Lagotis kunawurensis Rupr., Sert. Tianschan. 64 1869. (syn: Gymnandra kunawurensis Royle ex Benth.; Lagotis glauca var. kunawurensis (Royle ex Benth.) Hook. fil.); Common name: Kinnaur Lagotis N-India (Kunawur), Pakistani Kashmir (Deosai, Baltistan), Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir, Zanskar) as per Catalogue of Life; Fwd: Lagotis kunawurensis (Royle) Rupr. – new to eFI : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2) Here with two images of Lagotis kunawurensis. One, in flower. photographed for me in Ladakh, where amchis collect it as a substitute for Picrorhiza – which does not grow there. The other, at the fruiting stage was photographed in East Nepal. It is not impossible that this is L.clarkei but cannot tell at fruiting stage. I first saw this plant below Dhaulagiri ice-falls on my first visit to Nepal in 1990. I subsequently identified a pressed specimen of it collected in Ladakh. Dickore & Klimes (2005) do not list this for Ladakh. Stewart records it from the border between Zanskar & Kashmir @ 3600-4900, saying the flowers are white, scented. Flowers of the Himalaya describe its flowers as white, pale mauve or blue on open slopes and damp places, common @ 3900-5600m (making it very much a ‘high-alpine’) from Pakistan to SE Tibet. There is a photo in this guide. Enumeration of Flowering Plants of Nepal (and the Annotated Checklist) have L.nepalensis – the type is from 5700m in West Nepal. Flora of Bhutan lists 5 Lagotis (the genus was included in Selaginaceae in FBI but accepted within Scrophulariaceae in this work – now Plantaginaceae): L.pharica (from Bhutan & Chumbi on loose scree at high altitude – the eastern counterpart of L.globosa). L.chumbica (from Chumbi only in river beds at high altitude) L.clarkei (Bhutan, Chumbi and easternmost Nepal) L.crassifolia (Bhutan, Sikkim & Chumbi at high altitude) L.kunawurensis var. sikkimensis – very variable. I don’t think there is much chance of getting images of most of the Lagotis from this region unless we have a member undertaking high-altitude treks there in the coming years. I shall be positing images and information about Lagotis globosa (also new for eFI) and L.cashmeriana – which has postings. Fwd: Lagotis kunawurensis Part II : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Further to my recent posting, I have come across a second, better image of this plant in flower, taken as a slide in the early 1990s I think, scanned in. Add to previous posting. References: Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 |
Lagotis kunawurensis
Updated on December 24, 2024