Leptodermis lanceolata Wall., Fl. Ind. 2: 191 1824. (Syn: Hamiltonia fruticosa D.Don; Hamiltonia suaveolens D.Don [Illegitimate]); . Lanceleaf Leptodermis ; . As per keys at link: Leptodermis kumaonensis has corolla pubescent outside and Leptodermis lanceolata has corolla glabrous outside; . Erect shrub with spreading branches, up to 2.8 m tall, glabrous; leaves opposite, fetid when crushed, lanceolate to ovate-elliptic, 2-10 cm long, pubescent especially beneath; stipules small, appressed, acute; petiole 3-6 mm long; flowers white, sometimes tinged with purple, 12-18 mm long, in small bracteate clusters forming terminal large panicles; each flower enclosed by two partially confluent bracts; calyx lobes small, ciliate; corolla somewhat funnel shaped, tube 8-10 mm long, lobes spreading; style long 5 branched at tip; capsule cylindric, 7-8 mm long, splitting into four valves. . In Leptodermis lanceolata, flowers are borne in cymes at the end of stem, or on lateral branches. In Leptodermis kumaonensis, they are almost fascicled on the stem. Moreover, flowers are white in Leptodermis lanceolata, whereas they are white or pink, fading to purple in Leptodermis kumaonensis. . VOF Week: Leptodermis sp.-2 along Govindghat-Ghangaria trail.: This Leptodermis sp. was seen along Govindghat-Ghangaria trail. Yes, this is Leptodermis lanceolata….. VoF Week :: DV :: 04 AUG 12 – 1148 :: interesting buds along Ghangaria – Govind Ghat trail: 4 AUG 12 Habitat: mountain slope My perception….this looks like Leptodermis lanceolata…..a juvenile form..may be I am wrong….. I think … is correct, Leptodermis lanceolata, we had seen plenty of such on Chakrata trip. … has posted one Leptodermis sp. I too had seen this at Joshimath and also at Govindghat-Ghangaria route. The plant posted here is from Joshimath. Family: Rubiaceae Date/Time: 06-08-2012 / 11:50AM Habitat: Wild Plant habit: Shrub. Enclosing some cropped images also. Yes Leptodermis lanceolata VoF Week :: DV :: 04 AUG 12 – 1045 :: white flowered slant herb along Ghangaria – Govind Ghat trail: AUG 12 I hope Leptodermis lanceolata I would guess Leptodermis kumaonensis but detailed features need to be checked to distinguish it from Leptodermis lanceolata I too had seen this plant at 2 places, one along Govindghat-Ghangaria trail and other just before Joshimath. Will share the photographs by evening.. Would be interesting to know the differences between the two species but judging from comparison with plants uploaded on FOI it seems to match more with mine Leptodermis lanceolata from Chakrata. You are right. It is Leptodermis lanceolata. In Leptodermis lanceolata, flowers are borne in cymes at the end of stem, or on lateral branches. In Leptodermis kumaonensis, they are almost fascicled on the stem. Moreover, flowers are white in Leptodermis lanceolata, whereas they are white or pink, fading to purple in Leptodermis kumaonensis. These are the observations of a layman. 🙂 You are not a layman, much more accomplished than many of us (no aspersions on fellow taxonomists). Your knowledge of Indian Flora is unparalleled. Plus your website is something every botanist and nature lover should thank you for. Truly a great contribution. If any member has access to original description of L. kumaonensis, kindly forward it, as it may help further. I thought we had seen some plants with reddish flowers also in Chakrata. Thank you for your flattering words. Here is a description of Leptodermis kumaonensis VoF Week :: TG :: Leptodermis lanceolata: Leptodermis lanceolata VoF Week: A shrub for id from way to Ghangriya: Leptodermis lanceolata, found last year in Chakrata also love it esp the pic of the entire shrub efloraofindia: For ID 271112SP15: Please help me to identify this flower. Date: 10/10/2011 Leptodermis lanceolata…Rubiaceae… Rubiaceae Week: Spermadictyon suaveolens Roxb. from Chakrata area: Spermadictyon suaveolens Roxb., Pl. Coromandel. 3: 32. 1815. syn: Hamiltonia suaveolens (Roxb.) Roxb. Erect shrub with spreading branches; leaves opposite, fetid when crushed, ovate-lanceolate to elliptic, 10-20 cm long, roughly pubescent especially beneath along veins; stipules triangular, 2-4 mm long; petiole 12-18 mm long; flowers blue-lilac to white, 12-16 mm long, in small bracteate clusters forming terminal up to 25 cm long panicles; calyx hairy with up to 2 mm long lobes; corolla somewhat funnel shaped, tube 8-12 mm long, lobes spreading 2-3 mm long; capsule ovoid, 3-4 mm long. Common along roadsides along Mussoorie Chakrata road and in Chakrata. Photographed in September If I am not wrong you have uploaded a different plant, of course Rubiaceae, but should not be Spermadictyon… I would be happy if correct identification is found. Yes Sir, I have also gone through the thread, after I mailed you. I usually hesitate to question your identification (and everybody should..). This I did because I remember that old thread, my identification of the same was not agreed, and for that I no longer believed this plant to be S. suaveolens.. It is turning out to be interesting. Strobilanthes pentestemonoides (syn: Goldfussia pentestemonoides) seems to be a different plant with flowers pale purple or violet (never white) and larger in size with (about 4 cm long) and corolla tube nearly 12 mm wide above, also calyx is deeply divided and glandular hairy, none of which are found in our plant also 4-5 linear stigma lobes are clearly seen in my photograph. http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/showimage/217590/ Yes my plant resembles … plant which also does not resemble photographs in above links. I seem to be coming close to resolving this. I was all along confused about a semitubular structure outside the calyx seen in photographs which I have cropped and uploading here. They seem to be two bracts which are partially united towards base. I feel my above plant is as such Leptodermis lanceolata Wall. Interestingly we are not only ones to get confused. Famous author D. Don also got confused. Following is listed as one of the synonyms of Leptodermis lanceolata in eFl Pakistan Leptodermis lanceolata Wall. in Roxb., Fl. Ind. ed. Carey & Wall. 2: 191. 