Leonotis nepetifolia

— lion’s ear … Dave’s Botanary
nep-eh-ti-FOH-lee-uh — having leaves like Nepeta (catnip)… Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: annual lion’s ear, Christmas candlestickAssamese: যাঠি তুলসী jathi tuloshiBengali: ভুতভৈরব bhutabhairab, গ্রন্থিকা granthika, খেজুরছড়ি khejurachari, মধুচুষি madhucusiGujarati: લાલ ગુમા lal guma, માટીશૂળ matishulHindi: बड़ा गूमा bara guma, लाल गूमा lal guma, महाद्रोण mahadronaKannada: ದೀಪ ಶೂಲೆ deepa shoole, ದೆವ ತುಂಬೆ deva tumbe, ಕಾಡು ತುಂಬೆ ಗಿಡ kaadu tumbe gida, ರಣಭೇರಿ ranabheriKonkani: दीपमाळ dipmalMarathi: दीपमाळ dipamaal, माती सूळ maati sulNepalese: उडुसमारा udushmaraOriya: କଣ୍ଟାସିଧ kantasidhaSanskrit: ग्रन्थिपर्णी granthiparniTamil: இரணபேரி ranaperiTelugu: హనుమంతబీర hanumanthabeera, మగబీర magabira, ములుగొలిమిడి mulugolimidi, రణచెట్టు ranabheri, రణ చెట్టు rana chettu
Names further compiled / updated at https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2023/07/leonotis-nepetifolia-l-rbr.html
Native to: tropical Africa and southern India

lee-on-OH-tis — lion’s ear
nep-eh-ti-FOH-lee-uh — having leaves like Nepeta (catnip)
[image: Matishul (Gujarati: મતિશૂલ)] <http://www.flickr.com/photos/dinesh_valke/4170781783/>
Dec 7, 2009 at Rajguru Nagar near Pune
commonly known as: annual lion’s ear, christmas candlestick, lion’s ear • Bengali: ভূত ভৈরব bhut bhairab, hejurchei • Gujarati: મતિશૂલ matishul • Hindi: बड़ा गूमा bara guma, लाल गूमा lal guma • Kannada: ದೀಪ ಶೂಲ dipa shula, ರಣಭೇರಿ ranabheri • Konkani: दीपमाळ dipamaal • Marathi: दीपमाळ dipamaal, माथेशूळ matheshul • Oriya: barcha • Sanskrit: ग्रन्थिपर्णक granthiparnaka, माथाशूल mathashul • Tamil: இரணபேரி irana-peri • Telugu: ముల్లు గొలిమిడి mullu golimidi, రాణ చెట్టు rana-chettu
Native to: tropical Africa and southern India

Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R.Br.
at Rajgurunagar on December 7, 2009
along National Highway No. 3 on December 13, 2008 

Seen in Jharkhand in scrub forest.

The dried twigs are painted variously and kept in a flower vase for decoration.

Bot.name: Leonotis nepetifolia
Family:  Lamiaceae.
Local name: Deepmal
Photographed en route ‘Pench Reserve Forest’.


Adding my pictures.
This plnt is wildly growing near Railway lines around Khadki (Pune)

My photographs taken at Phansad W.L.S. in November 2010.

isnt this called as pincushion/

Neuracanthus sphaerostachys is generally called Pin-cushion.


Leonotis nepetifolia
Bhimashankar Maharashtra

Good photo.


Castor plant n camouflaging lizard:
Sharing d pics of this beautiful creature, I saw today resting on a castor plant. I loved his camouflage.

The lizard is very nice looking, but plant is not castor. Any clue about the plant?

It is a juvenile Garden Calotes [Calotes versicolor]. 

This is a Calotes sp. most probably Oriental Garden LizardCalotes versicolor of Agamidae family.

Agree with …. The plant is not Castor.

One of the plant is calatropis!!!!!! we can see the typical phylotaxy.
The other may be a member of Acanthaceae a common weed. One shoot is showing minute inflorecence. Baby calotis are cute.


