Litsea quinqueflora (Dennst.) Suresh, Interpr. Hort. Malab. 158 1988. (syn. Litsea ligustrina (Nees) J.Hk.);
. Small trees; branchlets densely tomentose. Leaves to 20 x 9 cm, obovate, obtuse at apex, acute to the base; nerves 9-11 pairs, reticulate; petiole 2.5 cm long. Peduncle 1.5-2 cm long. Umbellules 10-20 mm across; bracts orbicular, densely tomentose outside. Flowers to 25 in an umbellule, pedicels 4 mm long; perianth lobes 3-5 or absent, 2 mm long, densely hairy; stamens 25-30, filaments bearded. Flowering and fruiting: April-May
Evergreen and deciduous forests
Southern Western Ghats
Megamalai :: Tree for identification :: 271113MK001 : Attachments (6). 6 posts by 4 authors.
Please help me in identifying this medium-sized tree species found in semi-evergreen patches of Megamalai wls.
Leaf: 8-10 cm long
Place: Megamalai range, Theni, TN
Date: 03 Oct 2013
Alt.: 750 m asl Litsea sp., perhaps Yes sir, it looks like a Litsea sp. Litsea quinqueflora (= Litsea ligustrina) 324 ID wild small tree Actephila: Myrsine ?? Thanks a lot dear … for the ID suggestion. I don’t know it is Myrsine sp. or not, and no matching flowers at EFI. Very rare, only one plant growing here, It looks like some Litsea species Thank you very much dear … for the ID suggestion. 3 more plants also growing here. Flower buds only in old stems. Sharing more images, I agree with … The frames in the message belong to Litsea sp. as mentioned by … Except for the frame with fruits (three) others belong to the male plant. In frame 7421 we could see the flaps of anthers, characteristic of male flowers. In frames No. 7429 and 7440 we can see the inflorescence containing more than one flower of the male Litsea plant. Thank you very much dear … for your great observation, I am agree with you, fruiting is only on another plant, Litsea ghatica Saldanha ?? Thank you very much dear … for the ID. The flowers are very close, but the inflorescence (one has only on old stem) and pedicle are quite different, please check collage, left is mine. Any image showing the base of the fruit ( cup) ? Looks like fruit is matching ! During the next visit, I will share it, Sharing fruits images Yes, it looks different. My plant is identified as Litsea quinqueflora by Dr. Robi, a friend of …, . Litsea quinqueflora: 2 images.
. References: India Biodiversity Portal Biotik The Plant List (Unresolved) Plant illustrations |
Litsea quinqueflora
Updated on December 24, 2024