Litsea deccanensis

Litsea deccanensis Gamble, Fl. Madras. 1235. (Syn: Litsea tomentosa Heyne ex Wall.; Tetranthera tomentosa Roxb. ex Wall. ex Wight);
LIT-see-a — Chinese litse or Ii, meaning small, littleDave’s Botanary
day-kahn-NEN-sis — of or from Deccan peninsula, India
ak-tin-oh-DAF-nee — Greek: aktinos (ray) and daphne, who was transformed into a Laurel to escape Apollo (legendary)Dave’s Botanary
kwin-kway-FLOR-uh — five-floweredDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Deccan tallow laurel, Ganapathy tree • Konkani: चिकना chikna, मैदालकडी maida-lakdi • Malayalam: പതലി pathali, പെരുംപതലി perumpathali • Marathi: चिकणा chikana, कुरक kurak • Tamil: பெரும்பஞ்சட்டி perumpanjatti • Telugu: నరమామిడి naramamidi
Names bibliography at dineshvalke.blogspot
Native to: Western India, Deccan Peninsula (India), Sri Lanka

Dioecious trees, to 10 m high, bark somewhat rough, very dark, pustular, branchlets stout, densely pale brown-tomentellous; terminal bud with large densely pilose bud scales. Leaves simple, alternate, estipulate, crowded at the end of branchlets; petiole 9-40 mm long, stout, tomentose; lamina 7.5-24 x 4-9 cm, elliptic, obovate or elliptic-oblong, base acute or round, apex acute or acuminate, margin entire, glabrous above except on veins, glossy, finely tomentose and yellowish-white beneath, chartaceous; lateral nerves 7-15 pairs, pinnate, prominent beneath, intercostae subscalariform, faint. Flowers unisexual, pale yellow, small, in axillary, pedunculate, solitary or in many flowered umbellate heads; peduncle 10-17 mm long, drooping, tomentose; involucral bracts 4, orbicular, concave, tomentose without; pedicel upto 3 mm long, pubescent; perianth tube short, hairy outside, segments 0, stamens 18-20 in male flowers; in 4 rows, filaments long, slender, densely villous, those of 1 and 2 row usually eglandular, the rows 3 and 4 with 2 glands; anthers 4-celled, all introrse; staminodes in female flowers as the stamens of male but those of the outer rows clavate or linear, those of the inner rows subulate and 2-glandular; ovary half inferior, enclosed in the perianth tube, glabrous; style 2-3 mm long; stigma dilated, irregularly lobed. Fruit a berry, 10-12.5 mm across, globose, black, seated on flat, thickened cup.

Flowering and fruiting: November-December
Dry deciduous forests and scrub jungles
South India and Sri Lanka


Litsea deccanensis (Lauraceae) from Goa : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Trees, more than 10 m high.
Identified by …



Is this Litsea glutinosa? : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Horsley Hills, Andhra Pradesh

Litsea deccanensis Gamble



Actinodophne sp. for id : 6 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1)- 632 kb.

Id request for attached plant.
Place: Palamalai
Altitude: 4500 ft
Month: June, 2018.
Actinodophne sp.

Pl. check at

To me looks different from comparative images of species in efi site so far at Actinodaphne
May be something else.

The image is of Litsea deccanensis Gamble

Yes, thank u


Tamil name of Litsea deccanensis : 8 posts by 4 authors.
Please help me with the name perumbandali listed at Forest Flora of Andhra Pradesh.

From the below site I got the attachment attached here.
Tamil Name as per spreadsheet: Perumpanjatti
Attachments (1)- floralchecklist.xls- 1 MB.

Thank you very much …, for the link and the name.
Please help me with the name in Tamil script.

