Leptorhabdos parviflora (Benth.) Benth., Prodr. 10: 510 510 1846. (Syn: Dargeria linifolia Decne.; Dargeria pinnatifida Decne.; Gerardia parviflora Benth.; Leptorhabdos benthamiana Walp.; Leptorhabdos brevidens Fisch. & C.A.Mey.; Leptorhabdos glutinosa Freyn; Leptorhabdos linifolia (Decne.) Walp.; Leptorhabdos micrantha Schrenk; Leptorhabdos parviflora var. glutinosa (Freyn) Ivanina; Leptorhabdos virgata Benth.);
Common name: Leptorhabdos
Northern Caucasus, Georgia [Caucasus], Jammu & Kashmir (Poonch, Kashmir),
China (Gansu, Xinjiang), Afghanistan (Badakshan, Wakhan, Balkh, Bamyan, Ghazni, Kabul, Kunar / Nuristan, Wardak, Paktia / Khost, Parwan), NW-India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan (Baluchistan, Swat, Hazara, Kurram, N.W.Frontier Prov., Dir, Chitral), Pakistani Kashmir (Astor, Baltistan, Gilgit), Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Nepal, Oman (Mascat & Oman), Iran (EC-Iran, E-Iran, NE-Iran: Mts., N-Iran, W-Iran) as per Catalogue of life; Tall erect herb with slender long reddish stems; leaves alternate, sessile, pinnatisect with linear segments; flowers pale pink, 5-6 mm across, in long glandular racemes; calyx 5-toothed; corolla tube short, limb spreading; stamens 4 in unequal pairs; capsule oblong, flattened, enclosed in calyx.
Leptorhabdos parviflora (Benth.) Benth. in DC., Prodr. 10: 510 (1846). syn: Gerardia parviflora Benth.; Leptorhabdos benthamiana Walp.
Tall erect herb with slender long reddish stems; leaves alternate, sessile, pinnatisect with linear segments; flowers pale pink, 5-6 mm across, in long glandular racemes; calyx 5-toothed; corolla tube short, limb spreading; stamens 4 in unequal pairs; capsule oblong, flattened, enclosed in calyx.
Photographed from open hill slopes above Cheshmashahi and Dachhigam, Kashmir Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Leptorhabdos parviflora from Kashmir-GS-3 : Attachments (6). 1 post by 1 author.
Leptorhabdos parviflora (Benth.) Benth. in DC., Prodr. 10: 510 (1846).
syn: Gerardia parviflora Benth.; Leptorhabdos benthamiana Walp.
Tall erect herb with slender long reddish stems; leaves alternate, sessile, pinnatisect with linear segments; flowers pale pink, 5-6 mm across, in long glandular racemes; calyx 5-toothed; corolla tube short, limb spreading; stamens 4 in unequal pairs; capsule oblong, flattened, enclosed in calyx.
Photographed from open hill slopes above Cheshmashahi and Dachhigam, Kashmir Kalatope i.d. al260911: Another small but beautiful flower blooming in the wilderness..
Location Kalatope, Chamba
Altitude 2100 mts Habit herb Habitat wild Height 24-30 inches I hope Leptorhabdos benthamiana My Pending Identifications: Chakrata:: NS MARCH 01 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).
This one was shot in September 2011, from Chakrata area, the earlier suggested id is any Lobelia sp.
Posting again if it can go further, of course, I do not have conclusive pics.. Lobelia flowers I think are strongly bilabiate with 2-lobed upper lip and 3-lobed lower lip. To me it looks different.
It is CERTAINLY not a Lobelia sp. That’s all I can say. It looks unfamiliar to me.
Looks like some sp. of Sopubia
Seems to be Scrophulariaceae member, i.e., species of Sopubia/ Striga
Thanks a lot … for valuable inputs…
Leptorhabdos parviflora Family – Orobanchaceae Herb for Id from Chakrata-Sept. 2011 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 3 authors.
I hope to find the identification of this herbaceous plant caught during our trip to that area in September 2011. I think this is any Scrophulariaceae member. The plant was merely 3-5 cm high, with pinkish flowers, fruit was not found, I regret not to post a clear picture of the habit or size. Id please….. I think it was identified in some other thread from you.
But I am not able to link it now. Yes …, I think it was identified as Leptorhabdos parviflora.. /species/m—z/o/orobanchaceae/leptorhabdos/leptorhabdos-parviflora Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Herb for id from Chakrata-NS 48 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Please give clues for id of this herb shot from Chakrata in September 2011..
I even doubt if this belongs to this fortnight or not..
id help requested..
I think it was identified as Leptorhabdos parviflora in other threads. Yes … The irony of old age, our database has my specimens from Kashmir, I have clicked from Chakrata also. Interesting Kashmir plants with red stems, dark green leaves and pink flowers look different from Chakrata plants which have white flowers and lighter green stem and leaves. References: |
Leptorhabdos parviflora
Updated on December 24, 2024