1824 syn: Hamiltonia fruticosa D. Don; Hamiltonia suaveolens auct. non Roxb.; D. Don Erect shrub with spreading branches, up to 2.8 m tall, glabrous; leaves opposite, fetid when crushed, lanceolate to ovate-elliptic, 2-10 cm long, pubescent especially beneath; stipules small, appressed, acute; petiole 3-6 mm long; flowers white, sometimes tinged with purple, 12-18 mm long, in small bracteate clusters forming terminal large panicles; each flower enclosed by two partially confluent bracts; calyx lobes small, ciliate; corolla somewhat funnel shaped, tube 8-10 mm long, lobes spreading; style long 5 branched at tip; capsule cylindric, 7-8 mm long, splitting into four valves. Common along roadsides along Mussoorie Chakrata road and in Chakrata. Photographed in September Thank you for the clarifications sir… Thanks … for such clear photographs. The bracts enveloping the calyx are clearly visible in your photograph no 2
I have seen pink flowers too. One fallen one on another plant is attached too. Lanceleaf leptodermis (Leptodermis lanceolata)–Please confirm 1 October, 2014, Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP Leptodermis lanceolata —- at Sai Ropa – GHNP – PKA54 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4). Yes … Very good photographs. ANDEC63 Please confirm if this is Leptodermis lanceolata : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Mussoorie, Uttarakhand Leptodermis lanceolata ABJUL01/19 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 3 images. These Leptodermis bushes are flowering on the slopes with clusters of delicate white and pink flowers. Leptodermis from Greek leptos: slender, fine dermis: skin Leptodermis lanceolata–Please confirm. Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP 1800m 21 July 2015. Yes … Locality: Outskirts of Dehradun, Uttarakhand Habit: Shrub upto 2 m high. Habitat: Along roadsides Date: August 2010 White flowered Mirabilis jalapa? This is not M.jalaapa. I have plenty around my house. I will post the pictures shortly. This plant looks very close to Spermadictyon suaveolens Syn. Hamiltonia suaveolens A Rubiaceae plant.. This may be a climber twining on a shrub. If the leaves are less than 5 cm and flowers less than 1 cm then this can be Jacquemontia paniculata of Convolvulaceae. This looks like Goldfussia pentastemonoides of Family Acanthaceae I am tending to agree that the plant in question is not in Convolvulaceae as the leaves appear to be in opposite arrangement and all plants in Convolvulaceae have alternate arrangement. This cant be Goldfussia! Pl follow this link.. ssps.tpc.edu Thanks for forwarding me this useful literature. Yes! I am also not convinced with S. penstemonoides Even there is a little ambiguity in the name. (Ref: Fl. China). Strobilanthes penstemonoides (Nees) T. Anderson, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 9: 477. 1867. Goldfussia penstemonoides Nees in Wallich, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 88. 1832 [“pentastemonoides“]; G. flexuosa Nees; Ruellia capitata Buchanan-Hamilton ex D. Don. Hope we’ll get the correct identity soon. The specific epithet ‘penstemonoides ‘ should be valid because it is based on Ruellia penstemonoides from Wallich Catalog.. But not sure of the id yet. Please check a previous thread on Spermadictyon suaveolens @ efi thread I think this is indeed a Rubiaceae species, though I am not sure about the species. My thoughts are based on opposite leaves, interpetiolar stipules and inferior ovary with persistent calyx. Plant ID for link below: efi thread Leptodermis lanceolata Wall. Vernacular name in Uttarakhand: Padera, Padar. Leptodermis kumaonensis (?) from Kalatope : 2 posts by 1 author. Thank you for the clarifications sir… My contribution of the same taken in August last year from Kalatope Sanctuary… Attachments (4) If we go by the keys at link (it should be Leptodermis kumaonensis as corolla seems to be pubescent outside). … may further check with original images. After going through all threads, I feel it is Leptodermis lanceolata only & does not match with images of Leptodermis kumaonensis in efi thread. ID07112012PHK2: Id please Check for Leptodermis sp.. Leptodermis lanceolata Wall. White flowers for ID :: Govindghat – Ghangaria, Uttarakhand :: Aug 2018 :: ARKOCT-12 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) Saw these en route Ghangaria from Govindghat, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018. I have a feeling, I have seen this somewhere, but cannot place it. Requested to please provide ID. These resemble Leptodermis lanceolata. Kindly validate. Yes, you are right … . I’d requested 31: 2 high res, images. Location: Rajouri j and k Habit: Shrub Leptodermis sp., may be Leptodermis lanceolata Wall. ?? Yes, Leptodermis lanceolata Wall. as per images and details herein. . Leptodermis lanceolata Wall.: 7 very high res. images. Location: Dailekh, West Nepal Altitude: 1353 m. Date: 12 August 2021 Habit : Wild Please validate ! Yes, matches with images at Leptodermis lanceolata . SK 3125 10 November 2021: 6 very high res. images. Yes, it appears close to images at Leptodermis lanceolata Wall. Thank you … ! I thought close to riparia! . References: |
Leptodermis lanceolata
Updated on December 23, 2024