Lantana camara subsp. aculeata ?


many times i had seen this species but could not got time to take a snap. This time i took one. Sharing this to have a look.

Same here …
From 1969 to 1975 a hectic exploration activity of of Kashmir and Ladakh, then a gap of nearly 30 years when only field botany was on botanical excursions and identifying specimens for students just before exams. The madness for field photography started with my son gifting me a digital camera in 2007 and my joining the group in 2009, after a friend of TAXACOM group suggested me to join this group. The things have changed a lot in last 3-4 years, my aim to visit more and more places and capture plants in different seasons.
Our last visit to Chakrata was very productive. Planning another to neighbouring place March. Thank our leader … for arranging these trips.

Agreed with u … I have gone through many of your papers and it has got diversified collections in Northern India. i can guess out of it. I think digitizing common plants from any region is also a tuft task for us. We have around 3000 angiosperms reported from Odisha so far. i am trying my level best to get as maximum as possible in my lens and have a plan to publish flora of Odisha in completely colour mode with all details. I think i need a lot of support from the group. Already the group has extended a lot of support and seeking the same for future. I think all seniors in the group have shown their affection, respect and guidance in all aspects to the new comers in the group.That is special.

Thanks Sir It is your able Guidance that we are able to plan Something. You have ignite a flame in our mind to do something infield botany. we are grateful to you Sir.

A good book about flora of orissa ia long overdue

Yes … I am trying my best to complete the task within 2 yrs.

the publication will be a pictorial one, the way i am posting the photographs. It will be more useful for common man and obviously with scientific approach… with local names and the uses of all plants……..

I have doubts about this being Lippia alba as per images and details herein.
I think it may be Lantana camara subsp. aculeata or Lantana indica.

But difficult to say anything with these images. Side view of the inflorescence is required for id as per keys in Flora of Pakistan.  

Updated on December 24, 2024

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