Lavandula stoechas (Cultivated- USA)

A perennial shrub, 30–100 cm tall;  leaves up to 4 cm long, greyish tomentose; flowers pinkish-purple (lavender-coloured) in 2-3 cm long spikes terminating lefless stems; top of the spike with a number of much larger, sterile bracts


Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: Lamiaceae – Lavandula stoechas:
Lavandula stoechas F. leucantha.
SF Bot garden.

Yes .. I have one with pinkish bracts


Lavandula stoechas
SFO Botanical garden

love it
a contrarion in the world of lavenders with reddish only flowers
that too sooo small

Lamiaceae and Verbenaceae Week: Lamiaceae, Lavandula stoechas from California:
Lavandula stoechas L., Sp. pl. 2:573. 1753
A perennial shrub, 30–100 cm tall;  leaves up to 4 cm long, greyish tomentose; flowers pinkish-purple (lavender-coloured) in 2-3 cm long spikes terminating lefless stems; top of the spike with a number of much larger, sterile bracts,
; Photographed from California
Common names: bush lavender, common French lavender, French lavender, Italian lavender, Spanish lavender, topped lavender 

Lavandula stoechas L., Sp. pl. 2:573. 1753
A perennial shrub, 30–100 cm tall;  leaves up to 4 cm long, greyish tomentose; flowers pinkish-purple (lavender-coloured) in 2-3 cm long spikes terminating lefless stems; top of the spike with a number of much larger, sterile bracts, 

Photographed from California
Common names: bush lavender, common French lavender, French lavender, Italian lavender, Spanish lavender, topped lavender

classical french L


Flower for ID – Lavender? – 170711 – RK-3:
Would like Common & Bot. ID of this flower. Pic taken in April 2011 in Los Altos,California. Has mild, pleasant fragrance.

I hope Lavandula stoechas, French lavander, Spanish lavander or topped lavander.

Yes Lavandula stoechas

Yes, Spanish lavander… notice spelling… Lavandula stoechas… L A V A >>>> in Botanical name

is different from colloquial spelling… LAVENDER …. L A V E >>>>>
A nice mild lavender…. within control.. in parts of Australia..its considered a weed now…
BUT I used to grow them in summer… where it snows… it dies in winter..has to be replanted in spring from cuttings taken previous mid- summer ans overwintered in the basement under grow lights and bottom
heat mat… … flowers are heavenly added to face wash water… try it next time in california..

Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Lamiaceae :: Lavendula stoechas :: USA, Chicago :: ARKMAY-74/74 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Lavendula stoechas captured at USA, Chicago Botanical Garden in May 2013.
Please validate…

how do you know the id?
was it labelled at the botanical garden?
if it was did you photograph it or is it showing somehow in your full pictures, try to enlarge your original pixel jpg files and look for the label and if you can please
show us the label
otherwise this is french lavender
cant go beyond it because your pictures dont show the size of leaves and the plant itself
no matter who any hardy soul puts their name and reputation on line here…
thousands of cultivars exist
only the gardener knows what he or she planted or the botanical garden that studies them know…

Thanks …, I could not find the label for this plant in my pics. So this is open to id….

wiki says that French lavender is Lavendula stoechas
The Chicago Botanic Gargen webpag says that they have 3 varieties: L. stoechas and 2 cultivars of L. angustifolia
Google images show that the flower spikes match L. stoechas more than the said 2 species of L. angustifolia
Please advise.


Lamiaceae (including Verbenaceae) Fortnight : Lamiaceae : Lavandula For ID : California : 18MAY15 : AK-29 : 29/31 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
A cultivated, garden plant seen at the Golden Gate Park, San Francisco on 30/9/14.
With Silvery leaves.

Golden Gate Park, San Francisco on 30/9/14.
Could be Lavandula stoechas?
For validation please.

Yes it is


Garden Plant For ID : California : 12NOV14 : AK-27 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Cultivated garden plant seen in the Golden Gate Park, San Francisco on 30/9/14.
Had Purple flowers.
Kindly help in id.

lavendula sp
your green color is not green in these pictures
so what happened?

Thanks for the id. This was the color of the leaves, silvery.

On searching, it could be Lavandula stoechas, French Lavendar.

SK 3384 04 April 2022: 5 very high res. images.

Location: Royal Garden Hyde Park , London 
Altitude: 30m.
Date: 27 March 2022
Habit : Cultivated

Lavandula steochas

Yes Lavandula stoechas
Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight : Lamiaceae, Lavandula stoechas from California-GSMAY49/52 (


Updated on December 24, 2024

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