Eulophia picta (R.Br.) Ormerod from Assam KD 05 Nov 24: 5 images.
Attached images are from Eulophia picta (R.Br.) Ormerod Assam. Please validate.
Date : 07.11.2024
Location: Assam
Family : Orchidaceae
Genus & species : Eulophia picta (R.Br.) Ormerod(= Geodorum densiflorum (Lam.) Schltr.)
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Ground orchid
Flower : Not seen
Fruit : Capsule
Looks like Liparis deflexa..
Not possible to confirm with these pics but as … says, obviously a Liparis (I can see a long dry column over the fruit). Could also be a Liparis odorata (I see roundish corms). Would be good to know if it was growing in direct sun or in deep shade inside the forest.
My specimen (the ground orchid) grows in deep shade inside the forest.