Litchi chinensis (Introduced)

Litchi chinensis Sonn., Voy. Ind. Orient. 3: 255-258 255 1782. (Syn: Corvinia litschi (Lour.) Stadm. ex Willem.; Dimocarpus litchi Lour.; Euphoria litchi (Lour.) Juss.; Euphoria punicea Lam.; Euphoria sinensis (Sonner.) J. F. Gmel.; Laetji chinensis (Sonner.) Osb. ex Steud.; Litchi litchi (Cambess.) Britton; Litchi sinensis (Sonner.) J. F. Gmel.; Nephelium chinense (Sonn.) Druce; Nephelium dimocarpus Hook. fil. & Thoms. ex Hook. fil.; Nephelium lichi (Lour.) Steud.; Nephelium litchi Cambess.; Sapindus edulis Ait.; Scytalia chinensis (Sonn.) Gaertn.; Scytalia litschi (Lour.) Roxb.; Scytalia sinensis (Sonner.) J. F. Gmel.; Scytalia squamosa Stokes);
China (S-Fujian, Guangdong), peninsular Malaysia (Kedah, Terengganu, Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan), Borneo, Thailand, Vietnam, Costa Rica (I), Cuba (I), Hispaniola (I), Puerto Rico (I), Taiwan (I), Java (I), trop. Africa (I), Fiji (I), Palau Isl. (I), Society Isl. (I) (Tahiti (I), Raiatea (I)), Mauritius (I), La Runion (I), Andaman Isl. (I), Burma (I), Bhutan (I), India (I), Bangladesh (I), Nepal (I), Mozambique (I), Trinidad & Tobago (I), Cameroon (I), Benin (I), Honduras (c) as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Leechee, Lychee • Bengali: লীচী Lichi • Hindi: लीची Lichi • Kannada: Lichi hannu • Manipuri: লীচী Lichi • Marathi: लीची Lichi • Mizo: Lachu • Oriya: Lachu, Lichi

Lychee and strawberry’s plant:
Is it possible to get these plants in delhi. If so can you please advice the
plant nursery and its locality.

Litchi does not do that well in Delhi, and as such may be grown only in some private gardens. You can try Govt. Sunder Nursery (Near Lodhi Road), Supreme Nursery near India Gate, Jagdish Nursery, Roshan Ara Road, Maheshwari Nursery, Saket and Delhi Gate.
For Strawberry you will have to wait till September October, when conditions for its growth return, you may try the same nurseries.

Litchi is well under cultivation in Dehradun and if possible you can get it in any nursery there

Try Rajdhani Nursery in Jorbagh, New Delhi.


I have two Lychee tree in my garden propagated from seeds.
These are about ten years old but not flowered yet. At what age they start bearing fruit? Are they ever going to flower?

.., the tree grown from seed takes more time than the grafted one.  If you are putting water daily, then try putting water alternate days.  It induces some stress in the tree and it produces flowers and fruits. Also put some fish emulsion around the tree which is good for fruit production and immediately after putting the fish emulsion water the tree.


Fruit Trees of Bangalore – RA – Litchi Chinensis – Leechee Tree:
The Leechee tree is a handsome, dense, round-topped, slow-growing, 30-100 ft tall high and equally broad.
Its evergreen leaves, 5-8 in. long, are pinnate, having 4-8 alternate, elliptic-oblong to lance-shaped, abruptly pointed, leaflets. Leaflets are somewhat leathery, smooth, glossy, dark-green on the upper surface and grayish-green beneath, 2-3 in. long. 
Tiny petal-less, greenish-white to yellowish flowers are borne in clusters up to 30 in. long, at the end of branches. 
Fruits are showy, borne in loose, hanging clusters of 2-30 strawberry-red, rose, pinkish or amber round balls, tinged with green. Most are aromatic, oval, heart-shaped or nearly round, about 1 in wide and 1.5 in. long. 
Fruits have a thin, leathery, rough or minutely warty skin, flexible and easily peeled when fresh. Immediately beneath the skin of some varieties is a small amount of clear, delicious juice. The glossy, succulent, thick, translucent-white to grayish or pinkish fleshy aril which usually separates readily from the seed. 
Leechee is native to South China, widely cultivated in India.
Ref. Flowers of India
I will post the fruits when it comes, it started flowering

Nice Shots … I think some leaves as seen in 0008 are attacked by Nematodes

Hooghly Today : Nephelium litchi Cambess. : 3 images. 1 post by 1 author.
This is লিচু (LYCHEE), the current accepted name is –

SYMBIOSIS : 316 :  1 image. 1 post by 1 author.
Attaching an image of a Red base Jezebel butterfly on the flowers of Litchi chinensis. The tree is popular litchi.

Hooghly : Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley, 1986 ? :  Attachments (2).  1 post by 1 author.
Besides our own litchi another variety, Muzaffarpur Litchi is also available in market, having more flesh and smaller seed.
Invariably half of those lychee will have guests under skin!

Celastraceae & Sapindaceae Fortnight : Sapindaceae : Litchi chinensis Sonn SM1 :  Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Litchi chinensis Sonn.

Fully loaded Litchi trees

Sapindaceae Fortnight: Litchi sinensis from Kathua J & K-GS26 : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author.
Litchi sinensis, photographed from Kathua J & K


Litchi chinensis : 5 posts by 3 authors.
Do anyone can share the taxonomy key for 3 species of Litchi- Litchi chinensis; Litchi litchi and Litchi sinensis

Many thanks. However I can get only for one species. theplantlist has 3 species as approved species and I could not get the key to differentiate them.

Thanks, … We have to be careful while dealing with The Plant List- it is work-in-progress.
We have to consult other sources simultaneously, where ever possible.

I too got interested to know., so I searched and found some info in a book that can be viewed at link
Please scroll down to page number 25 onward for the taxonomy on litchi and longan.
However, names of various cultivars across states and countries can be viewed at
The protologue of Litchi chinensis can be accessed in page 230 at
Perhaps, Litchi chinensis got transformed in L. sinensis .. see page 108 at
Couldn’t find any info on Litchi litchi, I am a non-botanist member this group and have learned that the name should be regarded as invalid as it is tautonym.

Lalbagh Botanical Gardens Bangalore
Date: 19 FEB 2017 … Altitude: ~ 906 m (2972 ft) asl
Litchi chinensis Sonn. … (family: Sapindaceae) … exotic

Litchi chinensis Sonner. : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 1 MB.
Location:  Biratnager , Nepal
Date: 8 May 2013 
Elevation : 2350 ft.
Habit : Cultivated
Nepali Name : लिची  Lichee

Re: SYMBIOSIS : 1136 : 2 posts by 2 authors.
Attaching a collage of Common Crow visiting flowers of Litchi chinensis (LITCHI)
Litchi chinensis (Sapindaceae) from Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra… : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (13)
Here am attaching details of Litchi chinensis (Sapindaceae) shot from Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra in March 2019. Its flowers possess nectar that is mainly relished by the honeybees.

very nice. is it a tall tree or short cultivar?

SK1824 021 April 2019 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (9)- around 600 kb each.
Location: Lakeside, Pokhara, Kaski Dt.
Date: 22 March 2019
Elevation: 794  m.
Habit : Cultivated

To me it looks quite close to Litchi sinensis


Regarding identification of the species collected from Dhenkanal Odisha: 3 high res. images.
A suggestion but not sure. Check for Litchi species.

Litchi chinensis Sonn.


Updated on December 24, 2024