Kumara plicatilis (L.) G.D.Rowley, Alsterworthia Int., Special Issue 10: 3 (2013) (syn: Aloe disticha var. plicatilis L.; Aloe flabelliformis Salisb.; Aloe lingua Thunb.; Aloe linguiformis L.f.; Aloe plicatilis (L.) Burm.f.; Aloe tripetala Medik.; Kumara disticha Medik.; Rhipidodendrum distichum Willd.; Rhipidodendrum plicatile (L.) Haw.);
Cape Provinces as per CoL;
Aloe plicatilis from San Francisco-GS08052022-1: 3 very high res. images.
Aloe plicatilis photographed from San Francisco, 2-6-2019.
Very nice. Desigh, structure and composition of vegetative body is very distinctive !
POWO Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 WCSP IPNI