Lepisorus nudus

Lepisorus nudus (Hook.) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 4(3): 83 1933. (Syn: Drynaria nuda (Hook.) Fée; Phymatodes nuda (Hook.) J. Sm.; Pleopeltis nuda Hook.; Polypodium nudiusculum Kunze; Polypodium nudum (Hook.) Kunze);
Indian Subcontinent to China (Yunnan) and Indo-China, Sumatera, Japan: Assam, China South-Central, East Himalaya, India, Japan, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Sumatera, Thailand, Tibet, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO;

Epiphytic herb with long creeping rhizome, up to 3 mm thick, branched, densely covered by scales; scales appressed, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, about 4 x 1 mm, pale brown with thin walled cells at the periphery, gradually becoming dark brown with thick walled cells, attached subbasally with orange coloured spot, apex acute, margin subentire or entire. Stipes scattered about 2 cm apart, 1-10 x 0.15 cm, stramineous or grey-brown to dark or reddish-brown, abaxially rounded, grooved adaxially, scaly at the very base, glabrous. Laminae simple linear-elliptic to linear lanceoalte, 4 x 6.5 cm, to 35 x 2 cm, widest just below the midportion from where gradually narrowing towards both ends, apex acuminate, base decurrent, narrowly cuneate, margin entire; midrib slightly raised above and below; lamina dark green above, pale green below, glabrous; texture chartaceous to subcoriaceous. Sori superficial, arranged in the distal half of the frond in two rows between margin and midrib, conspicuous, hemispherical, up to 5 mm in diameter; sorus scales different from rhizome scales, orbicular with dark brown, thick walled cells and long stalk; spores reniform or planoconvex or ovoid or ellipsoid, whitish, 65 x 40 m, exine with minute protuberances.

In the evergreen forests
India, Sri Lanka, China, Tibet, Bhutan, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Thailand, Japan and Africa,
(Attributions- K. P. Rajesh From India Biodiversity Portal)

Please id this epiphytic : 12 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5).
Found this epiphytic Plant on tree in evergreen forest please id this
Murbad hills, June 2014

This is an Epiphytic fern could be the member of genus Polypodium?

The fern may Pyrrosia confluens

What State are Murbad Hills in? It is a Lepisorus, almost certainly L. nudus (from the long rhizome), but really I would need a close up photo of rhizome scales to identify Lepisorus species – but it is almost surely L. nudus. In L. nudus the scales on the rhizome are slightly two-toned grey – but not enough to call them bicolorous.

P.S. Re “Pyrrosia confluens” – it’s not useful to guess without knowing why – all Pyrrosia’s have dense indument underneath (excluding P. piloselloides etc.) and those in India do not have a single line of sori each side of the midrib. No “P. confluens” is known from the Indian subcontinent.”

Murbad hills is hill range of hills near by hills Western ghat’s situates in Thane district of Maharashtra state thanks sir for id

Ah, right – thanks – excuse my ignorance, but I’m more of a Himalayan man! Anyway, that makes sense – there are only two Lepisorus in the peninsula, mostly only the one even, L. nudus which has the long rhizome, while L. amaurolepidus (further south) has a short rhizome.

Position on developing sori on the lower surface of leaves points towards ‘Lepisorus’ species.


ANSEPT12/12 Fern for identification : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

Date: August 2015
Place: Devaramane, Karnataka

Habitat: Epiphytic, on shola trees

Pleopeltis lanciolata

Lepisorus nudus. Really we need to check the rhizome scales, but the general aspect, length of the rhizome (just visible in one place between the moss) between leaves etc. is just good enough to enable identification I reckon. Only two Lepisorus are known so far in S. India, L. nudus and L. amaurolepidus.

Thanks again …, I’ll make sure to take a closer look at the rhizome scales next time.


Identifying ferns: 2 images.
Can you please help me to identify the fern? i find them often in Chikkamagalur district of Karnataka

Yes, it’s Lepisorus nudus. But to really confirm it is not the other south Indian species, L. amaurolepidus, you have to study the rhizome-scales.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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