Lentinus squarrosulus Mont., 1842 (syn: Lentinus bavianus Pat., 1890; Lentinus caespitosus Curr., 1876; Lentinus crenulatus Massee, 1898; Lentinus cretaceus Berk. & Broome, 1873; Lentinus curreyanus Sacc. & Cub., 1887; Lentinus hygrometricus Berk., 1878; Lentinus inconspicuus Berk., 1847; Lentinus leucochrous Lév., 1844; Lentinus lobatus Berk. & Broome, 1873; Lentinus manipularis Berk. & Broome, 1873; Lentinus melanopus Pat., 1892; Lentinus molliceps Fr., 1851; Lentinus pergameneus Lév., 1846 …..; Lentinus rivae Bres., 1896; Lentinus subnudus Berk., 1847; Lentinus subtigrinus Henn., 1898 .; Lentinus wilkesii Berk. & M. A. Curtis, 1851; Pleurotus squarrosulus (Mont.) Singer ex Pegler 1969 (ambiguous synonym); Pleurotus squarrosulus (Mont.) Singer, 1962 (ambiguous synonym); Pocillaria cretacea (Berk. & Broome) Kuntze, 1891; Pocillaria curreyana (Sacc. & Cub.) Kuntze, 1891; Pocillaria hygrometrica (Berk.) Kuntze, 1891; Pocillaria inconspicua (Berk.) Kuntze, 1891; Pocillaria leucochroa (Lév.) Kuntze, 1891; Pocillaria lobata (Berk. & Broome) Kuntze, 1891; Pocillaria manipularis (Berk. & Broome) Kuntze, 1891; Pocillaria molliceps (Fr.) Kuntze, 1891; Pocillaria pergamenea (Lév.) Kuntze, 1891; Pocillaria squarrosula (Mont.) Kuntze, 1891; Pocillaria subnuda (Berk.) Kuntze, 1891; Pocillaria wilkesii (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Kuntze, 1891); I just could not get hold of the link for this particular fungus sent for identification at Eflora of India. It was hopefully … but I really can’t figure out the name. I kept the photos with me and through severe search I came know about the identity of this fungus which I adding below. Lentinus squarrosulus Mont. which is reported from Darjeeling in West Bengal, as well as Tamil Nadu, Calcutta, Madras, Madhya Pradesh and Poona. It apparently causes white heart rot of Shorea robusta in India. This information is from The Genus Lentinus: A world monograph 1983 by David N. Pegler. It is described as a common mushroom in paleotropical regions of Southeast Asia, Africa, Australasia and the Pacific Islands. It is a popular edible species in some areas. Kindly respond to the post, so that I can be aware who posted the photo. Many thanks …, for spending laborious hours in identifying this fungus. Earlier eflora mail thread, Fungi on a chopped tree | ID req 30May10 Lentinus squarrosulus Mont Lentinus –A genus of fungus belonging to the family Tricholomataceae Tricholomataceae – A family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales Agaricales – Typical gilled mushrooms belonging to the subdivision Basidiomycota Basidiomycota – Comprises fungi bearing the spores on a basidium; includes Gasteromycetes (puffballs) and Tiliomycetes comprising the orders Ustilaginales (smuts) and Uredinales (rusts) and Hymenomycetes (mushrooms, toadstools, agarics and bracket fungi); in some classification systems considered a division of kingdom Fungi Nice to know that I could help you. Thanks for your response . As I am bit busy these days I always don’t get a time to identify all fungi but I keep the photos with me when ever I get time I try to identify them. Hence my responses may be late some time. You photo was really nice and it compelled me to identify it. Fungi on a chopped tree | ID req 30May10 : 5 images. The gills of this mushroom are visible and should help for identification. (First time sighting of this fungi.) 11 May 10 Lakkanakoppal Mysore district Can be some species of Lactarius!! I just tried for a match among the following Lactarius kinds. They differ, none of them come close. Order Russulales Lactarius vietus Grey milkcap Lactarius deterrimus Lactarius mitissimus Lactarius quietus Oak milk cap Lactarius rufus Rufous milkcap Lactarius deliciosus Saffron milk-cap Lactarius turpis Ugly milkcap Lactarius cimicarius Watery milkcap Lactarius torminosus Woolly milkcap Lentinus squarrosulus Mont. Date: 11 May 10 Place: Lakkanakoppal, Mysore district Location: This fungus was found at a meter distance away form the Lentinus squarrosulus Mont fungi. Size: Same as that of Lentinus squarrosulus Mont fungi. 6-8cms Color White Differences from Lentinus squarrosulus Mont fungi. absence of the U/W lines/patterns in the cap periphery absence of distinct brown patches in the cap, Growing on Not sure whether it was on on a chopped tree or on the ground. Link on Lentinus squarrosulus Mont fungi. Its the same one … only that that last was a mature and was turing yellow and this one is quite young If had wait for a time you could see the same morphology as of your last one!!!
