Lindera pulcherrima (Nees) Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India 5(13): 185 1886. (syn: Daphnidium pulcherrimum Nees; Lindera pulcherrima var. pulcherrima; Benzoin pulcherrimum (Nees) Kuntze); . Common name: Wild Privet, Tree privet • Hindi: dadia, cher, cheri • Khasi: dieng jaburit, dieng tyrthialieh, dieng tyrthia synrang . A large tree ; branchlets hoary. Leaves membranous or thinly coriaceous, greenish when dry, minutely reticulate above with 3 slender raised nerves, beneath finely reticulate, caudate tip often 1 in. long and very slender ; petiole slender, 1/3-1/2 in. Clusters quite sessile, globose ; bracts pale, rather thin, concave, subsilky, outer smaller ; flowers on short silky-tomentose pedicels ; perianth silky. Sepals 6, oblong, membranous ; equal or subequal. Stamens 9, filaments short, nearly glabrous ; of female reduced to 2 glandular filaments. Ovary and style pubescent ; stigma very large. Fruit 1/3 in. long ; perianth wholly deciduous, or rarely fragments remain ; pedicel slender, 1/3-2/3 in., not thickened at the tip. (From The Flora of British India (1886) from IBIS Flora) . SK1065 05 APR-2018 : 12 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7) Location: Shivapuri National Park, Nepal Altitude: 8800 ft. Date: 27 March 2018 Habit : Wild Check Lauraceae. May be some Lindera species. Lindera pulcherrima !! I have noticed slight difference in the images in FoI and efi. Please elaborate. Is it Lauraceae? If yes then which genus? Is this Lindera? Yes it is Lindera pulcherrima as suggested by you and some of the images in google are matching but I feel the images given in the Flowers of India and efloraindia looks slight different. Just my curiosity. This is typical L. pulcherrima indeed, originally described from Nepal. Perfect match with the type specimens. The first to imanges in efi are something very different with paniculate inflorescences. Your images are true addition of the species to EFI. Thanks, …, I will look into it. Thank you ! Lindera pulcherrima (Nees) Benth. Nepali Names : फुस्रे Phusre / खराने Kharaane / किर्किटो Kirkito / पिपिरी Pipiree/ फुसुरे Phusure . Lindera pulcherrima in FOI : 5 posts by 2 authors. Lindera pulcherrima in FOI does not match with images at Lindera pulcherrima. To me appear close to images at Cinnamomum tamala as per comparative images at Cinnamomum Thanks …, Please delete the existing image and replace the same with the recent images posted by … Corrected in FOI. .
Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur Date: 07 October 2020 Elevation: 2296m. Habit : Wild .
Location: Chandragiri Date: November 2020 Altitude: 2300m. Habitat : Wild . MS,Dec.,2021/10 Celtis sp. for id.: Location : Durtlang, Mizoram Altitude : ca.1,400 m Date : 12-03-2018 Habit : Small tree ? Habitat : Wild Celtis timorensis ? I think something else as Celtis timorensis looks different. I agree … Celtis philippensis Flowers look different as per images at Neolitsea umbrosa ? I think its leaves look different from Neolitsea umbrosa as per POWO. Pl. post other images. Any keys? I tried many other genera, but failed to arrive at the id. Keys are not available. Only Neolitsea cassia is recorded in Mizoram Lindera pulcherrima (Nees) Benth. … is right. This agrees well with Lindera pulcherrima. .
Altitude : ca.1,480 m Date : 04-04-2023 Habit : Shrub or small tree Habitat : Wild To me appears close to images of Lindera pulcherrima as at Yes, Lindera pulcherrima. .
Location: Chandragiri, Kathmandu, Nepal Altitude: 2264m. Date : 8 April 2023 Habitat : Wild Yes as per images at .
Altitude : ca.1,600 m Date : 27-10-2023 Habit : Evergreen tree Habitat : Wild Looks like Lindera pulcherrima (Nees) Benth. ! Ziziphus incurva ? No ! I think … is right in its id as I agree with you. This is a common Lauraceae member in Northeast India. .
Location: Tinpane, Kantipath, Nepal Date: 08 February 2025 Elevation: 2223m. Habitat: Wild
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Lindera pulcherrima
Updated on March 6, 2025