Leucas rosmarinifolia

Leucas rosmarinifolia Benth., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 61 1830. ;

Image by Kanti Patel – Id by Franklin Jose



Much-branched, low shrubs, 30-60 cm high; stem and branches terete, greenish-grey, woody, strigose or villous with erect hairs. Leaves sessile, apparently fascicled or few opposite, 2-5 x 0.3-0.5 cm, linear, obtuse, entire and revolute-margined, strigose above and on the mid-rib beneath, elsewhere grey-white tomentose with short hairs beneath. Flower-whorls 1 or 2, terminating leafy branches, 1.5-2.5 cm in diam., each subtended by three or a pair of leaves. Bracts 5-7 mm long, linear or linear-oblong, rigid, villous beneath with long erect hairs, long ciliate, pointed at tip, longer or as long as calyx. Calyx-tube sessile, 5-6 mm long, straight, campanulate-turbinate, hispid; mouth truncate; villi 2-3 mm long, white, much longer than teeth; teeth 10, 0.5-1 mm long, triangular, closing over the fruit. Corolla-tube little exserted; upper lip bearded with long white hairs, as long as 3-lobed lower lip. Anthers glabrous. Nutlets 2-3 mm long, obtusely 3-gonous, yellowish brown. 

Flowering and fruiting: May-September 
Southern Western Ghats (Endemic)

Leucas rosmarinifolia: Leucas rosmarinifolia is an endemic plant in Western Ghats.
If you have any information on this plant, pl. share with me

Identification Plant Pls give ID assistance to this plant

This plant from tamilnadu
Please help me to the identification of plants

Please provide the details of plant and exact location. Your plant looks very much like Leucas suffruticosa Benth. of Lamiaceae

This plant from Tamilnadu, Palni hills, Altitude 2200 m
The local name of this plant is Malaithulasi

It seems to be Leucas rosmarinifolia

Yes it is Leucas rosmarinifolia


Updated on December 24, 2024

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