Lagerstroemia floribunda ?


ID Please : Lagestroemia ? : 11 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (2)

Saw this tree in IIT Mumbai Campus. Thought it was Lagestroemia Sp.
Could somebody confirm? The flowers look slightly different to me.

The structure of the flowers looks the same as of Lagerstroemia sp. However, let experts opine.

I believe it is decidedly a Lagerstroemia species, perhaps L. floribunda or L. loudonii. The latter has tan tomentum on the foliage. It could also be some other local species; perhaps someone else knows.

It is the Crepe Myrtle Tree [Lagerstroemia indica] a native of China.

I’m not certain if it is L. indica. The two-tone flowers (faded ones lighter in color) are more typical of l. floribunda. Also, the inflorescence shape does not look like L. indica to me.
L. floribunda (and L. loudonii) are warm-subtropical to tropical species. They would not grow in areas receiving any frost. I’m not sure of the climate in the area in which the tree is growing, but if it receives frost, I would be more inclined to then go with L. indica.

I think it’s Lagerstromia floribunda.

This is L. thoreli.

It is Lagerstromia thorelii

As per Trees of Delhi (2005), Lagerstroemia thorellii is misaapplied in India for Lagerstroemia speciosa  

I do not know what this species can be.

May I request you to post the original images for species determination.

Lagerstroemia duperreana Pierre ex Gagnep.  Syn : Lagerstroemia thorelii Gagnep. ??
PlantsLive Flickr

More likely to be Lagerstroemia floribunda

Lagerstroemia floribunda Jack !


Lagerstroemia thorelli : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
L. thorelli blooming on Kothari Road in Chennai, a full two months after the mauve and pink
Lagerstroemia speciosa have finished their splendid show of flowers, (some on the same road.)
Please confirm that I have the species right.

Yes …, I believe you have it correct.

As per Trees of Delhi (2005), Lagerstroemia thorellii is misaapplied in India for Lagerstroemia speciosa   

Again, I have no idea on the species.

May I request you to post the original images for species determination.


Swamy/New series/ID/4 – Lagerstroemia speciosa: 5 images.
Enclosing herewith the photographs received for confirmation of the ID. Place : Mysore.

Yes it’s …

Pl. show us the habit image.
Lagerstroemia floribunda Jack is also possible.

I am unable  to get the photo from the sender of the photo. But he is not in a position to get the habit picture due to restrictions in the movement. Presently Mysore is under total lock down.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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