This time for identification of the garden lizard.
… sir ..these r wonderful pics. How U captured these..did u wait all day long for this ??
Can I suggest that this plant may be Leonotis nepetifolia. Cau’z last year I photographed L.nepetifolia ..exactly at the same place. When today I posted it, i just assumed that it is castor. And after … inquiry I think it can be Christmas candlestick plant.
Posting  pics frm Oct 2010.

Realised my mistake. Sirji was talking about this mail, whereas i gave the names of othr attachments probably by .. Calotis is beautiful ….

Yes it seems to be Leonotis nepetifolia.
Happy ride to the lizard, now we know the plant

A gravid female laid eggs in one of my planting pits. They were unearthed accidently while planting a sapling. Was curious to know whether they were Garden Calotes [Calotes versicolor] or Forest Calotes [Calotes rouxii] eggs and hence incubated them at home. Photograph 2 [in the previous post] is also of their release.


Flower for ID 061111SC2:
Posting a photo for Id of flower

Date / Time – 30.10.2011 / 08.20 am.
Location – Place – Vasai, Maharashtra
Habitat – Garden/ Urban/ Wild / Type – Wild


Flower for Id- ID04022015SH2 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Flower for Id pl.
Location – Vasai .
Date- 15.12.2013

Habitat –Wild

Nice photographs. Leonotis nepetifolia (Family: Lamiaceae).


231211 BRS 279:
Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id request.

Location: Anaikatti
Date: 22.12.2011
Habitat: Rural, Road side.
Habit: Herb

Looks like Leonotis.
Leonotis based formulations are used for Cleome Toxicity.

Yes, This should be Leonotis nepetaefolia

Yes agree with …


Lamiaceae (inc. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Lamiaceae- Leonotis nepetifolia from Coimbatore -BRSMAY01/07 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Sharing the images of Leonotis nepetifolia from Anaikatti, Coimbatore.

Very beautiful flowers.


Leonotis nepetifolia from Morni Hills:
Here is Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R. Br. caught from Panchkula-Morni Hills Road in October 2010. This is occasionally found around Dehradun, but not common in Haryana Siwaliks.

Really nice photographs … efi thread


Burdwan : looks like Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R.Br. : Attachments (7).  5 posts by 3 authors.
This 5 to 6 ft wild herb found in a wasteland at Andal (Burdwan), today (19-01-14)

Yes for the id Leonotis nepetifolia

It is common in deciduous scrub forests.



Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight : Leonotis nepetifolia SR3May2015 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Sharing picture os Leonotis nepetifolia
Taken at Sindhudurg MH


Lamiaceae (Incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Leonotis nepetifolia from Morni Hills- NS May 77/77 :  1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5).
This is a recent invasion of the area..
Leonotis nepetifolia


Lamiaceae (including Verbenaceae) Fortnight : Lamiaceae : Leonotis nepetifolia : 18MAY15 : AK-28 : 28/30: 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
From Limuru, Kenya.
A wild plant seen along the roadside.



Nepali name of Leonotis nepetifolia : 4 posts by 2 authors.
Please help me with the name udush mara for Leonotis nepetifolia … please validate उदूश मारा … I am not at all sure 🙂

उडुसमारा Udusamaaraa

Sonbhadra Uttar Pradesh : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)- 5 Mb.
Place Sonbhadra Uttar Pradesh
Date 27/10/2018

Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R.Br. in W.T.Aiton, Hortus Family : Lamiaceae

yes and clear nice pics

Please help / validate with following names of Leonotis nepetifolia
મતિજેર matijerBiological Diversity of Gujarat … the PDF no longer carries full content
દિપમાળ deepmal, મતિશૂલ matishulE-Flora of Gandhinagar


माटीशुળ  માટીશુળ लाल गुमा

Thank you very much, …, for help with names in native script.

