Leptodermis amoena Springate, Edinburgh J. Bot. 53: 99 1996.; . Native to: East Himalaya as per POWO; .
Hope this email finds you well and safe amid covid-19 pandemic. Kindly help us to verify the shrub ID of the attached Abelia sp. photo, please. We are suspecting this species as a new record for Bhutan. The valuable ID verification of your great team would be highly appreciated as always. I do not think it matches with Abelia or Caprifoliaceae as per comparative images herein. Spermadictyon suaveolens Roxb. ?? Looks different from Spermadictyon suaveolens as per images herein. Looked close to Leptodermis, but is different. But definitely a Rubiaceae Thank you for you and all other expertise help. I have also sought help from other friends within Bhutan where it is identified as Laptodermis amoena. Do other experts in this forum agree on this or not. Kindly help to validate. Thanks, …, To me appeared close to Leptodermis as pointed out in my earlier reply. However, could not find a match as per comparative images at Leptodermis Did not think of checking whether there may be another species in Bhutan. Yes matches quite well as per GBIF specimens:
. References: |
Leptodermis amoena
Updated on December 24, 2024