May be:
பெரும்பஞ்சட்டி – Perumpanjatti
பெரும்பண்டலி – Perumbandali
I have converted English to Tamil.
Some people who really knows the Tamil name of the tree needs to confirm it

… transcription looks good to me although I am not sure about the second name. A Telugu name for this species is “Pedda bandali” so the name “Perum bandali” could have been derived from its Telugu version but with incomplete (not sure) translation. The words ‘pedda’ (Telugu) and ‘perum’ (Tamil) share the same meaning ‘big’.
PS: As you may be aware, the accepted name for this species is Actinodaphne quinqueflora (

Thank you very very much … for providing clarity and information.
I will go with the better candidate among two – பெரும்பஞ்சட்டி perumpanjatti, though perum bandali is the one which is listed in quite a few papers / articles. That of course gets carried by just copy-paste !!
Bharathi ji, thank you very much too for the attempt of names in native script.
Also thanks …, for the scientific name update – quite a recent update, as much as 24 Sep 2018 in Catalog of Life. Will revise my notes accordingly.



Names of Plants in India :: Litsea deccanensis Gamble : 10 posts by 4 authors. 1 image.

via Species‎ > ‎L‎ > Litsea deccanensis Gamble … family: Lauraceae
Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
LIT-see-a — Chinese litse or Ii, meaning small, littleDave’s Botanary
day-kahn-NEN-sis — of or from Deccan peninsula, India
commonly known as: Deccan tallow laurel, Ganapaty treeKonkani: चिकना chiknaMarathi: चिकणा chikana, कुरक kurakTelugu: నరమామిడి naramamidi
botanical names: Litsea deccanensis Gamble … synonyms: Litsea tomentosa Heyne ex Wall. • Tetranthera tomentosa Roxb. ex Wall. ex Wight … Flora of Pakistan
August 12, 2007 … Veermata Jijabai Bhonsale Udyan

Litsea deccanensis Gamble is now treated as synonym of Actinodaphne quinqueflora (Dennst.) M.R.Almeida & S.M.Almeida
revised accordingly …
via Species‎ > ‎A‎ > ‎
Actinodaphne quinqueflora (Dennst.) M.R.Almeida & S.M.Almeida … family: Lauraceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
ak-tin-oh-DAF-nee — Greek: aktinos (ray) and daphne, who was transformed into a Laurel to escape Apollo (legendary) … Dave’s Botanary
kwin-kway-FLOR-uh — five-flowered … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Deccan tallow laurel, Ganapaty treeKonkani: चिकना chiknaMarathi: चिकणा chikana, कुरक kurakTamil: பெரும்பஞ்சட்டி perumpanjattiTelugu: నరమామిడి naramamidi
botanical names: Actinodaphne quinqueflora (Dennst.) M.R.Almeida & S.M.Almeida … synonyms: Litsea deccanensis Gamble • Litsea tomentosa Heyne ex Wall. • Tetranthera tomentosa Roxb. ex Wall. ex Wight … more status at GBIF – the Global Biodiversity Information Facility
August 12, 2007 … Veermata Jijabai Bhonsale Udyan, Mumbai

… names update:

Malayalam: പതലി pathali, പെരുംപതലി perumpathali

I will look into the nomenclature.

Something appears to be wrong. A cursory glace shows that Actinodaphne quinqueflora (Dennst.) M.R. Almeida & S.M. Almeida is based on Darwinia quinqueflora Dennst., Schlussel Hort. Malab. 31. 1818 and the same was transferred to Litsea by Suresh as Litsea quinqueflora (Dennst.) Suresh in Interpret. Hort. Malab.158. 1988.
Now the genus Actinodaphne can be distinguished from Litsea at once by the whorled leaves (rather than alternate to opposite). The images here do not show such whorled leaves in Litsea deccanensis.  Hence I think that something is wrong in attaching this species with Actinodaphne.
An examination of the type of Darwinia quinqueflora is desirable to clarify the situation.

Yes, it could be wrong. For me, taxonomic study is huge, and beyond my understanding 🙂
… pointed to a page in GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility) – where Litsea deccanensis Gamble is listed as a synonym of Actinodaphne quinqueflora (Dennst.) M.R.Almeida & S.M.Almeida
Source data is compiled / interpreted from Catalogue of Life – the Actinodaphne quinqueflora page – very recently updated – 24 Sep 2018.
I will revise my notes according to what is concluded in this post.

