Ludwigia palustris (L.) Elliott, Sketch Bot. S. Carolina 1: 211 1817. (syn: Dantia palustris (L.) Des Moul.; Isnardia ascendens Hall ex Eaton & Wright; Isnardia nitida Poir.; Isnardia palustris L.; Isnardia palustris var. americana DC.; Jussiaea isnardia E. H. L. Krause; Ludwigia palustris var. americana (DC.) Fernald & Grisc.; Ludwigia palustris var. nana Fernald & Griscom; Ludwigia palustris var. pacifica Fernald & Griscom; Quadricosta palustris (L.) Dulac) ?;
Photo 2 : 4 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1) – 6 MB. Sorry for mailing without any photos. Here is the one.
When and where?
I think taken somewhere in Europe. and an aquatic plant.
Probably Ludwigia palustris Thanks, …
It is from Warsaw zoo’s aquarium.
Ludwigia palustris (Europe)?
Updated on December 24, 2024