Lonicera microphylla

Lonicera microphylla Willd. ex Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg. 5: 258 1819. (syn: Caprifolium bungeanum (Ledeb.) Kuntze; Caprifolium microphyllum (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) Kuntze; Lonicera alpigena Siev.; Lonicera bungeana Ledeb.; Lonicera sieversiana Bunge; Xylosteum sieversianum Rupr.);
NE. Afghanistan to SW. Siberia and Himalaya, Taiwan: Afghanistan, Altay, China North-Central, Inner Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Qinghai, Tadzhikistan, Taiwan, Tibet, Tuva, Uzbekistan, Xinjiang as per POWO;

China (Gansu, W-Hebei, ?Henan, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shanxi, Xinjiang), Tibet, Afghanistan (Badakshan, Paktia / Khost), Pakistan (Kurram, Chitral), Pakistani Kashmir (Gilgit, Baltistan), Jammu & Kashmir (Ladakh, Zanskar, Dras), India, Mongolia, Siberia (W-Siberia), Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan as per Catalogue of Life;



ID Cotoneaster : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)

Plz validate the ID of prostrate shrub as Cotoneaster microphyllus
Khillan marg, Gulmarg (Kashmir).

Yes dear … I had photographed it in flower.

I am beginning a check on Cotoneasters posted on this site.  Unfortunately, I suspect a majority are misidentified. In this case, it is not a Cotoneaster but a Lonicera which I will endeavour to name at some point.

Will be sending available images of true Cotoneasters to Jeanette Fryer (on a CD she does not use e-mail).  She was co-author with the late Bertil Hylmo of ‘Cotoneasters‘ (2009) – the most knowledgeable person on the genus.  She is always busy with other identification tasks so will certainly take weeks perhaps months before we hear but worth the wait.
Please note her comments: “Klotz included within C.microphyllus a number of taxa from a wide area ranging from W.Himalaya, Kumaon, through to eastern Tibet and the provinces of Yunnan & Sichuan but in its strictest sense C.microphyllus has only been recorded from Nepal.  More research is desperately needed.
I hope her determinations (accurate identifications) will encourage members to take a greater interest in this neglected genus, photographing more species.   There is every possibility of locating species new to science within this genus.

It makes sense, when those with specialist knowledge are available to name material to take full advantage.  The present situation with the naming of Cotoneaters in Indian herbaria is in need of improvement.  Many specimens are very old and/or in poor condition, of a scrappy nature in the first place. “

Seems closer to Lonicera sp. (Caprifoliaceae).

Lonicera microphylla Willd. ex Roem. & Schult. ??

Yes,  Lonicera microphylla Willd. ex Roem. & Schult. is possible as per description in Flora of Pakistan and specimens in GBIF– specimen 1specimen 2 and specimen 3

A medium size tree found at Valley of Flowers : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
A medium size tree found at Valley of Flowers

Lonicera sp.

Can be Lonicera obovata….- from …- in a thread without any subject.
Am I right …?

Yes …

I also agree with … as the closest match is Lonicera obovata Royle ex Hook. f. & Thomson as per comparative images at Lonicera
But Flora of Pakistan says berries are bluish black as also seen at Lonicera obovata Royle ex Hook. f. & Thomson
Another close species available in efi site is Lonicera semenovii Regel from Ladakh, which Flora of Pakistan say as A dwarf, erect, densely branched glabrous (subglabrous) shrub. But I do not know if it is found in the Valley of Flowers.

Lonicera obovata (berries bluish black) and L. microphylla (berries red) are very closely related species of Alpine Himalayas, both have similar leaves.
On that count it should be L. microphylla.





References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  IPNI  GBIF– specimen 1  specimen 2  specimen 3 (High resolution specimens) Flora of China  FOC illustration  Flora of Pakistan  FOP illustration   Wikimedia Commons  Dave’s Garden  botanicgardens

Updated on December 23, 2024

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