Actinodaphne quinqueflora (Dennst.) M.R.Almeida & S.M.Almeida

ak-tin-oh-DAF-nee — Greek: aktinos (ray) and daphne, who was transformed into a Laurel to escape Apollo (legendary) … Dave’s Botanary
kwin-kway-FLOR-uh — five-flowered … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: Deccan tallow laurel, Ganapathy tree • Konkani: चिकना chikna, मैदालकडी maida-lakdi • Malayalam: പതലി pathali, പെരുംപതലി perumpathali • Marathi: चिकणा chikana, कुरक kurak • Tamil: பெரும்பஞ்சட்டி perumpanjatti • Telugu: నరమామిడి naramamidi

botanical namesActinodaphne quinqueflora (Dennst.) M.R.Almeida & S.M.Almeida … synonymsLitsea deccanensis Gamble • Litsea tomentosa Heyne ex Wall. • Tetranthera tomentosa Roxb. ex Wall. ex Wight … status at GBIF

Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Deccan tallow laurel
Ganapathy tree
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
चिकना chikna
  • for synonym Litsea deccanensis Gamble … Flora of Goa – site no longer available
  • also चिकणा chikana
मैदालकडी maida-lakdi
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
പതലി pathali
  • for synonym Litsea deccanensis Gamble … Many thanks to VC Balakrishnan for help with this name … facebook
പെരുംപതലി perumpathali
  • for synonym Litsea deccanensis Gamble … Many thanks to VC Balakrishnan for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
चिकणा chikana
कुरक kurak
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
பெரும்பஞ்சட்டி perumpanjatti
  • Many thanks to Bharathi Raja and Dr Vijayasankar Raman for help with this name … efloraofindia
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
నరమామిడి naramamidi
~~~~~ x ~~~~~

Names compiled / updated at dineshvalke.blogspot

I am going to work on this names’ compilation and restore it to Litsea deccanensis Gamble … though being treated as synonym of:

  1. Litsea ligustrina (Nees) Fern.-Vill. at POWO
  2. Actinodaphne quinqueflora (Dennst.) M.R.Almeida & S.M.Almeida at GBIF

Just as … pointed out, there must be something wrong.

LIT-see-a — Chinese litse or Ii, meaning small, little … Dave’s Botanary
day-kahn-NEN-sis — of or from Deccan peninsula, India

commonly known as: Deccan tallow laurel, Ganapathy tree • Kannada: ದೊಡ್ಡ ಕಣ ಲಕ್ಕಿ dodda kana lakki • Konkani: चिकना chikna, मैदालकडी maida-lakdi • Malayalam: പതലി pathali, പെരുംപതലി perumpathali • Marathi: चिकणा chikana, कुरक kurak • Tamil: பெரும்பஞ்சட்டி perumpanjatti • Telugu: నరమామిడి naramamidi

botanical namesLitsea deccanensis Gamble … synonyms: no known synonyms … WFO (2021)

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Deccan tallow laurel
Ganapathy tree
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ದೊಡ್ಡ ಕಣ ಲಕ್ಕಿ dodda kana lakki
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
चिकना chikna
मैदालकडी maida-lakdi
  • Many thanks to VC Balakrishnan for help with this name … facebook
പെരുംപതലി perumpathali
  • Many thanks to VC Balakrishnan for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
चिकणा chikana
कुरक kurak
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
பெரும்பஞ்சட்டி perumpanjatti
  • Many thanks to Bharathi Raja and Dr Vijayasankar Raman for help with this name … efloraofindia
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
నరమామిడి naramamidi
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at dineshvalke.blogspot

I am not proficient with this genus. However, it is to be clarified whether L. deccanensis is a synonym of L. ligustrina, as indicated in literature!

I was just not able to gather the status of Litsea deccanensis – whether it has any synonyms or not.
Some sites show it as a synonym of other names.
  1. Litsea ligustrina (Nees) Fern.-Vill. at POWO
  2. Actinodaphne quinqueflora (Dennst.) M.R.Almeida & S.M.Almeida at GBIF
Therefore, compiled names for the botanical name of Litsea deccanensis

This is Litsea deccanensis, it is a valid species
Litsea ligustrina is also a valid species

I think this is a tomentose plant??
If it denssely tomentose it is Litsea deccanensis otherwise it may be Litsea glutinosa

It is a planted specimen in a botanical garden (Veermata Jijabai Bhonsale Udyan, Mumbai), and is known to be Litsea deccanensis. There is no doubt in the ID. Was only concerned about synonymy.


BUT WHY :: Ganapaty tree : 18 posts by 4 authors.

Why would Litsea deccanensis Gamble be known by the trade / popular name as Ganapaty tree ? (may be also spelt as Ganapathy tree).
