Lathyrus sativus

Common names: खेसारी दाल (Khesari daal);
This pea and related sweet pea have seeds that look like chana daal and is called Khesari in MP, UP, ORISSA BENGAL etc.. part of poor man’s diet and famine food..;
The seeds contain osteotoxin B–amino propio nitrile and neurotoxin B-N-oxalya aminoalanine (BOAA). BOAA is believed to be the cause of Lathyrism, a sort of paralysis. Newly evolved varieties has less or no toxins in India;
Lathyrism is a bad disease which can develope after consuming high quantities of Lathyrus. It leads to paraplegia;

Identification: Dear all please help in identifying these small herbs collected from rice fields after harvesting

Date of collection 18/02/11
Place of collection: Rice fields,  Ranpur, Nayagarh.
Altitude: 300 m above msl

The first two appear Lathyrus sativus

Third Linum usitatissimum




Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week ::Lathyrus sativus -PKA28:   Bot. name: Lathyrus sativus.
Family: Fabaceae
Plant Habit: Herb
Habitat: Wild
Location: Turtuk Village, Ladakh

Lathyrism is a bad disease which can develope after consuming high quantities of Lathyrus. It leads to paraplegia.


Yes.. ..  is absolutely right….
This pea and related sweet pea have seeds that look like chana daal and is called Khesari in MP, UP, ORISSA BENGAL etc.. part of poor man’s diet and famine food..
Also used by the roadside small yellow daal Bhujias makers, because they claim it makes crispier bhujias than just chana daal.. I have been told this by various bhujia makers by the dhakuria lakes and rashbehari avenue.. when I get yakking to them and buy a few packets…
Frightens me .. how toxins get eaten by unsuspecting persons when they wont dream of bringing khesari home for the family to eat…
ANYBODY ELSE documenting its use?



Hooghly Today : Lathyrus sativus L.: Cultivated pulse, but this one is an escape, as they often do.

ID Help :

Nice closeup shots …! Thanks for sharing!! Known as खेसारी दाल (Khesari daal) in Bihar….I guess the same name in Bangla too.

Yes, it is KHESARI in Bengali too! 

The seeds contain osteotoxin B–amino propio nitrile and neurotoxin B-N-oxalya aminoalanine (BOAA). BOAA is believed to be the cause of Lathyrism, a sort of paralysis. Newly evolved varieties has less or no toxins in India.

I remember once its production was banned and newspaper carried articles on it. As i searched a little while ago i found –

Thank you for reminding me.

This is cultivated by some people, in a small scale, and sold as TEORA/TAORA SHAK (SAAG) in market.

Attachments (4)

Thanks …, Not cultivated here, still I got an individual few years back, but never again..

Thank you Sir, these photographs were taken while one seller was selling this SAAG.

Yes the plant seems to be Lathyrus sativus

This is the cultivated state of the plant, in small patches of land in villages. If the crop, leaf-vegetable (SAAG) is cut by hand it is sold at Rs. 40/- a kg, if sickle is used it sells at Rs. 20/- a kg!

Attachments (5)



This herb was recorded from Yamuna river bed Panipat as well as from Morni Hills… Lathyrus sativus


Bot. name: Lathyrus sativus.
Family: Fabaceae
Plant Habit: Herb
Habitat: Wild
Location: Turtuk Village, Ladakh

yes. this is color of flower we see in west bengal and parts of Bihar.

caution for eating this daal. folks around the villages also eat leaves in vegetable sometimes comes for selling in the city market



fabaceae week-36: What is this pea plant? id pl.- seen on the farm on the banks of Narmada.

I think Lathyrus sativus?

This looks closer to Lathyrus sphaericus Retz….

how does one tell from these pictures? please tell me the points, I just could not do it…

Lathyrus sativus L. as per images herein.

Yes, Lathyrus sativus is right id…!!


Herb for ID, Delhi NAW-DEC20-01

5 images. Kindly identify this herb with tendrils, being sold as ‘daal saag’ in a vegetable mandi in South Delhi, photographed in December, 2020.

Lathyrus latifolius L.

Lathyrus sativus

OK …


Updated on December 24, 2024

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