Lepidium species- on the way to Khardung-La

ID : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Request for IUD of the enclosed plant. Shot on the way to Khardung-La at an altitude of 12000 ft on 22 Aug 2014.

Seems from Brassicaceae, probably Lepidium sp. … may tell.. 

Thank you for ID hints. It looks like Lepidium densiflorum
common name : common pepperweed and prairie peppergrass.
(Wicki) .

I did not find this plant in the FOI.
Request to include if the above ID is correct.

Are you sure, … ?

It did not find any mention in Flora of Nepal website. Pl. also see
Also check species in efi: /species/a—l/b/brassicaceae/lepidium

Khardung La mountain pass is in India at +18000 ft elevation.
Lepidium densiflorum is not known in India as not enumerated in Flora of India vol-2.
The ID may need deeper investigation.

I am not an expert. These pictures were shot at an altitude of 11500-12000 ft before reaching to the Khardung -La. As per the hints received from …
I guess it is
 Lepidium densiflorum and it looks like that.
Please arrange to ID from some expert  if possible.

I have just been looking at A NEW EXPERIMENT and the link to Lepidium and thus this page.

Please note that Lepidium densiflorum is a common & widespread in North America but has never been recorded from Ladakh and his
HIGHLY UNLIKELY to be found there.
Dickore & Klimes list 4 species of Lepidium in the most up-to-date check-list for Ladakh.
I shall look into this further.

Lepidium apetalum Willd. ???

Pl. also check Lepidium pinnatifidum Ledeb. and the difference between the two.

Since Lepidium densiflorum Schrad. do not have distribution in India, I guess this could be Lepidium apetalum Willd.

or some other sp.
Dear …,
I guess this should be removed from the database.


Updated on February 2, 2025