cm (2 in) long. The tree is found in a wide variety of habitats from sea-level to 1,500 metres (5,000 ft) altitude.[2] Local medicinal uses include as an enema and as a treatment for tonsilitis. K. arborea is native to India, China, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines and Australia.[2][3][4] (from Wikipedia on 3.3.16) Tree for ID : 281210 : AK-1: Tree at Temple of the Tooth, Kandy, Sri Lanka on the 17th of November, 2010. Is it some Wrightia? Flowers were very mildly fragrant. The plant in picture is not Wrightia as Wrightia has connivent anthers, a feature that is clearly absent. My guess is the flowers belong to Holarrhena antidysentrica. I could however be wrong.
To me it looks like Ixora. Ixora has 4 petals, here clearly 5… look like any of Apocynaceae flower
Thanks … for correcting me. Now i feel this is Kopsia arborea based on solitary drupes which turn bluish black on ripening (both unripe and ripe fruits seen in the picture), corymbose inflorescence and narrow corolla-lobes. http://www.flickr.com/photos/tgerus/4109253500/ References: |
Kopsia arborea
Updated on December 24, 2024