. ID Please : Lagestroemia ? : 11 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (2) Saw this tree in IIT Mumbai Campus. Thought it was Lagestroemia Sp. The structure of the flowers looks the same as of Lagerstroemia sp. However, let experts opine. I believe it is decidedly a Lagerstroemia species, perhaps L. floribunda or L. loudonii. The latter has tan tomentum on the foliage. It could also be some other local species; perhaps someone else knows. It is the Crepe Myrtle Tree [Lagerstroemia indica] a native of China. I’m not certain if it is L. indica. The two-tone flowers (faded ones lighter in color) are more typical of l. floribunda. Also, the inflorescence shape does not look like L. indica to me. I think it’s Lagerstromia floribunda. This is L. thoreli. It is Lagerstromia thorelii As per Trees of Delhi (2005), Lagerstroemia thorellii is misaapplied in India for Lagerstroemia speciosa I do not know what this species can be. May I request you to post the original images for species determination. Lagerstroemia duperreana Pierre ex Gagnep. Syn : Lagerstroemia thorelii Gagnep. ?? PlantsLive Flickr .
Lagerstroemia thorelli : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) L. thorelli blooming on Kothari Road in Chennai, a full two months after the mauve and pink Lagerstroemia speciosa have finished their splendid show of flowers, (some on the same road.) Please confirm that I have the species right. Yes …, I believe you have it correct. As per Trees of Delhi (2005), Lagerstroemia thorellii is misaapplied in India for Lagerstroemia speciosa Again, I have no idea on the species. May I request you to post the original images for species determination. . Swamy/New series/ID/4 – Lagerstroemia speciosa: 5 images. Enclosing herewith the photographs received for confirmation of the ID. Place : Mysore. Yes it’s … Pl. show us the habit image. I am unable to get the photo from the sender of the photo. But he is not in a position to get the habit picture due to restrictions in the movement. Presently Mysore is under total lock down. Lagerstroemia floribunda Jack is correct ID ! https://www.gbif.org/occurrence/1799096732 http://www.plantsoftheworldonline.org/ |
Lagerstroemia floribunda ?
Updated on December 24, 2024