Whether the name is commemorative – related to some person OR could it be related to Lord Ganesha ?
This name is listed originally at Forest Flora of Andhra Pradesh.

Dear friends, there is quite a good chance that the name could be known in Andhra Pradesh / Telangana. Perhaps in timber market. But these are just my thoughts.

various google searches turn up ganesh murtie images when i asf for woods used of litsea trees for making idols.

also got this page that clearly lists it as Ganapaty tree.

its not your fancy. now what we   …. ie you have to do is find the writer of the flora and ask. or get me the name and i will.
ps i looked at several ethnobotany papers that included litsea deccanensis, but nothing tuned up. next to look would be do economic botany searches but i have to go do some family duties for next few days. we can do it later or some smart person can do it now.

bhagawan rama vanvasas and litsea show up in some searches, have not had time to read all pdf etc

I tried searching Google with words you mentioned: “woods used of litsea trees” … I did not see any idols of Ganesha in Google image results, nor did I find any mention among search results for “commercial uses of Litsea deccanensis wood”.
The link you supplied  “page that clearly lists it as Ganapaty tree”   is ditto what I have put in my first post – Forest Flora of Andhra Pradesh – that is the only site that has originally listed the name. All other sites including mine, FoI, eFI have got it from there.
I have put quite a bit of time in searching with various sets of words – but have not found any encouraging results.
I am hoping someone may help me now or any time later.

Interesting, I will inquire, but as far as I know, it has no relation with Lord Ganesh worship.

may be some one there would know. do you by any chance know  any body related to the flora of andhra padesh site

The vernacular name of Litsea deccanensis in telugu reported as Naramamidi నరమామిడి is somewhat disgusting. According to my opinion in Andhrapradesh Naramamidi is related to Polyalthia longifolia of the family Annonaceae.

When I enquired some officials of A.P.Forest department they do not have any idea that it is called as Ganapaty tree; the persons who made that website are not available now, hence they said ignore that name.

Thank you, … ignoing it for us now. but since it has been a long exercise, may be the authprities at that AP website can delete that part?

if we have to write some letters to them? i am willing, may … can too. let me know??

Thanks very very much … for all the efforts. It is okay and easy to delete the name.
I think I will let the name remain as compiled. It had got listed because it is (or in rare case, was) used somewhere as a kind of trade name – however the knowledge of where and why it is / was used, has got lost. It is a unique and interesting name. Our discussion in this post is good enough for anyone to know that there was an attempt made to dig reasoning for the name.
I am optimistic that someday someone will throw light, until then this post may go into hibernation.

I agree with you.


Small Tree from Kollimalai Hills
Taken in Kollimalai Hills of Eastern ghats in the month of February.


May be Litsea deccanensis 


Small Tree for ID, Chittoor, AP: 4 images.
Kindly identify this small tree with yellow flowers, photographed in Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh in Oct 2022.

Litsea deccanensis,

Exact place?

Litsea deccanensis

Yes, appears close to images at Litsea deccanensis

According to some sources, the accepted name of the species is Litsea ligustrina.

What is the opinion of the experts in this group?

Yes, POWO also follows the same.

recently POWO site has been revised, now many plant names got the first/earliest name as valid, hence several changes in plant names. that is why synonyms are given.




Flora of Pakistan  The Plant List (Unresolved)  Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post  Forest Flora of Andhra Pradesh  Flowers of India  India Biodiversity Portal  Encyclopaedia of World Medicinal Plants, Volume 1 By T. Pullaiah (brief description & Illustration)  Biodiversity in India, Volume 4 edited by T. Pullaiah (Description)

Updated on December 24, 2024

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