Lepisanthes tetraphylla ?; Fwd: A tree for ID : 12 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (10) I am attaching a few pictures of the fruits and leaves of a tree from Kunnathurpadi, Kannur, taken last week. Kindly help me identify the same Not much idea may be Euphorbiaceae? Meliaceae? Sapindaceae? = Excoecaria crenulata Wight (Euphorbiaceae). It is confirmed as Lepisanthes teraphilla by … of KFRI those who are Indianflora members of Facebook are requested to go through the following post where I had posted 3 occasions of seeing this tree, all three seemed very different for me. https://www.facebook.com/groups/indianflora/permalink/1045292512178754/ Lepisanthes tetraphylla – Sapindaceae? I see. I was not knowing. But the paniculate inflorescences are lacking. Please try to collect the flowers. Images of Lepisanthes tetraphylla at efi I am not sure of this….neven seen this species yet. sorry. but just to inquire, did the plant exude latex? The location of fruits and their shape makes me think it could be some euphorbiaceae/ phyllanthaceae member. but this is a wild wild guess…u cud altogether neglect it as well. The basic question is whether the leaves are simple or compound. If simple then Euphorbiaceae, otherwise may be Sapindaceae or Meliaceae. It would be Harpullia arborea (Sapindaceae). Kindly note that the fruits are not arranged in panicles. Does not seem to match with images of Harpullia arborea Lepisanthes tetraphylla. (Sapindaceae) Thanks, … But looks different from images, details and references at Lepisanthes tetraphylla (Vahl) Radlk. earlier I had explained about the variations in Lepisanthes tetraphylla. Thanks, …, I will check with other sources also. It’s confirmed by … Thanks, … But I am doubtful as it looks different from images, details and references at Lepisanthes tetraphylla (Vahl) Radlk. If this is not Excoecaria crenulata, then I do not know what it is. A guess. Could this be related to Elateriospermum Date/Time- 25th June 2019, Daytime. Location- North Bengaluru, 900m. Habitat- Sapling self-germinated in my nursery. Plant Habit- Tree? Height/Length – 2 feet (small sapling, not grown). Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size – Similar to soapnut (sapindus). Inflorescence Type/ Size – Not seen. Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts – Not seen. Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds – Not seen. Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc. – None Seems to Lepisanthes sp.; could be tetraphylla, Sapindaceae, |
Lepisanthes tetraphylla ?
Updated on December 24, 2024