via Species‎ > ‎L‎ > Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R.Br. … family: Lamiaceae
Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
lee-on-OH-tis — lion’s earDave’s Botanary
nep-eh-ti-FOH-lee-uh — having leaves like Nepeta (catnip)… Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: annual lion’s ear, Christmas candlestickAssamese: যাঠি তুলসী jathi tuloshiBengali: ভুতভৈরব bhutabhairab, গ্রন্থিকা granthika, খেজুরছড়ি khejurachari, মধুচুষি madhucusiGujarati: લાલ ગુમા lal guma, માટીશૂળ matishulHindi: बड़ा गूमा bara guma, लाल गूमा lal guma, महाद्रोण mahadronaKannada: ದೀಪ ಶೂಲೆ deepa shoole, ದೆವ ತುಂಬೆ deva tumbe, ಕಾಡು ತುಂಬೆ ಗಿಡ kaadu tumbe gida, ರಣಭೇರಿ ranabheriKonkani: दीपमाळ dipmalMarathi: दीपमाळ dipamaal, माती सूळ maati sulNepalese: उडुसमारा udushmaraOriya: କଣ୍ଟାସିଧ kantasidhaSanskrit: ग्रन्थिपर्णी granthiparniTamil: இரணபேரி ranaperiTelugu: హనుమంతబీర hanumanthabeera, మగబీర magabura, ములుగొలిమిడి mulugolimidi, రణచెట్టు ranabheri, రణ చెట్టు rana chettu
botanical names: Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R.Br. … synonyms: Leonurus globosus Moench • Leonurus nepetifolius (L.) Mill. • Phlomis nepetifolia L. … Plants of the World online
December 7, 2009 … Rajgurunagar, Pune

lee-on-OH-tis — lion’s ear … Dave’s Botanary
nep-eh-ti-FOH-lee-uh — having leaves like Nepeta (catnip)… Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: annual lion’s ear, Christmas candlestick •Assamese: যাঠি তুলসী jathi tuloshi • Bengali: ভুতভৈরব bhutabhairaba, গ্রন্থিকা granthika, খেজুরছড়ি khejurachari, মধুচুষি madhuchushi • Gujarati: લાલ ગુમા lal guma, માટીજેર matijer, માટીશૂળ matishul • Hindi: बड़ा गूमा bara guma, लाल गूमा lal guma, महाद्रोण mahadrona • Kannada: ದೀಪ ಶೂಲೆ deepa shoole, ದೆವ ತುಂಬೆ deva tumbe, ಗೋವಗೆಡ್ಡೆ govagedde, ಕಾಡು ತುಂಬೆ ಗಿಡ kaadu tumbe gida, ಪೃಥುಬೀಜ pruthubeeja, ರಣಭೇರಿ ranabheri • Konkani: दीपमाळ dipmal • Malayalam: ഗ്രന്ഥിപർണ്ണി granthhiparnni • Marathi: दीपमाळ dipamaal, माती सूळ maati sul • Nepali: उडुसमारा udusamaaraa • Odia: କଣ୍ଟାସିଧ kantasidha • Sanskrit: ग्रन्थिपर्णी granthiparni • Tamil: இரணபேரி ranaperi • Telugu: హనుమంతబీర hanumanthabeera, మగబీర magabura, ములుగొలిమిడి mulugolimidi, రణచెట్టు ranabheri, రణ చెట్టు rana chettu

botanical namesLeonotis nepetifolia (L.) R.Br. … homotypic synonymsLeonurus globosus Moench, nom. illeg. • Leonurus nepetifolius (L.) Mill. • Phlomis nepetifolia L. … POWO

Bibliography / etymology

Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will.