Mushroom from Andaman for ID_110710_RKC1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups : (mixed thread); pl find a few images of a Mushroom for ID pl. Date/Time- Nov. 2009 Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Middle Andaman Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild The Dry ochre colour mushroom is —— Lentinus squarrosulus 2015april_sk23/23 : mushroom recorded in 2009 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) I think it is same species as in efi thread but that thread had two different thoughts running what did you decide it was ultimately… One interesting find Didi, if I search Clitocybe google gives me hundreds images of mushroom growing on grassland waste. On the other hand if I search Pleurotus I see mushrooms growing on tree trunk. There is a paper – http://sphinxsai.com/2012/oct-dec/Pharmpdf/PT=26(1554-1560)OD12.pdf, it does lists one Clitocybe species, to be found wild in West Bengal. But I think this is an oyster mushroom, a Pleurotus species, as is in the other thread and in one third thread This may be Lentinus, Plurotus or lentinellus. need closer examination to canclude further.. I think more close to images at Lentinus squarrosulus Mont. Hooghly-sept-sk02 : unidentified mushroom, seemingly non-edible : 16 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (8). Photographed today (17-Sept-2014) this mushroom grows every year at the same place and very similar fashion. This time one of those takes a gigantic size. I have earlier post of this one, yet to be resolved, but I fail to find the thread right now. oyster mushrooms if thats correct id then.. i think the spores flew out of the culturing facilities which often are bathrooms and other wet dark extra rooms in bengal households. A few years ago there was a lot of educational grants given to NGOs to teach poor families to grow them to supplement their income. search google for “Oyster mushroom in cultivation” and you’ll see pictures showing not only the shelf like form but also longer stalked ones. older ones get a bit darker/browner. From family Clitocybe …, you have made fotos from all sides of the mushrooms, that is how fotos should be sent for id. some more information is helpful. For example, break the cap, the stem and watch if it changes the color. Also helpful to know, where the mushrooms are growing, under or near a perticular tree, darker place or open land. Also if you can smell it, and what sort of smell good / bad / pungent. But sorry i don’t have a clue, what this mushroom could be. Thank you …, I could find the earlier post I submitted in 2013 – efi thread A similar looking mushroom was identified as Lentinus squarrosulus Mont. in efi thread “Edible Mushroom of Bengal”, a booklet in Bengali, informs Pleurotus squarrosulus (Mont.) Sing can be found in Midnapore, 24-parganas, Bankura and Burdwan Districts. I do not know if it can be found in Hooghly also. Else the habit, described in the book, I think matches perfectly. look at this … some of the growers are right there in your neighborhood… sorry forgot to include this… Udaynarayanpur is in Howrah, about 40 km from my place. However, I am familiar with the mushroom displayed in the last pic down the webpage. The one in this thread is some other species. again the photograph in the second link seems to be different mushroom. The stipe in my species is attached at the middle/centre of the cap. so what do you think it is? you have had a lot of time to do search and think…so far… AND.. I agree ID of mushrooms can be quite tricky, that’s why on hiking trails to learn about mushrooms in USA and Europe one is always warned not to eat anything unless an expert identifies a mushroom, things that look alike may not be really the same… This mushroom isn’t as fleshy as the one in my another post or the one in The Telegraph article. The one in that article is grown in places in Hooghly, though I haven’t visited any growing site, I ate a number of times. This mushroom rather fits the description of P. squarrosulus – “grows in community on decayed trunk in villages during rainy season….. since they are not fleshy they have a little or no preference on dinner table.” But it can be Clitocybe as suggested by …, for images found look similar and Clitocybe geotropa is found in WB as per articles found in the net….. but I am not sure.
This is the current state, after a heavy rain during the past two days, of this mushroom. It grows on a trunk remnant of a mango tree. This mushroom has no particular smell. This time I have noted a central fleshy axis inside the stipe. 3 images. well … this new set of pictures is definitely not oyster mushrooms I still feel it is NOT oyster but Clitocybe. Thank you very much …, I save it as Clitocybe sp. I think more close to images at Lentinus squarrosulus Mont. Hooghly Today : Pleurotus squarrosulus (Mont.) Sing. [Lentinus squarrosulus Mont., 1842] ? : Attachments (6). 6 posts by 3 authors. My search yields –
Pleurotus species so far in efi site. though there are so many PICs, i can’t say what fungus it is perhaps search for Ockerbrauner Trichterling, Clitocybe. The one who has taken fotos of a fungus, may remember some more details when (s)he sees many fotos on net. Sorry, can’t help more. Thank you very much for the probable ID. Mushrooms of Infundibulicybe genus looks similar, so do Lenitus mushrooms also. It’s too difficult. I also think close to images at Lentinus squarrosulus Mont. Location : Chandubi (South Kamrup), Assam Date of collection :31/10/2011 Can this be some rusula sp.? Appears close to images and details at Lentinus squarrosulus Mont.References: |
Lentinus squarrosulus
Updated on December 24, 2024