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
annual lion’s ear, Christmas candlestick
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
যাঠি তুলসী jathi tuloshi
  • Many thanks to Brahmananda Pattiri for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
ভুতভৈরব bhutabhairaba
গ্রন্থিকা granthika
  • Many thanks to Debdulal Banerjee for help with this name … facebook
খেজুরছড়ি khejurachari, মধুচুষি madhuchushi
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
લાલ ગુમા lal guma, માટીશૂળ matishul
  • Many thanks to Kiratsinh Zala for help with these names … efloraofindia
માટીજેર matijer
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
बड़ा गूमा bara guma, लाल गूमा lal guma
महाद्रोण mahadrona
  • Many thanks to Nayan Singh Dungriyal for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ದೀಪ ಶೂಲೆ deepa shoole, ದೆವ ತುಂಬೆ deva tumbe
ಗೋವಗೆಡ್ಡೆ govagedde (or ಗೋವಗಡ್ಡೆ govagadde), ಪೃಥುಬೀಜ pruthubeeja
ಕಾಡು ತುಂಬೆ ಗಿಡ kaadu tumbe gida
ರಣಭೇರಿ ranabheri
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
दीपमाळ dipmal
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
ഗ്രന്ഥിപർണ്ണി granthhiparnni
  • Many thanks to Vinaya Raj V R for help with coining this name … വിക്കിപീഡിയ – സ്വതന്ത്രസർവ്വവിജ്ഞാനകോശം
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
दीपमाळ dipamaal, माती सूळ maati sul
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
उडुसमारा udusamaaraa
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
କଣ୍ଟାସିଧ kantasidha
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
ग्रन्थिपर्णी granthiparni
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
இரணபேரி ranaperi
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
హనుమంతబీర hanumanthabeera, మగబీర magabura, ములుగొలిమిడి mulugolimidi, రణచెట్టు ranabheri, రణ చెట్టు rana chettu
~~~~~ DISTRIBUTION in States and Union Territories of India ~~~~~
almost throughout
~~~~~ Variant Spellings ~~~~~
  • nepetifolia = nepetæfolianepetaefolianepaetifolia (incorrectly used)
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at

Correct English spelling is grandhiparnni.

Thanks very much, dear …, for the appreciation and the validation of Malayalam coined name.
Allow me to retain the English spelling “granthhiparnni” as suggested by Vinaya Raj ji; he coined the Malayalam name for this plant  and he has given the English spelling.

Leonotis nepetifolia : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Leonotis nepetifolia
This was seen growing besides the road that passes thru Chinnar WLS, Kerala.
Chinnar straddles the Nilgiris and falls in the rain shadow area of the Western Ghats

Identification please. ID No. 014 : Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Flowering and fruiting have not seen.
Date of Pic. taken-02.08.2013

Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze

Does not appear to be Anisomeles indica as per images herein.


near Kangsabati Dam, Mukutmanipur, Dist- Bankura, (West Bengal) in end of November, 2005. from Galudi, growing on the banks of river Subarnarekha, Dec. 2004; at daulatabad fort- 31/10/08; along the road from Kanakapura to Sangam, near Bangalore- Nov.’08?; Phansad WLS- 15 Oct.2009; 20th Otober, 2009- Phansad Wildlife Sanctuary, Near Alibaug; at Nagzira and Navegaon National Parks on 29th December, 2009; Kanha NP, Madhya Pradesh- Feb’10; 
ID please – indiantreepix | Google Groups

Yellow flowers of Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh – efloraofindia | Google Groups
2 pictures for you to share 110110ET – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Leonotis nepetifolia – indiantreepix | Google Groups
flower083010b – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Leonotis nepetifolia – indiantreepix | Google Groups
LEONOTIS LEONURUS. – indiantreepix | Google Groups


Leonurus nepetifolia from Hemvati reservoir Hassan-GS11022022-3: 5 very high res. images.
Leonurus nepetifolia photographed from near Hemvati reservoir Hassan, Karnataka, 25-9-2015.

The ID is correct. The plant is a common weed here on  the outskirts:


Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R.Br. :: Suruchi beach, Vasai :: Feb 23, 2023 · JUN23 DV467: 4 images.

Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R.Br.
Suruchi beach, Vasai :: Feb 23, 2023 · 10:23 AM IST :: about 12 m (39 ft) asl
Many thanks to Jeremy Gilmore for validating the ID at iNaturalist


Lamiaceae: Leonotis nepeifolia.: 2 high res. images.


Lamiacae: Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R.Br.: 2 high res. images.
synonym: Leonotis nepetaefolia (R.Br.) W.T.Aiton
location/date (both): Tarubanda village, Melghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Amravati Distr., Maharashtra, November 1994


Lamiaceae: Leonotis nepetifolia: 1 high res. image.
Leonotis nepetifolia from Andhra University Botanical Garden on 20/08/2024

Updated on December 24, 2024

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